Election 2008

Stories 1721 - 1740 | << Prev   Next >>

Hillary Does About-Face on Iran
Hillary Does About-Face
on Iran

Hillary Does About-Face on Iran

Or does she? Depends on the meaning of 'with no conditions'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton told a voter in an apple orchard yesterday that she would negotiate with Iran “with no conditions”—the very statement for which she took Barack Obama to the woodshed in July, calling him "naive." The difference? Her campaign tells the AP she doesn't agree...

NH Pol Toys With Dec. Primary
NH Pol Toys With Dec. Primary

NH Pol Toys With Dec. Primary

Granite State election head won't rule out moving up poll

(Newser) - With upstarts Florida and Michigan threatening to crowd New Hampshire's sacred kickoff primary, the Granite State's secretary of state is shaking campaigns by dangling a December 2007 polling date. Endowed with god-like election powers, Bill Gardner can do whatever he needs in order to make sure candidates pay his tiny...

Would He, Could He, With Nobel?
Would He, Could He, With Nobel?

Would He, Could He, With Nobel?

Groupies are hoping the Nobel could rouse Gore to presidential run

(Newser) - Groups hoping for an Al Gore presidential run are crossing their fingers for the former VP to win the Nobel Peace Prize tomorrow. Supporters say the award might be more convincing than the Oscar and Emmy he has already racked up. "It's like waiting for Grateful Dead tickets to...

Clinton Promises Centrist Presidency
Clinton Promises Centrist Presidency

Clinton Promises Centrist Presidency

Says past partisan battles better equip her for uniting role

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton fought back today against opponents who call her a polarizing force, telling the Washington Post she's uniquely equipped to forge a centrist coalition. “You can't just wake up and say, ‘Let's all just hold hands.’” But, “You've got to demonstrate that you're not...

GOP Lashes Out at Craig Over Decision to Stay

Republican lawmakers consider Idaho senator an embarrassment

(Newser) - The GOP is an uproar after Larry Craig announced yesterday that he will serve out his term, CNN reports. Some are criticizing the Idaho senator's decision because it will be a distraction from more pressing issues; others denounce Craig's behavior outright. "It's embarrassing for the Senate. It's embarrassing for...

Bill Would Polish US Image for Hill
Bill Would
Polish US
Image for Hill

Bill Would Polish US Image for Hill

Ex-prez would be promoter-in-chief abroad in wife's term

(Newser) - Bill Clinton plans to serve as a sort of diplomat-in-chief should his wife take up residence in the West Wing, he tells the Guardian in London, where he's on a fundraising jog and book-promotion tour. Hillary envisions a mission for him to "restore America's standing" after years of a...

Mitt Veils His Mormonism
Mitt Veils His Mormonism

Mitt Veils His Mormonism

Disguising a central biographical peg leaves candidate Romney with authenticity problem

(Newser) - In downplaying his Mormonism, Mitt Romney is a candidate “who seems to have no history, and, as a result, no heart,” argues Newsweek. When Mitt boasts of his “Judeo-Christian tradition” roots, calls Jesus his “personal savior”—not Mormon terms—and says he hasn’t “...

Bloomberg Denies Plans to Run for Prez

NY mayor says he'll next focus on philanthropy

(Newser) - New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg again denied yesterday he's considering running for president, Reuters reports. Bloomberg’s split  from the GOP this summer sparked rumors that he was considering running as an independent. The mayor's continued popularity in the polls as he nears the end of his term has...

Dems Have Few Options on Iraq
Dems Have Few Options on Iraq

Dems Have Few Options on Iraq

Political hands are more or less tied to the situation on the ground

(Newser) - No matter who wins the White House in '08, he or she will preside over a significant US troop presence in Iraq through the majority of their first term, say Democratic presidential candidates and their short-list picks for defense secretary. And at last week's Democratic debate, the Washington Post reports,...

Newt Won't Run for President
Newt Won't Run for President

Newt Won't Run for President

Gingrich decides not to leave his political organization

(Newser) - After dipping his toes in the water ever so briefly, Newt Gingrich has decided not to run for president, CNN reports. Gingrich determined he could not legally explore a run while running his beloved political organization, American Solutions, his spokesman said. Two days ago, the former House speaker pledged to...

