Election 2008

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Imus Affair Could Cost Obama
Imus Affair Could Cost Obama

Imus Affair Could Cost Obama

Stance on trash-talk seen as a litmus test for black community

(Newser) - The Don Imus meltdown could have fallout for Barack Obama, as critics note that he kept his mouth shut for five days—until after the suspension—before condemning the shock jock's crude racial jokes. The candidate's caution is signaling to some black leaders that he isn't going to take a...

Rudy Fails Price-Is-Right Test on Milk, Bread

(Newser) - Tarnishing his regular-guy credentials, Rudy Giuliani told reporters yesterday a gallon of milk costs $1.50 and a loaf of bread $1.25. So what if his own neighborhood's average is $4.19 for milk and upwards of $2.99 for white bread? At least he had a clue about...

Thompson's Record Doesn't Speak for Itself

Cash and charisma beat out ideas and achievements

(Newser) - Why is Tommy Thompson barely a blip on the presidential campaign radar screen when he has what is arguably the best resume for the job? The  HHS secretary and former governor has plenty of ideas and an impeccable record as a welfare reformer. But buzz and bucks are what count,...

McCain Makes The Ultimate Sacrifice

Photo op was political suicide that could hasten the end of war

(Newser) - Frank Rich predicts that John McCain's much-ridiculed photo op in Baghdad's Shorja market last weekend won't be remembered as  his Dukakis-in-the-Tank moment—the cluelessness that sank a candidacy—but as a turning pointing in hastening America's exit from Iraq. John McCain is no Michael Dukakis, and if he can't credibly...

Romney Scores Big In Stealth Campaign

How the candidate tied up some of the GOP's biggest donors

(Newser) - Of all the GOP presidential candidates competing to raise funds, Mitt Romney needs the money least, David Kirkpatrick ovserves in the Times. The founder of a giant private equity firm, he can afford to pay for the race himself. But he's pulled in the most—$20 million—precisely because he...

GOP Lags In Campaign Cash
GOP Lags In Campaign Cash

GOP Lags In Campaign Cash

Democrats top Republican donors for the first time in 30 years

(Newser) - Democratic presidential hopefuls have outperformed their GOP rivals at raising primary cash for the first time since 1976. In the first quarter the score was $79 mil to $51 mil, which seems portentous: Bob Dole's campaign manager confesses to the Times that the Dems "seem to have a lot...

Obama Raises $25 Million
Obama Raises $25 Million

Obama Raises $25 Million

Senator surprises pundits with grassroots results

(Newser) - Barack Obama has raised $25 million for his presidential bid, more than doubling his own projections for the quarter and falling just short of archrival Hillary Clinton’s $26 mil. Obama announced the figure to the Chicago Tribune today, revealing donations that have been far more diffuse than Clinton's—from...

Don't Count Your Black Votes Yet, Barack

Voters look beyond skin color to track record

(Newser) - Never mind his skin color—Barack Obama doesn't have a record that can guarantee black turnout, writes inquirer Harold Jackson. Prominent African American leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are still undecided, and Obama will have to court that constituency just like rival Hillary Clinton did.

Obama Played Hardball Early
Obama Played Hardball Early

Obama Played Hardball Early

Candidate burned political benefactor, among others, in Chicago

(Newser) - Barack Obama showed his acumen for sharp-elbowed politics early on, according to a report in the Tribune. The 2008 hopeful, famous for his affable and earnest optimism, launched his career in an old-fashioned Chicagoan way,  by pushing a former political mentor off a ballot, He won "not by...

Edwards Gains on Clinton, Passes Obama

In New Hampshire poll, it's suddenly a three-way race

(Newser) - John Edwards pushed past Barack and sliced into Hillary's comfortable lead in the latest New Hampshire poll, putting all three cadidates in a statistical dead heat. Clinton dropped from 35% of likely Democratic voters in February  to 27%. Edwards rose from 16% to 21%, and Obama lost a point, from...

