Palestinian statehood

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'All Hell' Breaks Out in Palestine's Statehood Bid

US lawmakers threaten to nix funding

(Newser) - "All hell has broken out" in Palestine's bid for statehood recognition at the UN, says Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The United States has threatened to veto it, Israel opposes it, and dozens of House Democrats have penned a letter saying the US "will reconsider its assistance program"...

Poll: World Backs Palestinian State

Survey of people in 19 countries shows 49% support Palestine, 21% oppose

(Newser) - More people support than oppose UN recognition of Palestine as a state, with 49% of those surveyed in 19 countries supporting the proposal and 21% opposed, according to a poll of 20,466 people conducted in July and August by the BBC (and GlobeScan). About 11% think their country should...

Abbas: We're Going for Statehood

Palestinian leader says he needs world to 'recognize the occupation'

(Newser) - It’s official: Mahmoud Abbas will demand full UN membership from the Security Council next week, despite an almost certain veto from the US. Abbas formally committed to the gambit for the first time in a speech today, the New York Times reports, saying that “We need a state,...

5 Reasons US Should Allow Palestinian State

If Palestinians wait much longer, it will be too late: Reza Aslan

(Newser) - Palestinians plan to push for full statehood in the UN later this month, and the US vows to block them. Reza Aslan offers five reasons in the Los Angeles Times why America should buck Israel ("it is not political suicide") and change its mind:
  • Failed talks: Twenty years

Palestinians to Buck US, Seek Statehood

They hope it'll strengthen negotiating position with Israel

(Newser) - Barring some kind of last-minute diplomatic magic trick, Mahmoud Abbas will ask the UN Security Council for membership next week, the Palestinian foreign minister said today—even as US diplomats traveled to the West Bank for last-ditch negotiating efforts. “We will see if anyone carries … any credible offer,...

US Asks Palestinians to Delay Vote on Statehood

But with large majority support, little Palestinian interest in waiting

(Newser) - With a UN vote looming on recognizing a Palestinian state on Sept. 20, the White House has started a last-minute diplomatic campaign to get the Palestinians to give up their attempt at statehood for more peace talks, reports the New York Times . Although the United States can veto a request...

Israel Arming Settlements as Protests Loom

Settlers get tear gas, stun grenades ahead of statehood debate

(Newser) - The Israeli military, expecting widespread confrontations in the West Bank as the United Nations debates recognizing a Palestinian state, is training Jewish settlers to repel protests. Settlement security chiefs are being given tear gas and stun grenades, and the military is mapping out firing zones around settlements, according to leaked...

Israel to OK 4.3K More Homes in East Jerusalem

Palestine not happy with latest announcement

(Newser) - Israel's interior minister gave final authorization to build 1,600 apartments in disputed east Jerusalem and will approve 2,700 more in days, officials say, detailing a plan that could complicate diplomatic efforts to dissuade Palestinians from declaring statehood at the United Nations. The announcement drew immediate criticism from...

Bibi Ready to Talk Palestine Borders

Borders would be based in 1967 ceasefire, if Palestine recognizes Israel

(Newser) - In a major change of policy, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is saying for the first time that Israel is ready to discuss the borders of a Palestinian state, using 1967 ceasefire borders as a rough starting point, reports the Telegraph . The offer depends on Palestinians accepting Israel as a...

Construction Begins as Settlement Freeze Expires

But Mahmoud Abbas not leaving peace talks yet

(Newser) - Bulldozers were already working to construct Jewish West Bank settlements this morning, after Israel’s construction freeze expired at midnight, but Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas did not immediately abandon the peace talks as he had threatened. Abbas will instead consult with Arab leaders and allow another week before making a...

Clock Ticking, US Scrambles to Save Mideast Talks

Israelis already celebrating end of settlement slowdown

(Newser) - With Palestinians threatening to walk away from Mideast peace talks, officials in Washington are scrambling to rescue the negotiations just hours before a slowdown on West Bank settlement construction expires. "They are talking. Intense efforts are ongoing," said one anonymous official. PM Benjamin Netanyahu has called for "...

Obama Hopeful as Mideast Talks Begin

Israeli PM calls Abbas his 'partner in peace'

(Newser) - President Obama told reporters he was "cautiously hopeful" as Mideast peace talks began in Washington yesterday. The president—flanked by the leaders of Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Egypt, and Jordan—urged the leaders to seize the opportunity to make a breakthrough, and vowed to do everything in his power...

Abbas Challenges Obama to 'Impose' Peace

Palestinian leader gives blunt message to US

(Newser) - Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas called on President Obama to "impose" a Mideast peace deal, reflecting growing frustration with what Palestinians see as Washington's failure to wrangle concessions out of Israel's hardline government. In an unusually blunt appeal, Abbas said that if Obama believes Palestinian statehood is a vital US...

EU to Call for Divided Jerusalem

Israel outraged, Livni says move 'not helpful and wrong'

(Newser) - European Union foreign ministers will call for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with East Jerusalem serving as the capital of Palestine, when they meet in Brussels next week. A Swedish draft of the resolution obtained by Haaretz implies that the EU would recognize a Palestinian declaration of statehood....

Netanyahu's Palestine Speech Angers Both Sides

Israeli PM disappoints nationalists and Washington with third-way tactic

(Newser) - Barely into his new term, Benjamin Netanyahu is already facing major difficulties—caught between a Washington-led demand for a Mideast peace deal and right-wing insistence that he oppose a Palestinian state. The Israeli PM tried to forge a middle path in a major speech yesterday, but as Rory McCarthy writes...

Netanyahu Expected to Endorse Palestinian State
Netanyahu Expected to Endorse Palestinian State

Netanyahu Expected to Endorse Palestinian State

(Newser) - Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to endorse a two-state solution to the Palestinian problem this weekend, the Times of London reports. The decision follows intense pressure from the Obama administration to recognize the need for a Palestinian state. The US also wants Israel to stop expanding settlements in the...

In Bethlehem, Pope Calls for Palestinian State

From Bethlehem, Benedict demands Palestinian state

(Newser) - Pope Benedict decried the suffering in the West Bank and called for an independent Palestinian state today in Bethlehem, the London Times reports. "The Holy See supports the right of your people to a sovereign Palestinian homeland in the land of your forefathers," the pope said, addressing thousands...

Mitchell Pushes Two-State Solution in Israel

Palestinians must first accept Jewish state, Netanyahu responds

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s envoy to the Middle East told the Israeli government today that Washington will “vigorously pursue” the creation of a Palestinian state, Reuters reports. George Mitchell stated America’s purpose as a means to organize statehood talks with Israel; PM Benjamin Netanyahu said it would first...

Despite 'Skepticism,' Blair Nudges Netanyahu on Talks

Urges negotiations for two-state solution, more freedom for Palestinians

(Newser) - Though “there is a great deal of skepticism out there” about the motivation of Israel’s new prime minister, Middle East envoy Tony Blair today encouraged Benjamin Netanyahu to resume Palestinian peace talks amid efforts to improve the West Bank’s economy, Reuters reports. A “credible political negotiation...

Netanyahu to Push Israel-Palestinean Peace

But incoming PM ducks question of statehood

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu, the next prime minister of Israel, said in a speech today that his incoming government would be a "partner for peace" with the Palestinian people, but he made no mention of the two-state solution backed by the United States. As Reuters reports, Netanyahu focused on the territories'...

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