Sarah Palin

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Festive Brits Blow Up Palin Effigy
Festive Brits Blow Up
Palin Effigy

Festive Brits Blow Up Palin Effigy

400-year-old tradition 'roasts' politicians

(Newser) - It was all in good fun, insisted a group of Brits yesterday after they exploded an effigy of Sarah Palin, which was packed with firecrackers. The spectacular send-off was the climax of an annual bonfire celebration in the southern town of Battle, which traditionally blows up an effigy of someone...

Comic Duo Punks Palin by Phone
Comic Duo Punks Palin
by Phone

Comic Duo Punks Palin by Phone

She gushes as they imitate Sarkozy, call Bruni 'hot in bed'

(Newser) - Two Canadian comics fooled Sarah Palin by calling her up and imitating Nicolas Sarkozy, the Canadian Press reports. During the 6-minute chat, Palin gushed about her respect for the French president, and listened as wife Carla Bruni was described as "hot in bed." Finally, comedian Marc-Antoine Audette...

Palin: Media Threatening My First Amendment Rights

Because it won't let me attack Obama without criticizing me

(Newser) - Sarah Palin seems to think the Constitution is supposed to protect her from criticism. On a conservative radio show, Palin said the media is unfairly attacking her for her shots at Obama on Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, and that if the media “convinces enough voters that that is...

Campaigns Call in Big Guns for Final Fireworks Shows

Obama gets Clintons, Gore; McCain counters with Schwarzenegger, Giuliani

(Newser) - In the final days of the presidential campaign, the candidates are ramping up their schedules and bringing in their parties’ big names to motivate voters, the New York Times reports. John McCain, in addition to sending running mate Sarah Palin on a grueling two-day sprint across the country, has enlisted...

Friend Markets Palin Calendar
 Friend Markets Palin Calendar 

Friend Markets Palin Calendar

Photo who was deputy to Wasilla mayor delves into album to tap zeitgeist

(Newser) - A friend of Sarah Palin’s is cashing in on the mania for the candidate with a calendar, the Los Angeles Times reports. Photographer Judy Patrick, who was also Palin’s deputy mayor in Wasilla, Alaska, snapped Palin playing hockey and holding a shotgun. She gave some photos to the...

McCain Ally Blasts Palin's Readiness

'I devoutly hope' she's never tested, ex-State chief Eagleburger says

(Newser) - Lawrence Eagleburger, one of five former secretaries of state whose endorsement John McCain often touts, sharply criticized Sarah Palin yesterday, saying she is not ready to handle the presidency if needed and would at best be an “adequate” commander in chief, the Huffington Post reports. Asked if Palin would...

Palin Slims Down on Trail
 Palin Slims Down on Trail 

Palin Slims Down on Trail

Drops to size 4 with Lean1 shakes since joining campaign

(Newser) - This may explain the new clothing bill. Since joining the GOP ticket, Sarah Palin has gone down a size in clothing, to a 4, the Daily News reports. Alaska's all-American governor has been guzzling Lean1 shakes on the campaign trail. That's the drink most notably pimped by former NFL Pro-Bowler...

Off the Radar, 'Joe the Biden' Courts the Base

Gaffe-prone senator manages to stay (mostly) out of trouble

(Newser) - While the rest of the big three draw huge crowds and intense scrutiny, Joe Biden is out of the spotlight, rallying four-digit rather than five-digit crowds and generally dodging the national media. With higher favorability ratings than Sarah Palin but a well-documented propensity for gaffes, he shores up the base...

NYT Poll Finds Growing Doubts About Palin

(Newser) - John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin continues to hurt his chances of winning Tuesday's election, a poll from the New York Times and CBS shows. In the survey, 59% of voters said Palin is not qualified to be vice president, up 9 points in a month. About a third of...

Palin Coverage Negative by 18-1: Study

Conservative watchdog group cites "undeniable pattern of bias"

(Newser) - A study from a right-wing media watchdog says coverage of Sarah Palin on the big three TV networks has been overwhelmingly negative, Politico reports. NBC, CBS, and ABC broadcast 69 stories on Palin between September 29 and October 12, of which the Culture and Media Institute considered 37 negative, 30...

