
Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

Outcry Forces Apple Back to Green Program

Apple calls withdrawal from EPEAT 'a mistake'

(Newser) - Just days after Apple surprised many environmentalists by announcing it would pull out of the EPEAT eco-friendly certification program, the computer giant is back in, reports the San Jose Mercury News . Calling the original withdrawal a "mistake," Apple's senior vice president of hardware engineering said the reversal...

Banned Apple Gadgets Are Huge in Iran

Vendors sell to big banks, media firms

(Newser) - US sanctions ban Apple products from making their way to Iran shops—but with sales of the devices and software booming, merchants are obviously paying little heed. Some 100 shops in Tehran sell Apple items obtained through secret trade routes, Reuters reports, and Iranians are skirting rules and hiding their...

Apple Exits Eco-Friendly Product List

Move may be tied to glued-in batteries

(Newser) - Apple has surprised environmental advocates with a sudden departure from a green products program, reports the San Jose Mercury News . The firm will no longer conform to standards set by EPEAT, an eco-friendly certifier backed by the EPA. "Apple has said that their design direction is not compatible with...

Galaxy Tab Not 'Cool' Enough to Be iPad Ripoff

British court rules in favor of Samsung

(Newser) - Samsung won a bittersweet victory in a British court today: A judge ruled that Samsung's Galaxy Tab wasn't an Apple rip-off, but only because it was entirely too stodgy to be mistaken for the iPad, reports Bloomberg . The Samsung gadgets "do not have the same understated and...

Sorry, Apple: Court OKs Galaxy Nexus Sales

...for now

(Newser) - Apple's two-week-old legal victories have just been cut in half. In late June, a judge halted US sales of two Samsung products, the Galaxy Nexus smartphone and the Galaxy Tab 10.1. But on Friday an appeals court rejected the preliminary injunction on the Nexus, Wired reports, though it...

Best Buy Giving Itself an Apple Makeover
 Best Buy 
 Getting Apple 

in case you missed it

Bumbling Best Buy Getting Apple Makeover

Gadgets chain tests human focus

(Newser) - Struggling big box electronics giant Best Buy is taking a page from Apple's svelte playbook and testing a new strategy to turn its warehouse-like stores into more streamlined and intimate retail outlets, says the Wall Street Journal . A test store in Minnesota prominently features a Geek Squad-staffed Solution Central,...

Apple Preps 'iPad Mini': Reports

Cheaper tablet would have smaller screen

(Newser) - Looks like Applephiles will soon have one more gadget to add to their collection of must-have gear. Two insiders tell Bloomberg that a "mini" iPad is in the works, and should arrive by the end of this year. The planned tablet—intended to help battle competition from Google, Amazon,...

Apple Settles $60M iPad Trademark Suit

Firm claimed rights to name in China

(Newser) - Apple is ending a Chinese trademark spat with a $60 million settlement. Apple bought the rights to the iPad name from Chinese firm Proview in 2009, the US company says—but Proview argues that it maintained rights to the name in China. As the dispute continued, Proview asked customs offices...

Facebook Replaces Emails in Apple Contact Lists

Apple products prone to sudden email address invasion

(Newser) - Users of Apple products had better check their contact lists, because Facebook has flooded some of them with @Facebook email addresses, CNET reports. Seems that Apple's new iOS 6 Facebook integration allows the social media giant to alter address books in your phone or computer without any consent. Worse,...

Tech Moguls: Modern-Day Robber Barons

Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos equally big on biz, not values

(Newser) - Ten of the world's richest 100 people have ruthlessly siphoned their billions from IT, making today's tech moguls the equivalent of the infamous capitalist robber-barons of last century, like John Rockefeller or Andrew Carnegie, writes John Naughton in the Guardian . From Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg to Sergey...

Mac User? Orbitz Makes You Pay Up

 Mac User? Orbitz 
 Makes You Pay Up 
in case you missed it

Mac User? Orbitz Makes You Pay Up

Travel website sends Mac users to nicer hotels

(Newser) - Orbitz has found that Mac users drop about 30% more per night on hotels than PC users, so now the travel website is ever-so-helpfully directing Mac users to nicer hotels, reports the Wall Street Journal . Even when Orbitz sends Mac users to the same hotel, it often suggests fancier options....

Apple Chalks Up 2nd Win Against Samsung

Judge halts US sales of Galaxy Nexus

(Newser) - The week ended Apple, 2; Samsung, 0. US District Judge Lucy Koh followed Tuesday's preliminary injunction against the sale of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 by issuing another preliminary injunction yesterday, this time against the sale of the Galaxy Nexus phone, reports Reuters . Per Koh's ruling: "Apple...

Happy 5th Birthday, iPhone
 Happy 5th Birthday, iPhone 

Happy 5th Birthday, iPhone

There was a time (2007) when the ubiquitous device did not exist

(Newser) - On June 29, 2007, the first iPhones were sold. This week marks the five-year anniversary of the iconic Apple device, and the tributes are pouring in:
  • In Business Insider , Henry Blodget "gawk[s] in awe at how it has changed the world." Let's see, not only has it

Apple Wins Big: Judge Bans Sales of Samsung Tablet

Galaxy Tab 10.1 ruling marks Apple's 'greatest victory yet' in patent battle

(Newser) - The Galaxy Tab 10.1 is such an iPad rip-off that it can no longer be sold in the US, a district court judge announced yesterday, issuing a preliminary injunction against the sale of Samsung's tablet. Samsung "does not have a right to compete unfairly by flooding the...

How Apple Gets You to Touch Its Laptops

Each screen is angled at 70 degrees

(Newser) - Sure, you can mess with the computers for as long as you want—but Apple Stores aren't as casual as they seem. Everything is carefully measured, from the angles of laptop screens to employees' beard lengths. Every MacBook screen is calibrated—using an iPhone app, of course—to a...

Chinese Siri Draws Blank on Tiananmen

Even if it's not censoring searches, it's not very good

(Newser) - Siri is learning Chinese, but it looks like there are some things she's specifically not learning. Ask Chinese Siri about the Tiananmen Square incident, and she'll respond with answers like "I couldn't find any appointments related to 'Do you know about Tiananmen,'" or...

Another Foxconn Worker Jumps to Death

First suicide since Apple supplier agreed to overhaul conditions

(Newser) - Despite the company's efforts to improve working conditions, another Foxconn suicide has occurred: This time, the Apple supplier says a worker jumped to his death from his apartment. The 23-year-old had just joined the company last month, Reuters reports. Yesterday's suicide is the first since Foxconn and Apple...

Steve Jobs Told Pentagon About LSD, Pot Use

Acid, pot nurtured his creativity, says Apple founder

(Newser) - Steve Jobs discovered one definite way to " think different ." The mega-mind behind Apple took LSD some 15 times, and it was a "life-changing experience," Jobs revealed on a 1988 security clearance application he filled out for the Department of Defense. "It was a positive life...

Apple Unveils New Macbook Pro, iOS 6

Tweaks include Siri upgrades, Facebook integration, map upgrades

(Newser) - Expectations were high going into Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco today, and the company didn't disappoint, rolling out a dramatic refresh of its MacBook Pro, and a new version of iOS brimming with new features. Here are the most important details: The New Macbook Pro
  • It'

Google Ups Its Map Game
 Google Ups  
 Its Map Game 

Google Ups Its Map Game

3D modeling, Street View backpack among new features

(Newser) - With Apple reportedly diving into digital mapping , Google is stepping up its own efforts in the field. The company has announced several unique new features for its Maps service, including a Street View backpack, 3D city models, and an offline mode. With 15 lenses, the Street View Trekker pack takes...

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