Election 2008

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Richardson Trails Despite Better Resume

The problem is that he's not famous enough

(Newser) - Despite his considerable experience in foreign affairs and effective stewardships of one of the most diverse, though small, states in the country, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson is not attracting much of a following, says Time blogger Karen Tumulty. Why? He’s not famous and doesn’t have enough famous...

Florida Moves Primary To January 29
Florida Moves Primary To January 29

Florida Moves Primary To January 29

Rescheduling sets off race for first place

(Newser) - The state's historic election difficulties notwithstanding, Florida's presidential primaries will be among the earliest in the nation. Yesterday's legislative approval of the January 29 date is already provoking other states into maneuvering for the first spot. Said the Massachusetts secretary of state: "The idea that this election could begin...

Hill Calls For Repeal Of War Powers
Hill Calls For Repeal Of
War Powers

Hill Calls For Repeal Of War Powers

Hard-line stand may help her stake out leadership on war

(Newser) - Hillary wants a do-over on Iraq, calling on Congress to withdraw the war powers they gave Bush in 2002. In a clear bid to stake out her own hard-line anti-war territory, Clinton says Congress should repeal the authority granted Bush as of Oct. 11, the fifth anniversary of the vote....

Secret Service Guards Obama
Secret Service Guards Obama

Secret Service Guards Obama

Chertoff assigns detail to protect candidate at request of campaign

(Newser) - Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff has authorized Secret Service protection for presidential candidate Barack Obama, CNN reports. A spokesman would not explain the reason for the assignment but said the secretary acted at the campaign's request. The Secret Service said the coverage is not in response to a specific threat,...

Obama Talks Tough to Blacks
Obama Talks Tough to Blacks

Obama Talks Tough to Blacks

Senator courts African-American vote with straight talk and tough love

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been bringing up issues in front of black audiences that he plays down with more diverse crowds—namely, pointed criticism of the black community. In pull-no-punches speeches, Obama slams low African-American voter turnout, worries that children who do well in school are scorned as "acting white,...

MySpace Flap Costs Obama
MySpace Flap Costs Obama

MySpace Flap Costs Obama

Campaign big-foots virtual volunteer; candidate speaks up

(Newser) - The glow of a computer screen morphed into a harsh spotlight on the Barack Obama campaign this week during a bitter dispute over control of a MySpace page bearing the senator's name. Obama reached out last night—over the phone, not in an email—to the disgruntled supporter who created...

Law Firm's Green Record Gives Rudy Black Eye

Lobbyist for polluters boosts partner Giuliani

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's affiliation with a big-name Houston law firm has been key to his fund-raising success, especially in Texas, but may be dangerous politically, the Times reports. Bracewell & Giuliani, which the former New York mayor joined in 2005, is one of the most prominent lobbyists for the heavy-polluting oil,...

Lunacy Could Be the Ticket For Rudy
Lunacy Could Be the Ticket For Rudy

Lunacy Could Be the Ticket For Rudy

So what if he was out of control as mayor? Only New Yorkers know that

(Newser) - Most Americans don't know Rudy Giuliani the way New Yorkers do: as an outlandish, manic, mean, and sometimes inspired mayor who ran the city in a style "much closer to that of a banana-republic potentate than to your average city administrator's," writes Michael Wolff. What Wolff wants to...

Getting Under Obama's Skin
Getting Under Obama's Skin

Getting Under Obama's Skin

A portrait of the candidate as a uniter in the Lincoln mold

(Newser) - Larissa MacFarquhar does an apt and artful deconstruction of Barack Obama's political persona in this week's New Yorker. Observing the candidate's oddly mild stump style, compared with the overachiever affect of most Democratic candidates, she notes that he is less professor than doctor, aiming not to whip up outrage but...

How Barack Found Jesus
How Barack Found Jesus

How Barack Found Jesus

Candidate chose Christianity over mom's humanism, dad's Islam

(Newser) - The Times retraces Barack Obama's peripatetic path to the Christianity he embraced 20 years ago and now invokes as he presents his presidential campaign in nothing short of biblical terms. Obama's mother was an anthropologist who schooled her son in the variety of religious experiences; his father's family in Kenya...

