Scott Walker

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Court Lets Wisconsin Union Law Take Effect

It's a big win for Governor Scott Walker, Republicans

(Newser) - The Wisconsin Supreme Court handed Republican Gov. Scott Walker a major victory today, ruling that his polarizing union rights law can go into effect. In a 4-3 decision, the court said Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi overstepped her authority when she said Republican lawmakers violated the state's opening...

Wisconsin Protests, Part 2: Madison Steels Itself for Rallies
 Massive Protests 
 Expected in ... Madison 
deja vu all over again

Massive Protests Expected in ... Madison

Capitol steels itself for rallies today

(Newser) - Here we go again: With Republicans trying once more to pass Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s controversial collective bargaining limits, the state Capitol in Madison is steeling itself for more protests. Walker’s budget will be debated at the Capitol today, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports, and thousands of protesters are...

Wisconsin GOP Will Run Fake Democrats to Buy Time

They will force primaries, push back recall elections until August

(Newser) - Wisconsin politics continue to dazzle: Republicans there are worried about losing their majority in the state Senate in a spate of recall elections set for July 12. They'd like more time to campaign, and they've hit on a bizarre way to get it, reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel...

Judge Strikes Down Wisconsin's Anti-Union Law

Says GOP violated open meetings law in vote

(Newser) - A Wisconsin county judge has struck down the state’s controversial law limiting public unions’ collective bargaining rights, ruling that Republicans broke the state’s open meeting law when passing it . In her ruling, Judge Maryann Sumi wrote that she wasn’t ruling against the law because it was “...

Wisconsin Wants to Stop Gay Couples' Hospital Visits

Governor Scott Walker argues loophole violates state constitution

(Newser) - Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker isn't steering clear of political flash points: He wants the state to stop defending a law that gives gay couples hospital visitation rights, reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . The Republican governor has asked a judge for permission to stop defending a law put in place...

Vote Count Error Gives Walker Judge David Prosser Huge Lead in Wisconsin Over JoAnne Kloppenburg
 Vote Count Error Gives 
 Walker Judge Huge Lead 
wisconsin race

Vote Count Error Gives Walker Judge Huge Lead

It looks like David Prosser Will Defeat JoAnne Kloppenburg after all

(Newser) - Scott Walker foes, hold off on that celebration in Wisconsin. In a stunning turn of events that will no doubt leave Republicans gleeful and Democrats seething, GOP-backed David Prosser now looks like he's going to keep his seat on the state Supreme Court. Yesterday, his liberal-backed opponent, JoAnne Kloppenburg, declared...

Donor's Son Resigns From Walker Administration

Criticism drives Brian Deschane from office

(Newser) - Brian Deschane has decided to resign altogether rather than accept a demotion to the $64,728-per-year job he started out in, sources tell the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . The resignation comes after a minor uproar over the 27-year-old, who has no college degree, little experience, and two drunken driving convictions—yet...

Wisconsin Judge's Race Tilts to Democrats

Left sees result as referendum against Scott Walker, anti-union law

(Newser) - A Wisconsin judicial election widely seen as a referendum on Scott Walker's anti-union ways looks to be bad news for the governor. With all precincts counted, an assistant attorney general named JoAnne Kloppenburg—she's backed by liberals—holds a razor-thin lead of about 200 votes over sitting State Supreme Court...

Walker Demotes Donor's Kid— to Puny $65K Job

After uproar, governor bumps Brian Deschane back to old gig

(Newser) - Well that was fast. Scott Walker did an about-face yesterday and demoted the son of a major campaign donor from his $81,500-per-year Commerce Department gig—to his former $64,728 job. Brian Deschane will return to his previous post as a bureau director at the Department of Regulation and...

Scott Walker Gives Donor's Kid an $81K Job

Brian Deschane gets job despite lack of college degree, experience

(Newser) - Don’t you hate those overpaid public employees? Why, just look at Brian Deschane. He’s racked up two drunk driving convictions, has little experience, and no college degree, yet Scott Walker’s administration is paying him $81,500 a year, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports. How did he get the...