The Case for a Newt Candidacy
The Case for a Newt Candidacy

The Case for a Newt Candidacy

Okay, it's a long shot. But Gingrich could be a Barry Goldwater for beleaguered GOP

(Newser) - When Newt Gingrich makes noises about running for president, as he did again this week, eyes roll all over America. He’s deeply unpopular, according to polls, and it seems too late to mobilize a serious campaign. But Newsweek sees an opportunity for the former House speaker in the gloom...

Is Hillary Eyeing Evan Bayh as Potential Veep?

Indiana senator boasts solid legislative and executive experience

(Newser) - When Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh endorsed Hillary Clinton yesterday, they looked suspiciously like a ticket, says Politico's Roger Simon, speculating that Bayh could be the front-runner’s running mate if she wins the Democratic primary. Bayh was a two-term governor of Indiana before joining the Senate, giving him a rare...

Rudy Less Than Thrilled to Be $9.11 Candidate

Calls suggested donation amount ‘unfortunate’

(Newser) - A spokeswoman for presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani is calling an appeal from private fundraisers for $9.11 donations “an unfortunate choice.” During tomorrow’s national house party night, top GOP rainmaker Abraham Sofaer will host an event aiming to net that telltale amount from attendees, the AP reports.

Bush: Hillary Will Fall to GOP in 2008

Prez sees senator taking primary but not White House

(Newser) - President Bush predicts that Hillary Clinton will beat her Democratic rivals for the nomination but will fall to a Republican in a “tough” general election. Breaking a longstanding promise not to be the “prognosticator in chief,” he says her name and fundraising will hold sway in the...

Hillary's Lead Forces Hopefuls to Get Tough

Obama, Edwards adjust strategy, take aim at lead candidate

(Newser) - Polls are putting Hillary in first place among the Dems, forcing other hopefuls to campaign aggressively against her. She has allayed credibility doubts and can stay the course on health care, education, and energy, the New York Times reports. Obama and Edwards, meanwhile, each hope to be the other half...

Florida Dems to Stick With Jan. 29 Primary

Unfazed by threat of DNC penalties and candidate boycotts

(Newser) - Defiant Florida Democrats are poised to flout national party rules and push forward with a state primary on Jan. 29. The move means the DNC will strip Florida of its 210 nominating convention delegates and major Democratic candidates will not campaign in the state, reports the AP. "I'm not...

‘Bundlers’ Rake In Cash, Harbor Ethics Gaps

Candidates’ biggest spenders launder money and break laws

(Newser) - "Bundlers"—political fundraisers who solicit other donors to give—are a standard feature of the presidential race, and many remain favored by major campaigns despite unethical and even illegal conduct. The Post spotlights questionable rainmakers in the Norman Hsu scandal aftermath, including one Hillary donor who gave $160,...

Hillary Holds Tight to Tainted Cash
Hillary Holds Tight to
Tainted Cash

Hillary Holds Tight to Tainted Cash

Others pledge to re-gift alleged oil-for-food profiteer’s donations

(Newser) - While some politicians pledged to dump contributions from a Texas oilman whose trial for paying kickbacks to Saddam Hussein opens this week, Hillary Clinton offered no promises. The presidential frontrunner off-loaded $23,000 from frequent fugitive Norman Hsu recently and returned $850,000 he raised for her, but she’s...

Flip-Floppers See Light—Or Just Want Job

Romney and Kerry stand in long line of political mind-changing

(Newser) - Maybe Mitt Romney and John Kerry should hold their flip-flopping heads high: Changes of mind have furthered the causes of abolition and civil rights over the centuries. Ronald Reagan defiantly claimed his biggest reversal—promising feet “in concrete” about raising taxes, then singing “the sound of concrete cracking”...

Look Who's Given Up on the White Male

Democrats dumped NASCAR dads in 2008

(Newser) - One constituency the Democrats have conspicuously not been courting this primary season is the blue-collar white male, and they shouldn't start any time soon, recommends Salon's Thomas Schaller. Bubba went to the other side in the late '80s and never looked back. The Dems didn't give up easily, but this...

Stories 1721 - 1740 | << Prev   Next >>
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