Sarah Palin

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Fox News Prez Orders Staff: Tone It Down

But he says claims that political attacks triggered shootings is 'bull----'

(Newser) - Fox News President Roger Ailes has warned his staff to tone down right-wing rhetoric as America debates whether political vitriol played a role in the violent attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. "I told all of our guys, 'Shut up, tone it down, make your argument intellectually. You don’t...

Palin's 2012 Odds Plummet After Arizona Shooting

Debate doing serious harm to Alaskan's image

(Newser) - After the weekend shooting in Arizona, fewer people are betting on Sarah Palin 2012. The odds of the Alaskan becoming the Republican nominee plunged on betting site InTrade soon after the shooting, the Huffington Post reports. Analysts say that while no direct link has been made between the shooter and...

'Crosshairs' on Giffords District Not Gun Sights: Palin Aide

She calls them 'surveyor' marks, though Palin urged backers to 'reload'

(Newser) - The "crosshairs" on a Sarah Palin map of the district represented by shot Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords are not gun sights, according to an aide. The "Take Back the 20" campaign launched by Palin's PAC and posted on her Facebook page (taken down since the shooting) presented crosshairs...

What the Arizona Shootings Mean
What the Arizona
Shootings Mean
analysis roundup

What the Arizona Shootings Mean

Maybe no more access to reps—and hopefully, no more violent rhetoric

(Newser) - As Gabrielle Giffords fights for her life, questions arise: How will this affect other US representatives, who typically interact with the public much more than other political figures? And who—or what—is to blame? Some viewpoints:
  • “Congress and its members are about to be permanently quarantined, physically isolated,

Palin Offers Condolences After Arizona Shooting

McCain says Gabrielle Giffords' shooter is disgrace to the human race

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, who's been taking flak because of a SarahPac map that put Gabrielle Giffords' district in its crosshairs (literally), issued a quick Facebook statement today offering "sincere condolences" to Giffords' family after the Arizona shooting . "On behalf of Todd and my family, we all pray for the...

Ann Coulter: MSNBC Host Is 'Retarded'

Dilemma for Sarah Palin?

(Newser) - Is it time for "mama grizzly" Sarah Palin to maul yet another user of her hated R-bomb? This time it was conservative pundit Ann Coulter in a tweet: "Great video: head of GOProud interviewed by retarded person on MSNBC." That "retarded person" is MSNBC host Cenk...

Palin Passes on Tweet About 'Homos'
Palin Retweets
Line About 'Homos'

Palin Retweets Line About 'Homos'

Is this her way of taking a position on DADT?

(Newser) - Did Sarah Palin just jump into the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" fray? The TLC star retweeted a conservative lesbian blogger's tweet about "homos" last night—and it's a line that backs dropping the policy and allowing gays to serve openly in the military. While commenting on DADT, Tammy...

As Quest for Palin's Emails Hits Day 834, More Delays

15th delay request could push waiting time to 986 days; she was in office 966

(Newser) - and a handful of other news organizations have been waiting patiently—very, very, very patiently—for the 25,000 emails Sarah and Todd Palin sent to each other and to 51 key state employees while she was governor of Alaska. And her former staff wants them to wait...

GOP Voters Sour on Palin, Warm Up to Huckabee

Poll also shows that President Obama has no worries on the left

(Newser) - A new CNN poll shows President Obama and Sarah Palin trending in opposite directions ahead of 2012, and Mike Huckabee sitting pretty:
  • The percentage of GOP voters who'd support a Palin run for the nomination dropped to 49, down 18 points from two years ago.
  • Two-thirds say they'd back Huckabee,

Sarah Palin: 'Refudiate' Was Just Sloppy Typing

Former governor attempts to explain famous gaffe

(Newser) - Sarah Palin used her TLC soapbox last night to repudiate, er, refute, er, whatever, that whole refudiate ruckus, explaining that it was a mere typo. "I pressed an F instead of a P and people freaked out," Palin said. "Make lemonade out of lemons." Critics, however,...

