Election 2008

Stories 1701 - 1720 | << Prev   Next >>

Press Praises Barack and Fred, Knocks McCain

More balanced with Hillary, Giuliani

(Newser) - The press gives Obama and Fred Thompson upbeat coverage, John McCain a hard time, and balances reporting on Hillary and Giuliani, says the Hollywood Reporter. A new study shows that Obama and Thompson received positive coverage in half of their 2007 stories, while McCain's were 48% negative and 12% positive....

Colbert Nation Rules Facebook
Colbert Nation Rules Facebook

Colbert Nation Rules Facebook

Fictional presidential campaign rocks online fans

(Newser) - The Facebook group "1,000,000 Strong for Stephen T. Colbert" reached a million members in just over a week, making the organization devoted to the comedian's phony presidential campaign the fastest-growing political group in the four-year history of the social networking site. 

Hillary Faces Gender Hurdle in Iowa
Hillary Faces Gender Hurdle in Iowa

Hillary Faces Gender Hurdle in Iowa

Calls state a 'special burden,' but holds six-point lead

(Newser) - Gender bias may topple Hillary's Iowa bid and hurt her image as shoo-in for the Dem nomination, the Christian Science Monitor reports. She calls the state a "special burden" and was "shocked" to hear Iowans had never elected a woman governor; analysts say she's downplaying her hopes in...

No More Mr. Nice Barack
No More Mr. Nice Barack

No More Mr. Nice Barack

Obama promises more aggressive rhetoric against Clinton

(Newser) - Obama plans to offset slipping poll numbers by getting in Hillary's face, calling her shady on foreign policy and too divisive to win in 2008, the New York Times reports. Critics say that two-fisted politics would betray Obama's "politics of hope," a charge he rejects: “Every time...

We Say Osama, Mitt Says Obama
We Say Osama, Mitt Says Obama

We Say Osama, Mitt Says Obama

Candidate makes gaffe on the stump

(Newser) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney yesterday confused the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks with the junior senator from Illinois, the New York Times' Caucus blog reports. During a speech on global trade in Greenwood, SC, Romney said, “look at what Osam—uh—Barack Obama, said just yesterday. Barack Obama...

Would-Be First Ladies Candid in First Forum

Bill Clinton a no-show

(Newser) - Five spouses of presidential candidates met yesterday for a surprisingly candid exchange about their experiences on the campaign trail and their potential roles in the White House. Bill Clinton and Judith Giuliani both opted out, prompting host Maria Shriver, a former journalist and California's first lady, to joke that “...

Clinton Vows Review of Exec 'Power Grab'

Guardian America launches with Hillary chat on presidency

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has vowed to launch a review of executive powers "expanded" by President Bush if the job becomes hers, she says in an interview with Guardian America, the Guardian's new US website. Referring to Bush and Dick Cheney, the senator told the Guardian's US editor, Michael Tomasky, "...

Giuliani: Fear Not, Conservatives
Giuliani: Fear Not, Conservatives

Giuliani: Fear Not, Conservatives

GOP front-runner promotes shared values on Iraq and judges, admits to differences

(Newser) - Conservatives at the Value Voters Summit in Washington, DC, gave Giuliani polite applause today as he admitted his moderate-to-liberal views on abortion and other issues, the AP reports. He stressed shared stands on Iraq, school choice and conservative judges, but kept mum about gay marriage. "We may not always...

War Has Just Begun on Kids Health Care

Vote will be replayed in campaign ads, frame debate: Salon

(Newser) - When the vote to override President Bush's veto of a children's health insurance bill failed in the House this week, it marked a campaign watershed, Salon's Walter Shapiro writes, predicting that it will be replayed endlessly in attack ads as congressional races heat up. The lines are drawn: Democrats will...

Johnson to Run Despite Brain Hemorrhage

Colleagues amassed $2 million campaign chest in his absence

(Newser) - A brain hemorrhage won't stop South Dakota Senator Tim Johnson from seeking reelection, he said yesterday. He is still in therapy and gets around in a motorized wheelchair, but claims he is ready to run. "It is clear to my family, my doctors, and me that I am able...

