
Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>

'Captain Obvious' Deduces Terror's Alive, Well

National security crises are not the time to play it cool, Obama

(Newser) - "No Drama Obama" reacted to the attempted Christmas bombing with characteristic cool—he "reviewed the reviews, analyzed the intelligence every which way," then he "came down from the mountaintop" to declare what we already know, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . "We are...

Helen Thomas Only One to Ask Real Question

What motivates terrorists? Brennan dodges and patronizes

(Newser) - It's a simple question, really: What motivates terrorists to keep coming after the US? It deserves an honest answer, writes Glenn Greenwald. But when Helen Thomas pressed security chief John Brennan on it yesterday, he resorted to the "cartoon idiocy" that al-Qaeda members are simply evil murderers. She kept...

Abdulmutallab Pleads Not Guilty

Detroit terror suspect makes first court appearance

(Newser) - Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab entered a not guilty plea today to charges of attempting to blow up an airplane en route from Copenhagen to Detroit. Appearing for the first time before a federal court, the 23-year-old Nigerian was polite in his brief exchanges with the judge, who entered the plea. The...

Giuliani Forgets When 9/11 Happened
 Giuliani Forgets 
 When 9/11 Happened 

Giuliani Forgets When 9/11 Happened

'We had no domestic attacks under Bush,' Giuliani says. Except...

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has some advice about terrorism for President Obama: Follow George W. Bush's example, because “we had no domestic attacks under Bush.” Dubbing American's Mayor "Mr. 9/11," Talking Points Memo points out that Sept. 11, 2001 was well into Bush’s tenure. As was shoe...

Forget Underwear, Fear the Butt Bomb

Explosives hidden in the rectum could prove undetectable

(Newser) - The Detroit Christmas bombing may have failed, but like the shoe-bombing attempt, it could have lasting implications for travelers, this time in the form of pat-downs that "are a little more, shall we say, intimate," writes Michael Crowley. How else, after all, to detect an unobtrusive amount of...

Man Pledging to Kill Jews Yanked From Miami Flight

He's not a terrorist, just bipolar, says son

(Newser) - An Ohio man who loudly claimed he wanted "to kill all the Jews” on a Delta flight readying to take off from Miami was removed from the airplane yesterday. Mansor Mohammad Asad, 43, who was traveling with his sister, girlfriend, and daughter, is an American citizen, though after a...

More Surveillance = More Terrorism
 More Surveillance 
 = More Terrorism 

More Surveillance = More Terrorism

We had info on Ft. Hood, Abdulmutallab, but it got lost in the mix

(Newser) - The expansion of government surveillance powers, often enabled by public unease following a terror attack or scare, actually makes those events more likely, Glenn Greenwald writes. The main problem is that intelligence agencies get clogged with useless information. In the cases of Ft. Hood and the Christmas attempt, our intelligence...

Man Arrested for Unwittingly Flying With Explosives
Man Arrested for Unwittingly Flying With Explosives
duped by his country

Man Arrested for Unwittingly Flying With Explosives

Slovakian passenger a victim of blundered security exercise

(Newser) - Irish police released a Slovakian electrician last night, after his country convinced them that he really had been unaware that he was carrying 3 oz of plastic explosives in his luggage. The unnamed man was the victim of a weird security exercise gone wrong, the Times explains. Slovakian authorities recently...

Cuba Doesn't Belong on New Screening List
Cuba Doesn't Belong on New Screening List

Cuba Doesn't Belong on New Screening List

Al-Qaeda in Havana? This is just a 'big waste of time'

(Newser) - The terrorist threat from Cuba “can be measured at precisely zero,” Eugene Robinson writes, so why did it make the list of nations whose residents will get extra screening at airports? The answer is simple, and ridiculous: The US persists in considering Cuba a “state sponsor of...

Subplots to Watch at Obama's Terror Meeting

How tough will the president be on himself and his staff?

