
Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Peres Calls British Anti-Semites

Nazi-Battling UK Furious

(Newser) - Shimon Peres is furiously backpedaling after accusing the UK of anti-Semitism, a comment that enraged the British public, who still deeply identify as the country that "stood alone against Nazi Germany during the Second World War," the Telegraph reports. The Israeli president "never accused the British people...

Stone: Oops, Sorry, Jews Don't Dominate Media

Director backpedals after he enrages Jews

(Newser) - Movie director Oliver Stone has been doing some hasty backpedaling after some Mel Gibson-esque remarks about the Holocaust enraged Jewish groups. The director has apologized for telling the Times of London that "Jewish domination of the media" in the US is the reason why Jewish deaths in the Holocaust...

Mel Gibson: 'I Want Jew Blood on My Hands'
 Mel Gibson: 
 'I Want 
 Jew Blood 
 on My Hands' 
new rants, old tune

Mel Gibson: 'I Want Jew Blood on My Hands'

Same anti-Semitism, different day

(Newser) - Another day, another shocking claim about Mel Gibson. The latest: He allegedly told Oksana Grigorieva, “I want Jew blood on my hands,” she tells authorities. Apparently Gibson was angry at, as Radar puts it , “a high-profile Hollywood figure who is Jewish” who had “publicly humiliated” Mel....

Beck Goes on Bizarre Jesus Rant

Which includes the claim that the Jews killed Jesus

(Newser) - Glenn Beck devoted his show last night to a bizarre theology rant, in his ongoing attempt to discredit the idea that social justice is compatible with Christianity. Beck called liberation theology a “perversion” that “is extraordinarily dangerous,” because it suggests that Christians owe something to the poor...

Stewart Explains GOP's Beef With Kagan: She's a Jew

Daily Show dissects the confirmation hearings

(Newser) - Jon Stewart thinks he's discovered the real reason Republicans don't like Elena Kagan. After poring over clips of her confirmation hearings—in which they made sidelong references to her "background" and "beliefs" and New York upbringing, Stewart cracked, "Let's cut to the chase: You're a Jew! You're...

Please, No More Nazi References
 Please, No More 
 Nazi References 

Please, No More Nazi References

The Holocaust is not a joke

(Newser) - Holocaust references have become ridiculously common in America’s political discourse, and it’s got to stop, writes Jewish activist Marvin Hier in the LA Times . In the past month alone we’ve seen Nazis invoked to decry everything from Barack Obama’s handling of the BP crisis to Meg...

Dutch 'Decoy Jews' Fight Hate Crimes

Officer in skullcaps deployed to tackle rise in anti-Semitic attacks

(Newser) - Dutch police are tackling a rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes by donning robes and skullcaps. Officers are being sent onto the streets of Amsterdam as "decoy Jews" to cut the number of verbal and physical attacks on Jews, the Telegraph reports. The city's police say similar operations using decoy...

Helen Thomas Interviewer Hit With 25K Hate Emails

Rabbi's interview unleashes anti-Semitic free-for-all

(Newser) - The rabbi whose off-the-cuff interview with Helen Thomas cost the veteran White House correspondent her career isn't getting a lot of cudos for the gotcha. Rabbi David Nesenoff, who says he was as astonished as anyone to hear Thomas blurt out something so obviously not camera-ready, has been subjected ever...

Jones Puts Foot in Mouth With Jewish Joke

National security adviser draws fire from conservatives

(Newser) - Jim Jones gave a major speech at a top Middle East think tank last week, but the information he imparted has been drowned out by the kerfluffle over the joke he opened his remarks with—in which a Jewish merchant fleeces a thirsty Taliban fighter. It's tame stuff, and the...

Al-Qaeda Leaders Guided Would-Be Subway Bombers

Plotter delivers anti-Zionist diatribe at trial

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda leaders were directly behind the plot to bomb the New York City subway system, one of the would-be terrorists testified today. Zarein Ahmedzay said he and Najibullah Zazi met with senior leaders of the terrorist group—both since killed in US drone attacks—who encouraged and facilitated their desire...