Obama, Bush Most Admired Men in America: Gallup

Hillary Clinton still tops woman, followed by Sarah Palin

(Newser) - His approval ratings may have cratered over the past two years, but Barack Obama is still the most admired man in America, according to Gallup’s annual poll . Obama took 22% of the vote, cruising past the competition. Who came in second? The Decider himself, George W. Bush, who narrowly...

Palin No Intellectual Match for Obama: Juan Williams

Conservatives react to Fox correspondent's analysis

(Newser) - Conservatives rushed to Juan Williams’ aid when NPR fired him—but now, he’s taking heat from the right for saying Sarah Palin “can’t stand on an intellectual stage with Obama.” On Fox News Sunday, the onetime NPR commentator said the field of Republican candidates was “...

The Top Moments in 2010 Politics
The Top Moments
in 2010 Politics

The Top Moments in 2010 Politics

The Tea Party really made things interesting this year

(Newser) - From a January special election right up to the unexpectedly-productive lame duck Congress that just finished, 2010 was an incredible year in politics. Here's the rundown of Politico's top moments:
  • Jan. 9, Scott Brown surges—The Republican took the lead in polls, sending uneasy Democrats into full-fledged panic mode. Just

Assange: Palin, Huckabee 'Inciting People to Murder' Me

When was due process tossed out, he asks in interview

(Newser) - Furious WikiLeaker Julian Assange yesterday slammed critics like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin for "inciting people to murder" him. "If we are to have a civil society you cannot have senior people making calls on national TV to go around the judiciary and murder people. That is incitement...

Why Palin Is Smart to Read CS Lewis
Why Palin Is Smart
to Read CS Lewis

Why Palin Is Smart to Read CS Lewis

Essay: 'Narnia' author wrote his fairy tales for all ages to 'convey truth'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin took some ribbing from View host Joy Behar for saying (more than once) that CS Lewis is among her favorite authors. "Aren't they children's books?" Behar asked in derision. And with that question, Behar becomes like a character in one of Lewis' books—"the type of...

Sarah Palin Zings Michelle Over Right to Eat S'mores

Ex-gov gets political in the kitchen

(Newser) - Sarah Palin used her reality show to get down to a particularly sticky political issue: the right to eat s'mores. The ex-gov took a direct shot at the First Lady's campaign against childhood obesity as she rummaged in her kitchen cabinet for s'mores ingredients (chocolate bars, graham crackers, and marshmallows)...

Sarah Palin to Senate: Vote Down New START
Sarah Palin to Senate:
Vote Down New START

Sarah Palin to Senate: Vote Down New START

Former Alaska guv believes new treaty 'makes no strategic sense'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin comes out swinging against New START, the nuclear arms reduction treaty currently being considered for ratification by the Senate, in a National Review op-ed. The treaty is not "in America's interest," the former Alaska governor writes, as it "requires the US to reduce our nuclear...

Sarah Palin Warms to 'Lamestream' Media

Politico piece may have prompted work with NYT , ABC

(Newser) - Though the “lamestream media" has long been her punching bag, it appears Sarah Palin is ready to embrace it—selectively. Palin, who has largely relied on Fox News, Facebook, and Twitter to air her thoughts and grievances, is now turning to outlets her supporters have been critical of in...

Obama Would Beat Palin, Romney in 2012
Obama Would Beat
Palin, Romney in 2012

Obama Would Beat Palin, Romney in 2012

Survey finds little change in president's numbers

(Newser) - Things may be tough for President Obama at the moment, but don’t rule him out: he’s poised to win in 2012, an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds. Though his approval rating is at its lowest, he would still beat Sarah Palin or Mitt Romney—and three-quarters of...

Tax Deal Is First Debate of 2012 Presidential Race: Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney Face Off Against Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Others
First Debate for
GOP 2012: Tax Deal

First Debate for GOP 2012: Tax Deal

Tea Partiers hate it, mainstream contenders support it

(Newser) - There’s still a while to go before the official 2012 debates begin—but we have the first unofficial one on our hands, in the form of President Obama’s tax deal. Despite strong support in a vote Monday (only five Republican senators voted against it), 2012 contenders are drawing...

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