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Stephen King, Amy Tan Sign Writers' Petition Against Trump

Hundreds of writers "oppose, unequivocally, the candidacy of Donald J. Trump"

(Newser) - Ben Carson and Chris Christie are apparently Donald Trump fans (and Paul Ryan's still not sure ), but count Stephen King, Amy Tan, and Junot Diaz among those who definitely fall into the "Dump Trump" camp. They're among the hundreds of writers who've signed an...

MADD Petition: Send 'Affluenza' Kid to Adult Court

Ethan Couch's case is currently still in juvenile court

(Newser) - Mad that "affluenza teen" Ethan Couch avoided jail time after killing four people in a drunk driving crash, and now faces a grand total of just 120 days in jail even after allegedly violating his probation and then fleeing the country? So is MADD. Mothers Against Drunk Driving has...

Donald Trump Ban to Be Debated by UK Parliament

Is Trump 'non-conducive to the public good?'

(Newser) - Mark your calendars: On Jan. 18, the UK will officially decide whether it—as a country—is a loser. That's when Parliament is officially scheduled to debate an immensely popular petition calling for Donald Trump to be banned from entering the country, Time reports. According to the BBC , the...

236K Sign Petition to Keep Trump Out of UK

Scot who created the call for the ban has taken on Trump before

(Newser) - First it was a couple of US mayors , now it's the entire United Kingdom: Scottish activist Suzanne Kelly created a request on the British government's petitions website demanding that Donald Trump be denied entry to the UK, CNN reports, and the document has already received more than 236,...

Simpsons Joke Inspires Man's Drive to Rename Aussie Money

'Millions of people around the world' will want some of this funny money: petitioner

(Newser) - Malcolm Turnbull has been Australia's prime minister for just over a month, but he's already got a tall order before him. "If the leaders of this great nation have any common sense at all, they will introduce legislation to parliament to change the name of our currency...

Petition: Give Shooting Hero Highest Honor

Thousands want to see Chris Mintz get Medal of Freedom

(Newser) - Thousands of Americans say the hero of the Oregon school shooting should be awarded the highest possible honor for a civilian: the Presidential Medal of Freedom. A petition on the White House's We the People site describes Chris Mintz as one who "continues to display the values of...

White House Must Respond to Lion-Killer Petition

Meanwhile, US Fish & Wildlife Service can't find Walter Palmer

(Newser) - A petition clamoring for the extradition of lion-killer Walter Palmer to Zimbabwe has passed the all-important threshold of 100,000 signatures. What the upward of 150,000 people to have signed it want: "We urge the Secretary Of State John Kerry and the Attorney General Loretta Lynch...

160K Tell Reddit CEO Ellen Pao to 'Step Down'

Petition says Pao will 'run Reddit into the ground' if she's not ousted

(Newser) - Reddit—the site Gizmodo cheekily calls the Internet's "Fort Knox of cat GIFs"—has been in turmoil since the company on Thursday fired Victoria Taylor, the talent director who ran the most high-profile "Ask Me Anything" interviews, per the New York Times . Now a

Petition to NBC to Dump Trump Racks Up 215K Names
 NBC Dumps Donald Trump 

NBC Dumps Donald Trump

'Respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values'

(Newser) - Donald Trump apparently doesn't have NBC's vote. This, from the company today: "At NBC, respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values. Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump." The...

French Students Protest 'Impossible' English Test

Some 12K students not 'coping' well, have signed a petition

(Newser) - When teens in France recently sat down to take an English language test, they were asked a pair of questions about Ian McEwan's novel Atonement: "What are three of his concerns about the situation?" and "How is Turner coping with the situation?" That latter question was apparently...

Facebook's 'Fat' Emoji Sparks Angry Movement

Petitions seek to have status-update option removed

(Newser) - Think emoji are innocuous little icons? Then check out the movement spawned by Facebook's "feeling fat" emoji—a smiling face with a double chin that was, at least until recently, on the site's list of available status-update options, ABC News reports. The group Endangered Bodies has launched...

Village Wants HIV-Positive 8-Year-Old Kicked Out

Even boy's own grandfather hopes he's banished from Chinese village of Xichong

(Newser) - The stigma of having HIV is alive and well in a small Chinese village: Its residents want to banish 8-year-old "Kun Kun" (a fake name being used to protect his identity) for his illness, UPI reports. At least 200 Xichong locals, including the boy's own grandfather, signed a...

Florida Woman 'Isis' Would Like Everyone to Use 'ISIL'

'Every word after my name is incredibly negative'

(Newser) - It used to be that Isis was an Egyptian goddess of the sky, and people would name their daughters for her. These days we have ISIS, and all the atrocities and violence that name now calls to mind. Enter Isis Martinez, 38, who is sick of the pall the latter...

Over 550K Sign Petition to Help 'Lonely Bear'

Arturo seems to be going crazy in Argentinian zoo

(Newser) - Arturo might feel better if he knew how many people want to help him. The polar bear, who seems miserable in an Argentinian zoo, could end up relocated to a zoo in Canada if social-media activists get their way, NPR reports. A campaign has over 550,000 votes...

Coca-Cola Yanks Controversial Ingredient

Company phases out brominated vegetable oil in Powerade

(Newser) - Looks like a teenager's online petition has induced Coca-Cola to remove an ingredient from Powerade. The Mississippi teen, Sarah Kavanagh, led the charge with two petitions against brominated vegetable oil—one targeting Powerade , the other Gatorade —that gathered nearly 260,000 supporters in all, the AP...

Hot New Petition: Give Alaska Back to Russia

21K have signed in 4 days

(Newser) - Managing to get kicked out of the G8 apparently isn't all that worrisome for at least 21,408 Americans. An anonymous Anchorage resident launched a petition on the White House's "We the People" site Friday titled " Alaska back to Russia ," and that's how many...

Students to BU: Cancel Robin Thicke Show

'Blurred Lines' celebrates sexual violence, group says

(Newser) - Robin Thicke may have had the " song of the summer ," but at least a few Boston University students (and nearly 2,000 people who've signed their petition ) think his "Blurred Lines" is also sexist —and they don't want him performing on campus. Thicke...

100K Petition Obama to Deport Bieber

And just 2K petitioners want him to stay in US

(Newser) - The latest wacky "We the People" petition is one you might actually want to sign: So far more than 101,000 people are asking President Obama to deport Canadian Justin Bieber and revoke his green card. Why? Because Biebs is "wrongly represent[ing]" Americans "in the world of...

Some Kraft Mac and Cheese to Get Less Artificial

Brand cutting artificial dyes from 3 of its kid-friendly pastas

(Newser) - Kraft mac and cheese is about to get a little less artificial—in cases where the "mac" part is made in a kid-friendly shape. The company will remove artificial dyes from its SpongeBob Squarepants, Halloween, and winter shapes varieties; the "original flavor" version will see no such change,...

Vegans to Starbucks: Give Us Our Pumpkin Spice

Petition calls for animal-free latte option

(Newser) - A Michigan vegan and Starbucks lover is facing what the Los Angeles Times calls a "first world food problem": It's getting to be autumn, and Pumpkin Spice Lattes are in the air—but they don't come in animal-product-free form. Now, Brent Caldwell—and more than 3,000...

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