Hitler Broadcasts Fueled Rise of Radical Islam
Hitler Broadcasts Fueled
Rise of Radical Islam
new book

Hitler Broadcasts Fueled Rise of Radical Islam

Anti-Jewish messages broadcast in Arabic during WWII

(Newser) - Arabic-language Nazi propaganda broadcast during the World War II fueled the rise of radical Islamic views, a new book claims. In Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World, professor Jeffrey Herf uses 6,000 newly-released radio transcripts to show how hate-filled radio broadcasts exacerbated anti-Jewish sentiment in the Arab World. A...

Bishop: Vatican Abuse Uproar a 'Zionist Attack'

Italian priest allegedly blames Jews for sex abuse scandal

(Newser) - Jews are fanning the flames of the Catholic Church's sex abuse scandal, an elderly Italian bishop has allegedly claimed—and American Jewish groups aren't too happy about it. A Catholic website quotes Giacomo Babini, 81, as saying the "powerful and refined" nature of criticism of the church suggests a...

Pope's Preacher Addresses Anti-Semitism Remark Backlash

Raniero Cantalamessa says he's sorry 'if I hurt feelings'

(Newser) - The Vatican official who compared the fallout from the church's alleged cover-up of child sex-abuse cases to the "more shameful aspects of anti-Semitism" has acknowledged the subsequent firestorm of criticism but stopped short of apologizing. "If—and it was not my intention to do so—I hurt the...

Hitler's Mein Kampf Banned in Russia

Nazi classic suddenly deemed 'extremist'

(Newser) - Russian authorities have just decided that Hitler’s anti-Semitic opus Mein Kampf is extremist, and have banned the book. The move comes as the country attempts to combat xenophobia in far-right circles, and prosecutors discovered that the book was freely available in a certain region. The government keeps a list...

CNN's Screen Crawl Gets Anti-Semitic

Whoops! No one at the network appears to edit Twitter captions

(Newser) - CNN’s attempt to keep it real by running viewers’ Twitter comments on its screen crawl got a little too real yesterday. During a discussion about US-Israel relations between Wolf Blitzer and Rick Sanchez, the bottom of the screen ran tweets—replies to Sanchez's Twitter feed—that included “Israel...

Miffed Mel Gibson Calls Reporter A-Hole

Edge of Darkness star gets testy after being asked about DUI bust

(Newser) - Mel Gibson's on the comeback trail after his 2006 DUI arrest and anti-Semitic rant—but he may want to brush up on the charm a little more. The actor, out promoting new flick Edge of Darkness, called a reporter at Chicago's WGN-TV an asshole after he was questioned about the...

Man Pledging to Kill Jews Yanked From Miami Flight

He's not a terrorist, just bipolar, says son

(Newser) - An Ohio man who loudly claimed he wanted "to kill all the Jews” on a Delta flight readying to take off from Miami was removed from the airplane yesterday. Mansor Mohammad Asad, 43, who was traveling with his sister, girlfriend, and daughter, is an American citizen, though after a...

Accused Holocaust Museum Shooter Dies

James von Brunn dead at 89 in prison hospital

(Newser) - The 89-year-old man accused of a deadly shooting at the Holocaust museum in Washington has died in a prison hospital, a government official says. James von Brunn reportedly died at a federal complex in Butner, North Carolina. He had been awaiting trial for the killing of security guard Stephen T....

Anti-Semitism Got Polanski
 Anti-Semitism Got Polanski 
gore vidal

Anti-Semitism Got Polanski

Gore Vidal is less than PC while discussing Roman Polanski

(Newser) - Gore Vidal isn't afraid to say what he really thinks about the Roman Polanski fiasco. "I really don’t give a f---. Look, am I going to sit and weep every time a young hooker feels as though she’s been taken advantage of?" he tells the Atlantic in...

SC Republicans Apologize for Jewish Slur

They praised DeMint by using stereotype of miserly Jew

(Newser) - Two GOP county chairs in South Carolina today apologized for a weekend op-ed in which they praised Sen. Jim DeMint by invoking the stereotype of a Jew "watching our nation's pennies." James Ulmer wrote that he "meant absolutely nothing derogatory" by the essay. "I quoted a...

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