
Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>

Interpol Chief Resigns Amid $200K Bribery Charges

South Africa's top cop linked to drug smuggler payoff

(Newser) - The president of international police organization Interpol has resigned over corruption allegations. Jackie Selebi, who is also South Africa's national police commissioner and a leading member of the African National Congress, is accused of taking $200,000 in pay-offs from a notorious convicted drug smuggler, who is awaiting trial on...

Suharto Suffers Multiple Organ Failure

Former Indonesian dictator takes critical turn for the worse

(Newser) - Longtime Indonesian dictator Suharto's health worsened yesterday as he suffered multiple organ failure. Suharto's condition improved slightly as workers rushed to prepare for what they believed to be his imminent funeral, AFP  reports. Suharto, 86, was forced from power a decade ago after ruling Indonesia with an iron fist for...

South African Leader Indicted for Corruption

Lawyer calls charges 'politically motivated'; party crisis intensifies

(Newser) - South African prosecutors hit a new ruling party leader with corruption charges today, threatening his shot at the presidency and risking a prolonged legal and political crisis, the Guardian reports. ANC leader Jacob Zuma was ordered to stand trial next year on charges including racketeering and fraud linked to a...

Party of Ousted Prime Minister Wins Thai Races

Polarizing figure booted in coup may return from exile

(Newser) - Deposed former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is poised to return from exile now that the party supporting him won the most seats in parliament in today's elections, according to exit polls. It was unclear, however, whether the pro-Thaksin People Power party gained an absolute majority. If not, opposition parties...

Zuma Faces New Corruption Charges
Zuma Faces New Corruption Charges

Zuma Faces New Corruption Charges

South African prosecutor says indictment is 'imminent'

(Newser) - The annual conference of the African National Congress isn't even over yet, and already newly elected leader Jacob Zuma is facing the prospect of new criminal charges. South Africa's head prosecutor said he has gathered enough evidence to charge Zuma with corruption linked to a 1999 arms deal, reports the...

Female Leaders Provide More, Are Thanked Less

Study in Indian villages shows women make government work for people, who in turn dislike their leaders

(Newser) - Women in power provide public services at higher levels, and they get less respect for it, a study of Indian villages shows. Researchers studied the impact of female leadership by tracking a law mandating that women lead councils in a third of villages. The quality of schools, health care and...

Fukuda Govt Roiled by Scandal
Fukuda Govt Roiled by Scandal

Fukuda Govt Roiled by Scandal

Current finance minister tied to bribery bust of former defense honcho

(Newser) - In a growing corruption scandal, a former vice defense minister and his wife were arrested today over charges that he awarded contracts to companies that wined and dined him, the AP reports. Takemasa Moriya admits he enjoyed free golf trips and expensive dinners on the tab of the recently arrested...

Network Beams Dissidence Into China
Network Beams Dissidence
Into China

Network Beams Dissidence Into China

Satellite TV station part of media blitz by outlawed Falun Gong

(Newser) - A US-based satellite TV station staffed mainly by members of spiritual movement Falun Gong is broadcasting a dissident message into China, the Wall Street Journal reports. With Falun Gong called an "evil cult" and outlawed by the Chinese government, its members have started New Tang Dynasty, a radio station,...

No Pol Left Behind in Alaska Corruption

Bribery scandal spreads from Juneau to DC

(Newser) - Back-room backslaps, pockets stuffed with $100 bills, and the odd Viagra pill—the Washington Post looks at the freewheeling frontier-style corruption exposed in oil-rich Alaska over the last few years, as elected representatives on every level were caught in scandals and many entered guilty pleas. Now the stain is threatening...

Rudy Says He Flubbed on Kerik
Rudy Says
He Flubbed
on Kerik

Rudy Says He Flubbed on Kerik

NYC's ex-top cop expected to be arraigned tomorrow

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani said today that he made a mistake by not being more rigorous in his background check of Bernard Kerik as reports surfaced that the former top cop of NYC will surrender to authorities tomorrow to face arraignment on corruption and tax-evasion charges. "I made mistakes when I...

