
Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

US Warns of Bali Terror Attack Tonight

Authorities warn Western tourists to stay alert

(Newser) - Terrorists may be planning a New Year's Eve attack on the Indonesian island of Bali, Indonesian and US Embassy officials warned today. In an Embassy email to US citizens, the island's governor said, "There is an indication of an attack to Bali tonight." Tourism authorities in the popular...

Lawyers for Yemeni Detainees at Gitmo Doubt Release
 Lawyers for Yemeni 
 Detainees at Gitmo 
 Doubt Release 

Lawyers for Yemeni Detainees at Gitmo Doubt Release

Recent terror activity, GOP outrage may complicate closure

(Newser) - Strong talk from GOP leaders and former Bush officials, and the emergence of al-Qaeda links in Yemen have lawyers for Yemeni detainees at Gitmo pessimistic about releases that seemed certain just recently. “I feel like my two clients who left in mid-December have gotten the last train out,”...

Cheney: Obama 'Won't Admit We're at War'
 Cheney: Obama 'Won't 
 Admit We're at War' 

Cheney: Obama 'Won't Admit We're at War'

President is too soft on terrorism, says former VP

(Newser) - Dick Cheney is steamed at what he perceives as President Obama’s downplaying of the Christmas air terrorism attempt. The US is “at war and when President Obama pretends we aren’t, it makes us less safe,” he tells Politico , becoming the latest Republican to take up the...

Somali Caught in Nov. With Detroit-Type Bomb

US officials are now aware of incident and probing connections

(Newser) - A man tried to board a commercial airliner in Mogadishu last month carrying powdered chemicals, liquid, and a syringe that could have caused an explosion in a case bearing chilling similarities to the Christmas terrorist plot, officials say. The Somali man was arrested by African Union peacekeeping troops before the...

US OKs Dutch Use of Full Body Scanners

US flights will be scanned with new, modest version within 3 weeks

(Newser) - The Netherlands will immediately begin using full body scanners for flights heading to the US, according to an announcement that comes with a report today on the failed Christmas airline bombing. The US opposed their use previously because of privacy concerns, but the Dutch interior minister says that the Obama...

This Isn't '2001 All Over Again'
 This Isn't '2001 All Over Again' 

This Isn't '2001 All Over Again'

Ignore the alarmists and recall how safe the last 8 years have been

(Newser) - No matter how fear-mongers spin it, Friday’s terror attempt on Northwest Flight 253 “was not 2001 all over again,” Walter Shapiro writes. GOP Rep. Pete King and others can wax "apocalyptic" about what “would have been remembered forevermore as the Christmas Day massacre,” but...

Tightening Air Security Will Take a Toll

Most options come with costs Congress, or fliers, find unpalatable

(Newser) - The White House is talking tough about airline security after Friday's failed bombing, but many options for tightening up the system are either politically untenable, repugnant to travelers, or both. Josh Gerstein takes a look at a few possibilities, and their likelihood of becoming reality, in Politico .
  • Expand the no-fly

Faster Full-Body Scans Coming to Airports

New machines could replace metal detectors

(Newser) - In the wake of last week's attempted attack on a Detroit-bound flight, security companies say they're working on new body-scanning machines that search out threats like plastic explosives in an instant and could replace airport metal detectors. Similar scanners are used today at 19 US airports, but they take a...

System to Protect Air Travelers Is Broken
 System to Protect 
 Air Travelers Is Broken 

System to Protect Air Travelers Is Broken

Latest attempt reveals fundamental flaws, Eugene Robinson writes

(Newser) - The attempted Christmas Day airliner attack reveals deep flaws in the security systems meant to prevent such incidents, Eugene Robinson writes in the Washington Post . We're "under the impression that removing our shoes at the airport and limiting ourselves to those tiny, trial-size containers of toothpaste…are enough,"...

Obama Orders Security Team to Play Offense

'The US will do more than simply strengthen our defenses'

(Newser) - Breaking his public silence on the issue, President Obama said today the US "will not rest until we find all who were involved" in the attempted bombing of a Northwest Airlines plane. He has ordered a comprehensive review of the terrorism watch-list system. "The American people should be...