Economist : Obama Is Worth the Risk
 Economist: Obama 
 Is Worth the Risk 


Economist: Obama Is Worth the Risk

McCain was a great senator but a poor candidate

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain are both great contenders, the Economist writes, but “the Democratic candidate has clearly shown that he offers the better chance of restoring America’s self-confidence.” Given Obama’s inexperience and decidedly left-wing outlook, “voting for him is a risk. Yet it is...

Mock Her at Your Peril: Palin Speaks Real American

Accent 'dissed' by elites is same tune favored by humble, common-sense majority

(Newser) - The discomfort Sarah Palin causes in liberals, and even many conservatives, stems from a fundamental disconnect between the educated elite and real America, Michael Novak writes in the National Review. Solid, humble citizens hear a familiar ring to Palin’s oft-mocked accent: “The same guts. The same common sense....

Jews Favor Obama, Survey Says, But ...

... by a thinner margin than they supported fellow Dem Kerry in '04

(Newser) - Barack Obama has a big lead among Jewish voters, according to a survey by the American Jewish Committee. But his 57% support, to 30% for John McCain and 13% undecided, is “a bit lower than one would expect,” a group exec tells VOA News. At this time in...

Two Distinct Americas Emerge on Campaign Trail

Party faithful split on politics but united in distrust

(Newser) - Vastly different crowds appear at the rallies of the candidates who started their campaigns calling for bipartisan unity, a roving New York Times reporter finds. Republican rallygoers shout to a country-pop soundtrack; the Democratic faithful dance to folk and Motown. Flag pins, pompoms, and patriotic songs define GOP gatherings, while...

Palin Plans to Stick Around if GOP Loses

'I'm not doing this for naught,' says candidate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin thinks the American people will pick the GOP ticket on Tuesday but she's not planning to disappear from the national stage, win or lose. "I'm not doing this for naught," the candidate told an ABC interviewer. She vowed she wouldn't "give up and wave a...

Conservatives Plan Future With Palin

Conservatives meet to make plans

(Newser) - A “who’s who of conservative leaders” will meet in Virginia next Wednesday to plot their movement’s future, and the top item on their agenda will be Sarah Palin. Win or lose, many see Palin as the new face of the Republican party, the New York Times reports....

GOP Ticket Agrees: Stevens Must Go

Alaska governor stopped short on state's senior senator, now toes nominee's line

(Newser) - John McCain and Sarah Palin delivered Ted Stevens a synchronized shooing toward the Senate door today, Politico reports. McCain said  the 84-year-old Republican senator, convicted yesterday of corruption, “should now step down,” while Palin—who stopped short last night of urging her fellow Alaskan to resign—said today...

Mac Aides: Palin 'Going Rogue'
 Mac Aides: Palin 'Going Rogue' 

Mac Aides: Palin 'Going Rogue'

Irked campaign insiders see Palin ditching Mac for 2012 positioning

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is acting like she's more concerned with Palin 2012 than McCain 2008, disgruntled McCain staffers tell CNN. They say the candidate is increasingly going off-message, including at a recent Florida rally where she addressed the $150,000 wardrobe controversy by declaring that the clothes "are not my...

Palin Effigy Sparks Uproar
 Palin Effigy Sparks Uproar 

Palin Effigy Sparks Uproar

Complaints over Halloween display

(Newser) - An effigy of Sarah Palin hanging from a noose outside a West Hollywood house has triggered a community furor, reports the Los Angeles Times. The effigy is part of a grim Halloween display which also shows a John McCain mannequin surrounded by flames and skeletons. Complaints calling the display a...

GOP Plays What-If Game With Lieberman, Romney, Ridge

Picking Palin locked in base, but others might've drawn voters McCain really needs

(Newser) - Given the damage Sarah Palin has done to John McCain’s chances, Steve Kornacki, in the New York Observer, joins Republicans in wondering about the also-rans. Tom Ridge, Joe Lieberman, and Mitt Romney were unpalatable, either personally to the candidate or politically to the party. The first two would have...

Stories 1221 - 1240 | << Prev   Next >>