Giuliani Wants It Both Ways On Gays
Giuliani Wants
It Both Ways
On Gays

Giuliani Wants It Both Ways On Gays

Pro–civil union pol denounces NH bill as too close to marriage

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani is trying to tone down the gay-friendly stance he took as mayor of New York, criticizing New Hampshire's new civil unions bill because it "goes too far" toward gay marriage, which he opposes. As mayor, Giuliani signed a landmark domestic partnerships bill; on the campaign trail, he...

Dems Unite to Slam Iraq In First Debate

Candidates united to attack Bush for continuation of unpopular war

(Newser) - Eight Democrats butted heads last night in the first '08 debate, not so much with each other but with the president over the war in Iraq. Candidates at South Carolina State University  competed at panning the war for making the country less safe and Bush for ignoring the voters' will...

McCain: Gonzales Should Resign
McCain: Gonzales Should Resign

McCain: Gonzales Should Resign

(Newser) - John McCain joins the chorus calling for Alberto Gonzales to resign. In an interview after officially launching his campaign in New Hampshire, McCain told the Politico that the attorney general could no longer usefully serve the president. "I reached that conclusion a long time ago," he said, "...

McCain Courts Yuppie Donors
McCain Courts Yuppie Donors

McCain Courts Yuppie Donors

With YP4McCain, the candidate targets younger supporters

(Newser) - John McCain, the man who wants to be the oldest president ever, is hoping his fundraisers can skew a bit younger. McCain 2008 is actively recruiting young professionals to gather cash from their  Blackberry-wielding friends, making up in enthusiasm what they lack in their bankbooks.

Musical McCain Becomes YouTube Hit
Musical McCain Becomes YouTube Hit

Musical McCain Becomes YouTube Hit

But "bomb bomb Iran" joke may be tone-deaf political move

(Newser) - If John McCain fails in his presidential bid, he may have a future in karaoke. The senator-turned-songbird's impromptu performance of "Bomb Bomb Iran"—set to the tune of the Beach Boys classic "Barbara Ann"—at a South Carolina campaign rally has picked up 118,000 YouTube...

Most Dems Mum on Gun Control
Most Dems Mum on Gun Control

Most Dems Mum on Gun Control

Murphy: Massacre could have been avoided if leaders stood up to gun lobby

(Newser) - Grief over the Virginia Tech massacre is re-energizing gun control advocates like Rep. Carolyn Murphy, whose husband was shot dead in 1996. "For too long, Congress has stood idle while gun violence continues to take its toll," she said yesterday. But most Dems have studiously avoided the hot-button...

Obamas Aren't Millionaires —This Year

Tax returns show drop in candidate's income, mostly royalties

(Newser) - Barack and Michelle Obama unveiled their 2006 federal income tax return yesterday, offering a peek into the wallet of one of the least affluent presidential aspirants. The couple reported $983,826 in taxable income in 2006—a comedown from 2005's $1.6 million.

Barack Trumps Hillary in Battle for Primary Cash

It's nearly even after Round One, and Obama's made some unexpected friends

(Newser) - Barack topped Hill in the primary fundraising race, figures released yesterday showed, and New York mag knows why: Obama has not only won over some key Clinton-family loyalists, but culled a new generation of fortysomething donors with ample assets and Rolodexes to match. The result is Obama's $24.8 million...

Generals Reject War Post
Generals Reject War Post

Generals Reject War Post

(Newser) - Three retired generals declined when asked by the White House to fill a new post to run the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Guardian reports. One candidate, Marine General John Sheehan, told the Washington Post he turned down the war czar job because hawkish Vice President Dick Cheney still...

Thompson Discloses Cancer
Thompson Discloses Cancer

Thompson Discloses Cancer

Could-be candidate says he had lymphoma in 2004, but is in remission

(Newser) - Fred Thompson has non-Hodgkins lymphoma—but it's in remission, the senator-turned-TV star said yesterday. Strategists see the surprise revelation as a sign that Thompson is preparing to enter the contest for the Republican presidential nomination. A new Los Angeles Times poll, conducted just before the announcement, puts him in second...

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