Napolitano Backtracks, Says System Failed

Homeland Security chief changes stance; visa oversight probed

(Newser) - Facing a storm of criticism for saying "the system worked" in the attempted bombing of Northwest Airlines Flight 253, Janet Napolitano reversed course today. "Our system did not work in this instance," the Homeland Security secretary said. She added, "No one is happy or satisfied with...

Pakistan Now Owns War on Terror: Zardari

Blames corruption charges on political enemies

(Newser) - On the anniversary of Benazir Bhutto’s assassination, it is necessary to reflect on “how her legacy must be preserved against those who would return Pakistan to darkness,” writes the husband of the former prime minister, President Asif Ali Zardari. Zardari claims victory over militants in Swat, and...

Yemen Is Newest Front in US Battle With al-Qaeda

Pentagon has quietly expanded anti-terror efforts over past year

(Newser) - The Christmas Day attempt to blow up a Northwest Airlines flight by suspect who claims to have been trained and armed in Yemen highlights that country's emerging role as a major battleground in the fight against Islamic extremism. The US has quietly opened up a covert offensive against a potent...

Terrorism Warnings Often Go Unpursued

Detroit bomber alert not specific enough to rise out of 'noise'

(Newser) - However ill-advised it looks in hindsight, the decision of counterterrorism officials last month not to pursue a warning from the Nigerian would-be bomber's father was standard procedure for agencies flooded with unsubstantiated terrorism tips. It takes a specific threat, or an existing body of knowledge about an individual, for information...

Incident on Northwest Flight 'Nonserious': Feds

Detroit-bound Nigerian passenger not believed to be a threat: feds

(Newser) - After two security alerts in 3 days on the same Northwest flight from Amsterdam to Detroit, officials now say today's incident was "nonserious." The behavior of a passenger who spent an hour in the bathroom alarmed the crew, but he does not appear to be dangerous, reports CNN...

'Disruptive' Amsterdam-to- Detroit Passenger Arrested

Cops meet Northwest flight; route is the same as in Christmas incident

(Newser) - Police met a Northwest flight from Amsterdam to Detroit today after the crew reported a "verbally disruptive" passenger, CNN reports. The flight was on the same route that saw a Nigerian passenger set himself on fire in an attempted terrorist attack Friday. The unruly passenger on today's flight, who...

'Attempted Act of Terrorism' Triggers Higher Alert Level

White House: In-flight incident was 'attempted act of terrorism'

(Newser) - The US government has raised the terror alert level for airline flights to orange, the second-highest designation, after today’s incident involving a passenger on a Detroit-bound jet that the White House says was "an attempted act of terrorism." Earlier, a 23-year-old Nigerian claiming ties to al-Qaeda tried...

Tora Bora Among 'Greatest Military Blunders'

 Tora Bora Among 
 'Greatest Military 
How bin laden escaped

Tora Bora Among 'Greatest Military Blunders'

US had him pinned but held back on troops

(Newser) - Peter Berg has assembled what he calls the “definitive account” of "one of the greatest military blunders in recent US history"—the failure to capture or kill Osama bin Laden in 2001 at Tora Bora in Afghanistan. The operation started out well enough, he writes in the...

Obama Overstates Domestic Al-Qaeda Threat: Experts

President, Clinton cite US arrests, but link to Pakistan appears weak

(Newser) - The White House has been overstating the link between recent domestic terrorism arrests and al-Qaeda activities in Pakistan and Afghanistan, security experts say. In justifying the Afghanistan troop buildup, President Obama cited recent arrests within the US; Hillary Clinton cited some of the same incidents a few days later. But...

Obama Mulls Sending Drones Farther Into Pakistan

Strikes in city of Quetta would risk more civilian casualties

(Newser) - The Obama administration is considering using Predator drones for the first time to strike beyond the tribal area inside Pakistan. While many are uncomfortable with the idea of unmanned aircraft firing missiles into the city of Quetta—a Taliban hotbed of 850,000 people—in a US-allied nation, some American...

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>