(Newser) - President Obama meets with his security chiefs today to dissect the failed Christmas terror plot—and deflect criticism over his initial, tepid response. Politico breaks down the burning questions:
  • Do heads roll? Janet Napolitano and Michael Leiter have both been mentioned as possible sacrifices, but insiders increasingly doubt that Obama’

US Denies Brits Warned About Detroit Bomber

Downing Street made a mistake, White House says

(Newser) - The UK government made "a mistake" when it claimed that British intelligence about the Detroit bombing suspect was passed on to US authorities in 2008, says a White House source. Gordon Brown's office also seemed to be backpedaling from yesterday's claim that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was included on a...

Corrupt Yemen Regime Is a Family Affair

Saleh's government, 'practically caged in the capital,' has little control

(Newser) - The Obama administration is stepping up its aid to Yemen, seeing it as a vital front in the war on al-Qaeda, but that aid is going to a corrupt president more concerned with looking out for his family interests than fighting terror. Ali Abdullah Saleh has loaded his government and...

No-Fly List Expands as Obama Beefs Up Security

Prez will detail improvements to watch-list system today

(Newser) - In the midst of beefing up airport security after the Detroit terror attempt, the US is expanding passenger surveillance lists, adding "probably dozens" of names to the no-fly and watch lists, the White House tells the BBC . The new names have been moved to the lists from TIDE, the...

UK Gave US Detroit Suspect Intel: Gordon Brown

Abdulmutallab tried to contact extremists

(Newser) - Gordon Brown is denying allegations the UK failed to share intelligence on Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab with the US. The suspected Detroit plane bomber was included in a dossier of individuals who had made contact with extremists, and that dossier was shared with American intelligence authorities, the UK PM's spokesman said...

Obama Returns to DC, Packing Epic To-Do List

Terrorism trumped health care over vacation, and there's more

(Newser) - President Obama is back at the White House after an 11-day vacation in Hawaii, and he has his work cut out for him. USA Today runs down the most pressing issues awaiting the president in 2010.
  • Terrorism: The attempted bombing of Flight 253 returned security to the top of the

All Flyers From 14 Nations to Be Patted Down
All Flyers From 14 Nations
to Be Patted Down

All Flyers From 14 Nations to Be Patted Down

Tough new air security crackdown begins today

(Newser) - In the toughest new airline security rules in history, all US-bound passengers from 14 nations considered state sponsors of terrorism or "countries of interest" will be patted down, and their carry-on baggage will be searched. The new rules will apply beginning today to travelers from Afghanistan, Algeria, Cuba, Iran,...

CIA's Key Shadow Ally: Jordan
 CIA's Key Shadow Ally: Jordan 

CIA's Key Shadow Ally: Jordan

Afghan bombing spotlights Amman's pivotal counterterrorism role

(Newser) - The death of a Jordanian intelligence operative alongside seven CIA agents in last week's bombing of a CIA facility in Afghanistan offered an unusually visible sign of Jordan's emerging role as a low-profile but crucial US counterterrorism ally. Since 9/11, the Middle Eastern nation's role in the fight against Islamic...

Americans Deny Terror Charges in Pakistan

Court gives prosecutors two weeks to prepare case

(Newser) - Five Americans detained in Pakistan denied today that they planned to carry out terrorist attacks, as a court granted police two weeks to prepare terrorism charges against them, their defense lawyer said. The men, all Muslims aged 19 to 25 from the Washington, DC, area, were arrested in early December...

Suspect May Have Used Yemen School as Ruse

He got visa to improve his Arabic but was already fluent

(Newser) - The director of the Arabic school that arranged for alleged Christmas bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to enter Yemen legally has a creeping suspicion that the Nigerian attended only so that he could liaise with al-Qaeda in the country. By the time Abdulmutallab arrived in August, with the stated goal of...

Obama Gets First Report on Detroit Terror Attempt

Prez gets answers to how Abdulmutallab boarded plane

(Newser) - As a first step in his effort to overhaul intelligence practices, President Obama will today receive a preliminary report on how exactly the Detroit bombing suspect managed to board a US-bound plane, along with recommendations on how to prevent a sequel. The reams of intelligence data that were combed through...

Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>