Scott Walker

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Milwaukee Mayor to Run Against Scott Walker

Barrett aims to unseat Wisconsin governor June 5

(Newser) - Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett has won a hard-fought primary campaign to become the Democrat who will seek to unseat Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in a recall election June 5. Barrett—who was defeated by Walker in November 2010—beat nearest rival Kathleen Falk 58% to 32%, despite the millions of...

Walker's Wisconsin Lost Most Jobs in Nation

Statistic expected to boost recall effort

(Newser) - Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's efforts to keep his job took a hit this week by way of a report showing how many voters lost theirs. Between March 2011 and March 2012, the state lost 23,900 jobs, more than any other state in the nation, according to the Bureau...

Scott Walker: My Enemies Are Tormenting My Family

His kids are hearing it on Facebook, says Wisconsin governor

(Newser) - Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says his political enemies are making it personal. In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network , Walker says foes are busing to his home, yelling at family members (including his 70-something mother) in the supermarket, and even going after his kids on Facebook. ( Politico has...

Swing State Wis. Vote May Offer Crystal Ball
 Exit Polls a 
 Crystal Ball 

Wisconsin Exit Polls a Crystal Ball

Voters worried mostly about economy, while 40% are 'moderate, liberal'

(Newser) - Perhaps the most interesting of yesterday's primaries was the vote by the relatively moderate electorate in the key swing state of Wisconsin. Analysts are salivating over exit poll results, and the hints they may offer into how voters are likely to lean come November. For one thing, the economy,...

Tonight: 3 Primaries, 7 Things You Need to Know

Rick Santorum has one last chance to get a Midwestern state

(Newser) - You've probably heard this before, but today's Republican primaries in Wisconsin, Maryland, and DC are pretty important. They'll surely push Mitt Romney past the 600 delegate mark (does that make it "halftime"?), and they represent Rick Santorum's last chance to win a Midwestern state,...

Romney Walking Tightrope in Wisconsin

He's backing Scott Walker, but needs blue-collar votes

(Newser) - The Republican candidates chasing the presidency are eagerly embracing Wisconsin governor Scott Walker for his controversial fight against public sector unions. But with an incredibly tight recall election looming June 5 , Walker isn't exactly returning the love. Desperate for every vote and worried that supporting any one GOP candidate...

Romney Grabs 7-Point Lead in Wisconsin

But Obama leads Romney in general election polling

(Newser) - Mitt Romney leads Rick Santorum 40% to 33% in Wisconsin, according to a new NBC News-Marist poll . Ron Paul follows in third with 11% and Newt Gingrich is last with 8%. Romney leads the way with moderate and liberal Republicans, conservatives, and those earning more than $75,000 per year....

Wisconsin Governor Recall Vote Is On
 Wisconsin Governor 
 Recall Vote Is On 

Wisconsin Governor Recall Vote Is On

Dems will seek to unseat Scott Walker in June election

(Newser) - And the state's elections board makes it official: The recall election against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has been ordered, the AP reports. Mick E. Mous, Donald L. Duck, and Adolf Hitler have been scratched, but almost all the other 900,000 signatures on a petition to recall Wisconsin's...

GOP Governors Not Touching 2012 Race

Some fret over dividing party, others think endorsements don't matter

(Newser) - The National Governors Association gathered in Washington over the weekend—and though DC is abuzz over who the GOP nominee will be, most Republican governors are resolutely sitting on their hands. The majority haven't yet endorsed a candidate, and probably won't until the nomination is near, Politico notes—...

Scott Walker Recall Gets 1M Signatures

That's about twice the number needed to force a vote

(Newser) - Looks like Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker will be facing a recall re-election. Leaders of the Democratic effort say they collected 1 million signatures for today's filing, about double the necessary amount. The figure represents about the same number of votes Walker received in the November 2010 election, notes the...

Opponents Launch Walker Recall Push

Wisconsin guv launches ad campaign in response

(Newser) - The recall effort against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker kicked off today with a midnight filing and a series of midnight signature collecting events around the state. Organizers, who are also looking to recall Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, have 60 days to gather 540,208 valid signatures, but they hope to...

Cain Trips Over Libya Question

'I've got all this stuff twirling around inside my head,' he says

(Newser) - Herman Cain was doing just fine today until someone asked him about Libya. In a meeting with staff of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel , Cain seemed to stumble: "OK, Libya," he said, searching for an answer, the New York Times Caucus Blog reports. “President Obama supported the uprising,...

Scott Walker Rechristens 'Holiday Tree' a 'Christmas Tree'

Wisconsin atheists not happy with the switch

(Newser) - Scott Walker, never one to shy away from controversy, inflamed atheists on Monday by re-naming Wisconsin’s Capitol Rotunda “holiday tree” a “Christmas tree.” That’s what the tree was called from 1916 to 1985, but for the last quarter-century, lawmakers have called it by the more...

Occupy Protesters Shout Down Scott Walker

Chicago speech is briefly interrupted

(Newser) - If there’s one guy who’s no stranger to protests, it’s Scott Walker, and he got another taste of it today. Wisconsin's governor was in Chicago, giving a breakfast speech at the Union Leader Club, when about 50 protesters—some union members, others Occupy protesters—shouted him...

Democrats: Scott Walker Recall Effort Begins Nov. 15

Party seeks to collect 540K signatures by January

(Newser) - Wisconsin's Democrats have announced the date that they hope will be the beginning of the end for the state's controversial Republican governor. The effort to recall Scott Walker will officially begin on Nov. 15, when petitions for a recall begin circulating, Talking Points Memo reports. Volunteers will have...

Wisconsin Teachers Quit in Droves After Union Loss

Battered morale, bigger classes trigger retirements

(Newser) - In the wake of Wisconsin's political dust-up over collective bargaining this year, more teachers than ever there are calling it quits. Teachers are retiring at about double the usual rate rather than face battered morale, bigger classes, trimmed pay, greater health care costs, and more pay funneled into retirement...

Scott Walker Invites You to Pay $1K to Restore Mansion

'Wine and wickets' fundraiser doesn't sit well with everyone

(Newser) - Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is used to catching flak over all things monetary , so when he and wife Tonette decided to renovate the governor's mansion to its former glory, they (probably wisely) decided to do it without making taxpayers foot the bill. Unfortunately, they're not getting off scot-free....

Dems Survive Wis. Recall
 Dems Survive Wisconsin Recall 

Dems Survive Wisconsin Recall

Runaway lawmakers keep seats; GOP keeps state senate

(Newser) - Two more Democratic state senators have survived recall votes in Wisconsin, ending the state's recall saga with the Republicans still in charge of the legislature—but with only a one-seat majority. Another Democrat survived an earlier recall vote, and four of six targeted Republicans held their seats after recall...

Today's Wis. Recall Could Rock US

Entire nation is interested in elections

(Newser) - Wisconsin voters go to the polls today for the first of six recall elections prompted by Gov. Scott Walker's controversial collective bargaining law—and interest is so high, some local officials predict "presidential-election level turnout," reports Politico . Campaign finance records have been shattered as outside interest groups...

Scott Walker Big on Slogans, So-So on Jobs

 Scott Walker 
 Big on Slogans, 
 So-So on Jobs 
Dana Milbank

Scott Walker Big on Slogans, So-So on Jobs

Dana Milbank says the governor has proved he has no silver bullet

(Newser) - Scott Walker loves talking about his “powerful” job-creating policies. “The very first day I was elected, I put up a sign that said, ‘Wisconsin is open for business,’” Walker said at a US Chamber of Commerce summit yesterday, waving a bumper sticker bearing the same...

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