Sarah Palin

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

Tracy Morgan Zings Sarah Palin Again
 Tracy Morgan Zings Palin Again 

Tracy Morgan Zings Palin Again

New remark comes just days after TNT apologized for other comment

(Newser) - Just days after making a crude joke about Sarah Palin that had TNT executives apologizing , Tracy Morgan was right back at it. This time, he called the former governor a "MILF" while on E!'s red carpet special for the SAG awards yesterday. Actually, he said, "Sarah Palin,...

Palin's Softer New Line: 'Don't Retreat, Stand Tall'

'Reload' seems to have been replaced

(Newser) - Might Sarah Palin be softening her rhetoric after all? Politico thinks so, noting what she urged a group in Arizona last night: "Don't retreat, stand tall." It's a switch from her "Don't retreat, reload" line that—along with the crosshairs map—drew all kinds of criticism in...

TNT Sorry for Morgan's Palin Masturbation Crack

'30 Rock' actor had called former governor 'good material'

(Newser) - Tracy Morgan, not too shockingly, said something shocking—and now TNT is apologizing for it. The 30 Rock actor told Charles Barkley that Sarah Palin was "good masturbation material" while appearing on Inside the NBA before last night's Knicks-Heat game. He’d been asked whether Tina Fey or Sarah...

Palin: Obama's Theme Is Winning the Future&mdash;or WTF
Palin: Obama's Theme Is Winning the Future—or WTF
state of the union

Palin: Obama's Theme Is Winning the Future—or WTF

Get it? Get it? Also, we need to cut 'fluffery' spending on NPR

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, not surprisingly, wasn’t a fan of President Obama’s State of the Union address . She joked with Greta Van Susteren last night that his theme “was the WTF, you know, winning the future ,” which was appropriate because “there were a lot of WTF moments...

A Goodbye to Olbermann Is a Goodbye to Wingnuts

America is finally demanding something different, writes John Avlon

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann, Glenn Beck, and Sarah Palin are “the best-known faces of the … extreme partisanship and the cycle of incitement that [is] dividing our nation instead of trying to unite it.” But now they’re fading away—Olbermann out at MSNBC, Beck’s ratings collapsing, Palin’s...

Let's Make February a Palin-Free Month
 Let's Make February 
 a Palin-Free Month 
dana milbank

Let's Make February a Palin-Free Month

Post columnist Milbank promises not to write or speak about her

(Newser) - Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank has a promise sure to please many: "I hereby pledge that, beginning on Feb 1, 2011, I will not mention Sarah Palin—in print, online or on television—for one month," he writes in today's column . What's more, he wants everyone else in...

Palin Testing Waters in Iowa
 Palin Testing Waters in Iowa 

Palin Testing Waters in Iowa

But she lags behind competitors in the state

(Newser) - Sarah Palin operatives have begun putting out presidential feelers in Iowa, asking potential allies and activists whether they’d support a campaign, sources tell RealClearPolitics . Iowa’s politicos had until now assumed Palin wasn’t running, because most hadn’t heard from her, even as other would-be 2012 nominees jockeyed...

Joan Rivers: Fox News Banned Me for Palin Diss

Fox denies it, but Rivers says they're just doing 'damage control'

(Newser) - Did a Sarah Palin insult get Joan Rivers kicked off Fox News? Depends who you ask. It all started when Rivers told TMZ that Palin is “stupid and a threat,” and that those who blame her for the Tucson shootings are “right.” Rivers and her daughter,...

Stewart Slaps Palin's Hypocrisy
 Stewart Slaps Palin's Hypocrisy 

Stewart Slaps Palin's Hypocrisy

She has a special gift for turning criticism into persecution, he notes

(Newser) - Jon Stewart was so happy to see that a prominent victim of the Tucson shootings has experienced a “miraculous recovery,” he said on last night’s Daily Show . Yes, it’s true, Sarah Palin was up and talking on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show Monday , proving she’...

Dear GOP: If You Can't Be Moral, at Least Be Smart
Dear GOP: If You Can't Be Moral, at Least Be Smart
joe scarborough

Dear GOP: If You Can't Be Moral, at Least Be Smart

Joe Scarborough: Heated rhetoric would be political disaster in 2012 race

(Newser) - Joe Scarborough joins the chorus of those wishing for a more civil tone in politics, but he's not holding out much hope that the moral argument for civility will do the trick. After all, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and other "right-wing polemicists who make big bucks spewing rage" aren't...