Rudy's Top Cop to Be Indicted
Rudy's Top Cop to Be Indicted

Rudy's Top Cop to Be Indicted

Giuliani pal and former New York police commissioner faces corruption charges

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors expect to have an indictment by the end of the week against  Giuliani pal Bernard Kerik for accepting illegal gifts when he was New York City corrections chief and police commissioner. The charges include tax evasion, tax fraud and public corruption, the Washington Post reports. The charges are...

Lawmaker Probes TV Preachers
Lawmaker Probes TV Preachers

Lawmaker Probes TV Preachers

Says ritzy ways sparked inquiry into six ministries

(Newser) - A top Republican lawmaker is probing six televangelists who have put their opulent lifestyles on display, the AP reports. Rolls Royces, private jets, and a $30,000 table are among the luxuries that sparked Sen. Chuck Grassley's inquiry, he said yesterday. "I don't want to conclude that there's a...

US Forces Hunt Down Iraqi Rackets
US Forces
Hunt Down
Iraqi Rackets

US Forces Hunt Down Iraqi Rackets

Illegal schemes funnel key money to insurgents

(Newser) - Iraq's mafia-style rackets are funneling big money to insurgents, making them key targets for US commanders. Corruption and kickbacks in real estate, soft drinks, cement—even the extortion of US contractors—are fueling what Maliki calls a “second war” in Iraq. "We have got to attack the insurgency...

Anti-Corruption Fight Takes Root in Rural China

Sit-in targeting village leaders in fourth month in southern Xiantang

(Newser) - Citizens of a southern Chinese town have been occupying the village hall since the beginning of July, seeking recompense for their leaders’ alleged theft of public money. The authoritarian central government hasn't taken action against Xiantang’s activists, who are mostly elderly, the Christian Science Monitor reports; the protest is...

Tennis Investigates 150 Suspect Matches

List has pro tour officials looking for evidence of gambling

(Newser) - The Association of Tennis Professionals has launched an inquiry into 150 matches, identified on a list submitted to it, as possibly influenced by gambling. The author of the list is unknown. The game has come under a cloud of suspicion since a betting site uncovered irregular gambling patterns on an...

Tennis Rushes to Combat Match-fixing

Andy Murray says 'everyone knows it goes on'

(Newser) - Tennis is scrambling to clean up its game after Andy Murray, Britain's top-ranked player, claimed that "everyone knows" some matches are fixed. Under a new rule, players who are asked to fix matches will get 48 hours to admit it or be punished, and the Association of Tennis Professionals...

FBI Taped Senator's Phone Calls in Corruption Probe

Feds recorded calls with oil contractor who bribed officials

(Newser) - The FBI secretly taped phone calls between Alaska Senator Ted Stevens and an oil businessman during an investigation into contract corruption, according to sources. The oil contractor agreed to the tapings last year after he was confronted with evidence that he had bribed other Alaska lawmakers, AP reports. Stevens acknowledged...

‘Bundlers’ Rake In Cash, Harbor Ethics Gaps

Candidates’ biggest spenders launder money and break laws

(Newser) - "Bundlers"—political fundraisers who solicit other donors to give—are a standard feature of the presidential race, and many remain favored by major campaigns despite unethical and even illegal conduct. The Post spotlights questionable rainmakers in the Norman Hsu scandal aftermath, including one Hillary donor who gave $160,...

Billions in US Funds Missing in Iraq

$9B lost to fraud and mismanagement by coalition authority

(Newser) - Following the invasion of Iraq, the US shipped $12 billion in “walking-around” money to Iraq's transitional government, the American-led Coalition Provisional Authority. An astonishing $9 billion has gone missing. Funds "entered a free-for-all where anyone with fingers could take it" as the "Coalition of the Willing turned...

FBI Bribery Sting Nets 11 Public Officials in NJ

After 18-month probe, dragnet hauls in state legislators, mayors

(Newser) - Following an 18-month corruption probe, FBI raids across New Jersey snared 11 public officials today, and all will face bribery charges, the Newark Star-Ledger reports. The officials, including the mayors of Passaic and Orange, were charged with accepting a total of $150,000 in bribes for steering public contracts to...

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>