Obama as Jesus Stirs Some Ire
Obama as Jesus
Stirs Some Ire

Obama as Jesus Stirs Some Ire

Christ sculpture draws protest, but Barack turns the other cheek

(Newser) - Another sculpture of Jesus is stirring protest this Holy Week—this time a work portraying Barack Obama as the savior. The Art Institute of Chicago has gotten a flood of angry calls over the piece in an exhibition of student work, close on the heels of the chocolate Christ brouhaha...

Baghdad Merchants Beg to Differ With McCain

Say sunny security assessment is phony

(Newser) - Of course John McCain found Baghdad's central market perfectly safe during his weekend visit: He came with 100 soldiers in armored Humvees, backed by attack helicopters and sharpshooters. In a follow-up visit, Kirk Semple of the New York Times found merchants  incredulous at the Congressional delegation's sunny description of the...

Let Citizens Elect The President
Let Citizens Elect The President

Let Citizens Elect The President

A state-by-state strategy to abolish the electoral college

(Newser) - E.J. Dionne wants electoral college reform, and now he's got a model to offer—a new Maryland law that requires the state's electors to support the winner of the nationwide popular vote. The law wouldn't take effect unless other states follow suit, creating "a compact among states genuinely...

Hillary Triples War Chest Record
Hillary Triples War Chest Record

Hillary Triples War Chest Record

White House campaign nets $36 million

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton proved her fund raising prowess by nearly tripling the previous record for the first quarter of a presidential campaign, amassing $26 million in donations.   Some $10 million appears to have been raised in the final 1 1/2 weeks of the quarter, the Washington Post reports, when...

Thompson Joins Race for 2008
Thompson Joins Race for 2008

Thompson Joins Race for 2008

Claims he's the only real conservative in the GOP field

(Newser) - Former governor and Bush cabinet member Tommy Thompson announced  for president yesterday, staking a claim to the territory to the right of the other GOP contenders. "I am the reliable conservative, my record shows that,"  said the one-time secretary of Health and Human Services and four-term governor...

Former Giuliani Partner Faces Felony Charges

Kerik trial could embarrass the GOP frontrunner

(Newser) - Bernie Kerik is about to embarrass his former pal and partner Rudy Giuliani again. Federal prosecutors say they will charge Kerik with with several felonies in connection with the same problems that sank his nomination for secretary of Homeland Security in 2004.

Jesse Backs Barack
Jesse Backs Barack

Jesse Backs Barack

Obama picks up key endorsement

(Newser) - Jesse's backing Barack, despite his long friendship with the Clintons, the civil rights veteran told the AP yesterday.  "He's got my vote,"  Jackson said, dismissing suggestions that he might feel obligated to support Hillary. "It's not awkward at all," he said, adding, "I...

GOP Gains in Head-to-Head Matches
GOP Gains in Head-to-Head Matches

GOP Gains in Head-to-Head Matches

Poll sees Clinton KO'd by Giuiliani, McCain; Obama fairs better

(Newser) - The smart money says the 2008 election is the Democrats' to lose,  but a surprising Time poll has the Democratic front runners narrowly losing to the Repubican front runners in hypothetical head-to-head match-ups. Hillary Clinton loses to John McCain 42%-48%, and to Rudy Giuliani 41%-50%. Obama, behind Clinton in...

Rudi Says Judi Could Sit In On Cabinet

Denies she broke up marriage number two, or estranged his son

(Newser) - "I couldn’t have a better adviser,” Rudy Giuliani gushed about his wife, Judith Nathan, on ABC's 20/20. He would encourage Nathan, a registered nurse and the third Mrs. Giuliani, to sit in on the occasional cabinet meeting and consult on policy in his administration, the GOP frontrunner...

Thompson Slides Into Third
Slides Into Third

Thompson Slides Into Third

Sorry, Mitt. In just two weeks the "Law and Order" man has won GOP hearts

(Newser) - "Law and Order" actor and former senator Fred Thompson is in third place among GOP presidential hopefuls in a new USA Today/Gallup poll. Since he announced that he was considering a bid two weeks ago, Thompson's support has skyrocketed to 12 per cent, kicking Mitt Romney to a distant...

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