Palin Defends Her Use of 'Blood Libel'

Critics are trying to use Tucson to silence me, says defiant Palin

(Newser) - Sarah Palin was angry and defiant in her first interview since the Tucson shootings, vowing to Fox's Sean Hannity: "I’m not going to sit down; I’m not going to shut up." Palin—who described suspected gunman Jared Lee Loughner as "left-leaning"—defended her use...

Oldsters Unveil 'Battle Hymn of Sarah Palin'
Oldsters Unveil
'Battle Hymn of Sarah Palin'

Oldsters Unveil 'Battle Hymn of Sarah Palin'

Song is dedicated to the Tea Party

(Newser) - Take a pair of fed-up oldsters, add a classic battle anthem and some improvised lyrics, and you have either the next Tea Party classic or YouTube's latest trainwreck: "The Battle Hymn of Sarah Palin." Set to, you guessed it, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," the...

Palin, Media Need to Get a Divorce
Palin, Media Need
to Get a Divorce

Palin, Media Need to Get a Divorce

Their mutual infatuation has gone too far: Ross Douthat

(Newser) - It’s time for the media to end its Palin infatuation—and for Sarah Palin to end her media obsession. The need for a divorce was never more clear than last week, when controversy bubbled up over Palin’s "crosshairs" map and her subsequent "blood libel" speech, writes...

McCain Defends Palin (Without Naming Her)
McCain Defends Palin
(Without Naming Her)
john mccain

McCain Defends Palin (Without Naming Her)

He also praises Obama's 'terrific' speech

(Newser) - He never mentions the name Sarah Palin, and he certainly goes nowhere near the phrase "blood libel," but John McCain comes to the defense of his former running mate in the Washington Post . "Imagine how it must feel to have watched one week ago the incomprehensible massacre...

Death Threats Against Palin Hit New High

Threat cycle spirals as rhetoric rises

(Newser) - Death threats against Sarah Palin have hit an unprecedented high in the wake of the shooting of Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, and have so unnerved the former Alaska governor and her staff that they're consulting with private security representatives to beef up protection, reports ABC News . Aides provided no other...

Palin Blew It With 'Un-Presidential' Speech
Palin Blew It With
'Un-Presidential' Speech

Palin Blew It With 'Un-Presidential' Speech

Alaskan should have tried to unify instead of punching back

(Newser) - Sarah Palin had an opportunity to recalibrate her image and appear more like presidential material in the wake of the Tucson shootings—but she blew it, argues Howard Kurtz at the Daily Beast . It was unfair for liberal detractors to link Palin to the shootings and she had a right...

Palin Causes Stir by Evoking 'Blood Libel'

Charged phrase has long history

(Newser) - Sarah's Palin's "blood libel" is the phrase of the day, even setting off an online debate at Politico about her loaded word choice on victimhood. Palin didn't invent the phrase: As AOL News explains, it goes back to the Middle Ages, usually in reference to the myth that Jews...

Sarah Palin Swings at Media's 'Blood Libel'

Shares first extended comments on the tragedy

(Newser) - Sarah Palin called it "incomprehensible why a single, evil man took the lives of peaceful citizens that day" in her first extended statement about the Arizona shootings—and then moved from addressing the tragedy to addressing the blame game surrounding it. "Within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists...

Piers Morgan: 'Bleeding Obvious' Palin Was Reckless

It's 'common sense' not to use crosshairs, says 'new Larry King'

(Newser) - Clearly, Piers "the new Larry King" Morgan is not one to tread lightly. He has called it "bleeding obvious" that Sarah Palin should not have placed crosshairs on a map of the district of shooting victim Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. “I was merely stating the bleeding obvious when...

Brooks Blasts Media; Sullivan Thinks He's Pious
Brooks Blasts Media;
Sullivan Thinks He's Pious
david brooks, Andrew sullivan

Brooks Blasts Media; Sullivan Thinks He's Pious

They disagree on whether it's right to consider political motive for Loughner

(Newser) - Jared Lee Loughner fits the profile of a schizophrenic rampage-killer who "was locked in a world far removed from politics as we normally understand it," writes David Brooks in the New York Times . And yet the media quickly pounced on a political motive for the Arizona shooting, blaming...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>