Web 2.0 Forum Will Let Users Vote on Q & A

New "10 Questions" more interactive than similar past efforts

(Newser) - Disappointed with earlier web-based candidate debates, Wired is touting 10 Questions, a  project launched Wednesday that invites users to submit video questions for the hopefuls, vote up or down the questions submitted by others, and then—when candidates submit video answers—vote up or down the candidates' answers, too. 

Christian Right Isn't Singing the Praises of GOP Candidates

Evangelicals meet today to seek agreement

(Newser) - Crowded as the GOP field may be, the religious right can't  seem to find a congenial candidate. The Washington Post reports that evangelicals—today beginning a 2-day summit—remain unmoved no matter how sweetly Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, and John McCain come calling. And the idea of a Rudy Guiliani...

Brownback to Quit GOP Race
Brownback to Quit GOP Race

Brownback to Quit GOP Race

(Newser) - Sam Brownback will withdraw from the GOP primaries as early as tomorrow, sources tell the AP. The conservative senator’s fundraising abilities apparently didn't keep pace with his presidential ambitions; his campaign reported raising only $800,000 in the third quarter. “I know Senator Brownback enjoyed campaigning and meeting...

Bush's Stalwart Donors Largely Sitting Out '08

Current candidates not wowing GOP's most devoted checkbooks

(Newser) - The money machine that backed George Bush’s two presidential runs is sputtering for 2008’s Republican hopefuls. Disenchanted by Iraq and unimpressed with the current field, GOP donors are largely sitting out—or even padding Democrats' coffers, reports the Washington Post. “I’m not sure which primary I’...

Gore Rules Out Presidential Run
Gore Rules Out Presidential Run

Gore Rules Out Presidential Run

(Newser) - Nobel or not, Al Gore still isn’t running for president. “I’m involved in a different kind of campaign," Gore told Norwegian TV in an interview broadcast today. "It’s a global campaign to change the way people think about the climate crisis.” Many hoped...

Clinton Leads in Primary Cash
Clinton Leads in Primary Cash

Clinton Leads in Primary Cash

(Newser) - The $35 million Hillary Clinton has on hand for her primary campaign edges out the $32 million in Barack Obama’s coffers, according to financial reports acquired by the AP. But both have almost three times the money of any other campaign—Rudy Giuliani leads Republicans with just $11.6...

Rudy, McCain Swinging at Mitt
Rudy, McCain Swinging at Mitt

Rudy, McCain Swinging at Mitt

(Newser) - The gloves are off in the Republican presidential race, with the McCain and Giuliani campaigns forming a tacit alliance to take down Mitt Romney, the Politico observes. McCain said today that, unlike Romney, “I’m not going to con you,” while Giuliani ruthlessly derided Romney for saying a...

That's Not Dowd, It's Colbert (We Think)

Parody king fills in for Times columnist today

(Newser) - Maureen Dowd turned over her column to faux conservative Stephen Colbert today in the New York Times—or it's her own clever parody on a master of the form. Either way, it's a fun read, with Colbert hinting he'd like to run for president. But unlike Newt, Colbert won’t...

Boot the Electoral College: Salon
Boot the Electoral College: Salon

Boot the Electoral College: Salon

System is an undemocratic throwback, writes Garrett Epps

(Newser) - The Electoral College is "a loaded gun pointed directly at the heart of our democracy," writes Garrett Epps in Salon, and it's high time to get rid of the throwback designed to protect slave ownership. No part of the Constitution has failed more, he argues, citing the 1824,...

White House by Way of Oslo?
White House
by Way of Oslo?

White House by Way of Oslo?

Nobel sparks new round of speculation that Gore will take to the campaign trail

(Newser) - Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize will increase calls for the Oscar winner to run for president. The Politico says the laureate’s likely to stay out of the race—after this, a political campaign would be an awful downer, the Washington Post notes—but not until he’s drawn...

Stories 1701 - 1720 | << Prev   Next >>