Palestinian statehood

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No Way Mitchell Hits Latest Pitch Out of Park
No Way Mitchell Hits Latest Pitch Out of Park

No Way Mitchell Hits Latest Pitch Out of Park

Bungled baseball steroids report bodes ill for Mideast efforts

(Newser) - Those who think George Mitchell will achieve progress in the Middle East point to his record of robust diplomacy in Northern Ireland 10 years ago. One hopes, for the sake of peace, that Mitchell follows his work there and not a more recent example, Will Leitch writes for the New ...

Carter: Only a Free Palestine Can Stop Israeli 'Catastrophe'

Former prez advocates a two-state solution

(Newser) - Israel faces "catastrophe" unless it revives the peace process and works toward the establishment of an independent Palestine, says Jimmy Carter. In an interview with the AP, the former president and Nobel laureate says the growing number of Arabs in the Holy Land means that only a two-state solution...

Olmert Proposes New West Bank, Gaza Borders

Abbas rejects plan, which doesn't include contiguous Palestine

(Newser) - Ehud Olmert has presented Mahmoud Abbas with a plan to withdraw from most of the West Bank and all of the Gaza Strip once the Palestinian Authority retakes Gaza from Hamas. The centerpiece of the proposal is a new permanent border that would keep 7% of the West Bank in...

In Blow to Bush, Olmert Rules Out Deal in 2008

Israeli PM calls timeline for Palestinian pact 'unrealistic'

(Newser) - Ehud Olmert said today it is "unrealistic" to expect a comprehensive Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement by the end of the year. The Israeli PM and Palestian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas pledged last year to make a deal by the end of 2008, and their inability to do so is a...

Global Leaders Slam Israel's West Bank Expansion Plan

Officials say move would trample peace deals

(Newser) - Israeli plans to build a new West Bank settlement—one that was shelved after strenuous objections from the US in 2006—were revived yesterday, sparking an international outcry, the Washington Post reports. “They're burying the Annapolis process,” said a Palestinian negotiator, referring to agreements made at the Bush-led...

Jimmy Carter, Rogue Ex-President
 Jimmy Carter,
 Rogue Ex-President 

Jimmy Carter, Rogue Ex-President

Carter's ideas and initiatives, slammed by old guard, resonate with youth

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter does things his own way, pursuing peace initiatives in the Middle East and South America whether Washington likes it or not, and generally redefining what it means to be an ex-president. So it’s no wonder “his mind-set and his policies seem to jibe so well with...

Abbas Freezes Peace Talks With Israel

Says negotiations won't resume until offensive on Palestinians ends

(Newser) - Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas halted peace talks with Israel today “until [Israeli] aggression is stopped,” Reuters reports. Abbas ordered the suspension of the US-brokered talks as Israel’s Gaza offensive continued and the Palestinian death toll topped 100. But Israeli PM Ehud Olmert showed no sign of relenting,...

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