Scott Walker Backs Down, Won't Enact Union Law

Aide says he'll reluctantly comply with judge's ruling

(Newser) - Looks like Scott Walker won't be implementing his anti-union law against court orders after all. Judge Maryann Sumi issued a ruling today stating that the law had not taken effect, and a top aide to the governor tells the AP that he will reluctantly comply with it. The ruling comes...

Rachel Maddow Slams Email Witch Hunt

'How's that personal freedom thing working out for you?' snaps journalist

(Newser) - Rachel Maddow has become caught up in a right-wing think tank's apparent vendetta against professors with a whiff of the left about them. The Michigan Mackinac Center is demanding personal emails written by labor professors in the state system that mention "Wisconsin," "Madison," Wisconsin Gov. "...

Wisconsin Will Ignore Judge, Implement Union Law

State officials say it's officially in place, despite court warning

(Newser) - Wisconsin's battle over collective bargaining rights has gone from being the nation's most contentious labor fight to its most confusing. State officials said tonight they will continue implementing the new law-that-might-not-be-a-law, even though a judge made it "crystal clear" they should hold off until legal questions were resolved, reports...

Judge Blocks Wisconsin Union Law—Again

This time, violators will face sanctions, she warns

(Newser) - Judge Maryann Sumi had already blocked Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s controversial union bargaining law, but Republicans found a way around the court order—so yesterday, she blocked it again. “Apparently that language was either misunderstood or ignored, but what I said was the further implementation of [the law]...

Koch Brothers Fight Back, Still Decry 'Radical' Obama

'Weekly Standard' profile defends brothers 'demonized' by left

(Newser) - The Koch brothers are fighting back against the perception (at least on the left) that they're evil personified. The latest salvo comes via a lengthy profile in the Weekly Standard , which argues that the brothers behind Koch Industries are "demonized" by liberals who see them as "convenient scapegoats....

Official's Idea for Gov. Walker: Stage Fake Attack

Carlos Lam suggested the staged assault include a firearm

(Newser) - During the heat of the fight in Wisconsin over its collective bargaining bill last month, an email was sent to Gov. Scott Walker from someone in Indiana. It recommended that a Walker supporter be made to look like a member of the opposition protests. The supporter would then attack Walker—...

Judge Temporarily Blocks Wisconsin Union Law

District Attorney requested order, claiming GOP broke open meetings law

(Newser) - A Wisconsin judge issued a temporary restraining order today blocking the state's new and contentious collective bargaining law from taking effect. The judge's order is a major setback for Gov. Scott Walker and puts the future of the law in question. Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi issued the order, which...

Wis. Prosecutor Files Lawsuit Against GOP

As Scott Walker defends plan to cut $900M from schools

(Newser) - A Madison district attorney has filed a lawsuit against Wisconsin’s Republican lawmakers, saying they violated the state’s open meetings law in their backdoor maneuver to pass a bill stripping public unions of most of their collective bargaining rights. The prosecutor, Democrat Ismael Ozanne, wants a judge to issue...

Wisconsin Dems Vow Recall Vote for Walker

Unions rage against governor who took collective bargaining rights

(Newser) - Wisconsin Democrats and union leaders have dug in for a protracted battle against governor Scott Walker, vowing ballot box revenge for his anti-union law, the Chicago Tribune reports. The new law is protected by GOP majorities in the state's Senate and Assembly, but Democrats think they can use the anger...

EJ Dionne: No, We're Not Broke -- Budget 'Crisis' Is Fake
 Budget 'Crisis' 
 Is Made-Up 

Budget 'Crisis' Is Made-Up

It's an 'arresting metaphor' to push ideological agenda

(Newser) - We keep hearing that “we’re broke”—a good way for politicians to make a deceptive case for cutting taxes on the rich and cutting social programs. But the fact is, “we’re not broke,” writes EJ Dionne in the Washington Post . “Yes, nearly all...

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