
Stories 581 - 598 | << Prev 

Iraqi Police Force Should Be 'Scrapped'

Infighting, corruption force recommendation that US 'start over'

(Newser) - Corruption and sectarian biases are so deeply entrenched in the Iraqi police ranks that the force's structure must be “scrapped,” an independent panel will report to Congress next week. The recommendation stems from an examination of the 26,000-member police force that concludes “we should start over,...

'People's Army' Dominates Iran's Economy

Doing business in the country means dealing with the Revolutionary Guard

(Newser) - Iran's Revolutionary Guard, which the White House is on the cusp of labeling a terrorist organization, is an economic and political behemoth. The well-connected force has ties to more than 100 companies, dominates the construction industry, is in charge of developing Teheran's subway system, and even runs hospitals. The LA ...

Thailand Orders Arrest of Ex-PM
Thailand Orders Arrest of Ex-PM

Thailand Orders Arrest of Ex-PM

(Newser) - After failing to appear in a Bangkok court to hear charges that he abused power while in office, Thailand's deposed PM is now a fugitive of justice. The country's Supreme Court has issued a warrant for the arrest of Thaksin Shinawatra, who took refuge with his wife in England last...

New Orleans Pol Admits Taking Bribes

Councilman collected $20K for contract in city plagued by problems

(Newser) - As if New Orleans didn't have enough to contend with, a city councilman yesterday pleaded guilty to accepting $20,000 in bribes and resigned. Oliver Thomas confessed he collected the money from a restaurateur seeking to keep a lucrative city contract. He also demanded the businessman hire a friend of...

Polish Regime Continues to Crumble
Polish Regime Continues to Crumble

Polish Regime Continues to Crumble

Kaczynski sacks interior minister as early elections loom

(Newser) - Poland's Kaczynski regime came to the brink of collapse today following the dismissal of the country's interior minister on corruption allegations, writes the International Herald Tribune. The Kaczynskis, whose two years at the top of Polish politics have increasingly isolated the nation in Europe, have conceded that early elections are...

Japanese PM Axes Minister, Clings to Job

Abe attempts to root out image of corruption as position remains tenuous

(Newser) - Embattled Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, whose party suffered a devastating election loss this past weekend, fired his scandal-ridden agriculture minister today in an effort to clean up his administration's image. But Abe still refuses to step down. "I take the results of the election seriously," he said....

Ethics Bill Clears House
Ethics Bill Clears House

Ethics Bill Clears House

Senate expected to pass reforms

(Newser) - The House passed a bill today that would impose sweeping new ethics rules and restrictions on lobbying, the Washington Post reports. The bill, which passed by an overwhelming 411-8 vote, takes particular aim at earmarks for legislators' personal projects. It also curbs campaign contributions and lobbyist wining and dining and...

FBI Raids Alaska Senator's Home
FBI Raids Alaska Senator's Home

FBI Raids Alaska Senator's Home

Feds probe politician's ties to oil contractor in corruption probe

(Newser) - FBI and IRS agents raided the vacation home of Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska yesterday, seeking records of his relationship with a oil field contractor jailed in a corruption probe,  AP reports. The contractor profited from  tens of millions of dollars in federal contracts and also supervised the renovation...

Corruption Shadows Iraq Rebuilding
Corruption Shadows
Iraq Rebuilding

Corruption Shadows Iraq Rebuilding

US investigates dozens of fraud cases as pricey projects disintegrate

(Newser) - US auditors monitoring the rebuilding process in Iraq are battling forces they compare to "a second insurgency"—corruption and economic mismanagement. The Iraqi government is refusing to handle reconstruction projects worth billions of dollars, and US officials are now investigating more than 50 fraud cases, the BBC reports.

Noriega Inspires Fight between Panama, France

Each country wants ex-dictator to serve jail time after US release

(Newser) - Manuel Noriega will be released from a Miami prison in September, but where he'll go after that is up in the air. The US wants to transfer the deposed dictator—convicted of corruption, kidnapping, and murder—to France for more jail time. But some Panamanians want him in a local...

Taxpayers Foot Governator's Travel Frills

Donors get breaks, and maybe access, for funding Arnold's luxury

(Newser) - California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger travels on private jets and racks up six-figure trip expenses, thanks to the largesse of a shady nonprofit group whose secret donors get tax breaks, the LA Times reports. Watchdogs claim the 501(c)(3) is an abuse of a system intended to reward donations to needy causes.

In Anti-Drug Move, Mexico Purges Police

Surprise replacement of chiefs intended to root out corruption

(Newser) - Mexico has dismissed all of its federal police chiefs in an effort to kick-start the country's stalled war on drugs. Corruption within law enforcement is a major factor in the failure of President Felipe Calderon's six-month drug crackdown, the LA Times reports. Six federal officers were arrested this month for...

Jefferson Pleads Not Guilty
Jefferson Pleads Not Guilty

Jefferson Pleads Not Guilty

Congressman answers federal corruption charges with pledge to 'fight my heart out'

(Newser) - In his first public appearance since being indicted Monday, Rep. William Jefferson pleaded not guilty in federal court in this morning. The Louisiana Democrat, facing a laundry list of charges including bribery, racketeering, and obstruction of justice, then held a press conference in which he reeled off his family's achievements...

House Moves to Expel Accused Congressman

Louisiana Democrat charged with bribery, extortion

(Newser) - Pressure mounted on William Jefferson to resign from the House yesterday as leaders of both parties piled on in the wake of his indictment on corruption, racketeering and bribery charges. Republicans moved to initiate proceedings to have the Louisiana Democrat, expelled—which, Dems noted, they did not do when GOP...

Jefferson Hit With Corruption Charges

La. Congressman faces 16-count federal indictment, 235 years

(Newser) - Federal officials indicted Rep. William Jefferson today, charging him with bribery, racketeering, money-laundering, and other misdeeds that could carry a sentence of up to 235 years. The Louisiana Democrat, the target of a lengthy investigation into business deals in Africa, has maintained his innocence, even after investigators found $90,000...

China Sentences Ex-Drug Chief to Death

Bribery conviction signals pharmaceutical industry crackdown

(Newser) - China's former top food and drug watchdog was sentenced to death today after being convicted of corruption and dereliction of duty. In the midst of an international uproar over food and pharmaceutical standards, the government found that Zheng Xiaoyu, 63, who was forced out in 2005, accepted more than $850,...

Brass Plan New War Strategy
Brass Plan New War Strategy

Brass Plan New War Strategy

(Newser) - US officials are quietly developing a plan to stabilize Iraq by neutralizing subversive and corrupt elements within the government, the Washington Post reports. The classified plan, still being finalized by Gen. David Petraeus and Amb. Ryan Crocker, shifts the focus of America's strategy in Iraq from military to political objectives.

Web Muckrakers Fight Corruption in China

Freelance journalists hired by citizens stay one step ahead of censors

(Newser) - A new breed of journalist is evolving out of China’s censored media: the web-based hired gun. The Washington Post reports on freelance muckrakers who investigate corruption the mainstream press can't touch and post the results on their sites. They're paid—if meagerly—by the aggrieved parties.

Stories 581 - 598 | << Prev