police department

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Oakland Loses 3rd Top Cop in 8 Days

'I am here to run a police department, not a frat house,' mayor says

(Newser) - Oakland has gone through three top cops in nine days and the revolving door at police headquarters is now closed. When Acting Chief Paul Figueroa stepped down on Friday after just two days in the job, Mayor Libby Schaff said the department is going to be put under civilian control...

Oakland Mayor Cans Top Cop After 6 Days

Woman now claims she had sexual contact with dozens of officers

(Newser) - Ben Fairow's reign as Oakland's top cop was, in a word, brief. Fairow—who replaced resigning police chief Sean Whent on Friday amid an investigation into possible underage sex and murder —was removed from his post Wednesday after just six days, reports the Los Angeles Times . During...

California Police Department to Use Nunchucks

They're sometimes better than a baton, one sergeant says

(Newser) - If you run into a police officer in Anderson, California, don't be surprised if he's sporting some nunchucks instead of a baton. The Northern California police department is outfitting its 20 officers with the weapon popularized by Bruce Lee because it wanted another nonlethal way to bring a...

Police Chief Has Succinct Response to Motto Complaint

'Go fly a kite'

(Newser) - Police patrol cars in Childress, Texas, say "In God we trust" on the back, and recently, the police department got a letter from the Freedom From Religion Foundation "demanding" the words be removed, Chief Adrian Garcia wrote on Facebook yesterday, per KETK . He posted a picture of the...

No More Grenade Launchers, Bayonets for Local Police

Obama puts new rules on military equipment transferred to local departments

(Newser) - If a police department wants to outfit itself with military equipment, it will now have to make a very strong case for why it needs to. After an uproar over a program that allowed law enforcement to get surplus military gear—including armored vehicles, grenade launchers, bayonets, and camouflage uniforms—...

Feds Make Baltimore Cops Keep Spying Secret: Report

Data collected from Hailstorm device kept on the down-low, detective testifies

(Newser) - Baltimore police are under orders from the US government to withhold information about secretive cellphone surveillance technology from the public and even the courts, and are encouraged to seek dismissal of cases instead of divulging details about the program, according to a confidential document obtained by the AP. The agreement...

Feds: Cleveland Cops Use Excessive Force Routinely

Department will get an independent monitor

(Newser) - Cleveland police use unnecessary force so often that the department must let an independent monitor make sure reforms are put into place, reports NBC News . That's one result of a Justice Department investigation of 600 incidents between 2010 and 2013 that faults the department for poor training and a...

Officer Bra Sizes Revealed to Entire Police Dept.
Officer Bra Sizes Revealed
to Entire Police Dept.

Officer Bra Sizes Revealed to Entire Police Dept.

Height, weight also included on mistakenly emailed spreadsheet

(Newser) - Well, this is certainly more embarrassing than most clerical errors: The bra sizes and weight of several female police officers were recently revealed to many of their colleagues in the Detroit Police Department. The information was included on a spreadsheet related to the ordering of bulletproof vests that was emailed...

Crime-Ridden NJ City Axes Police Department

Camden to replace force with non-union county workers

(Newser) - Camden, New Jersey, is often cited as one of the most dangerous cities in America—so of course, it's getting rid of its police department. In a bid to rein in its budget, the city will lay off all 460 of its police officers by the end of the...

Seattle Police Agrees to Reforms on Use of Force

Move comes after scathing report from feds

(Newser) - Seattle's police department has agreed to a series of reforms after the Justice Department alleged that officers in the city routinely used excessive force during even minor arrests, especially against minorities, reports AP . A federal monitor will oversee the changes, which reach "into almost every aspect of how...

Mexico Disbands Corrupt Veracruz Police Force

Navy takes over law enforcement after corrupt cops sent packing

(Newser) - Mexican authorities have stamped out corruption in the Veracruz police force by stamping out the Veracruz police force. The port city's police department has been disbanded, and all 800 officers and 300 administrative staff have been fired, the BBC reports. The Mexican navy is taking responsibility for law enforcement...

Texas Town Furloughs Entire Police Force

With five-member department on 6-month leave, mayor predicts chaos

(Newser) - With its finances stretched to the breaking point, Alto, Texas, is giving its police officers the boot for six months—all five of them. OK, so it’s not exactly the NYPD. But with the county sheriff’s office already overburdened, town residents are afraid losing their small department could...

City That Fired Everyone Doing Just Fine

Outsourcing works out for Maywood, California

(Newser) - Not having any employees hasn’t been so bad for Maywood, Calif. A budget crisis forced the small city to fire literally everyone in June, and it contracted out various essential services to neighboring cities. But Maywood was so bad at handling those services itself that outsourcing has led to...

Cops Let Department's Website Name Expire ...

... and guy who got a traffic ticket buys it

(Newser) - A Tennessee police department didn't know that domain names expire—and now a guy who's angry about a speeding ticket is the proud owner of http://www.bluffcitypd.com/ . It seems the cop in charge of the site was out on sick leave, and no other city employees saw the...

Taser Tells Cops: Don't Aim at Chest
Taser Tells Cops: Don't
Aim at Chest

Taser Tells Cops: Don't Aim at Chest

Company cites 'extremely low risk' but insists stun gun is safe

(Newser) - Stun gun maker Taser has issued an advisory to police departments suggesting cops not aim at a suspect’s chest because it poses an "extremely low" chance of triggering an "adverse cardiac event." The company insists its product is safe, but if something goes wrong, "it...

Another Harvard Prof Accuses Police of Racism

(Newser) - Another black member of Harvard's faculty has accused the Cambridge Police Department of racism, the Boston Globe reports. S. Allen Counter, a Harvard Medical School professor, was arrested outside his home in 2006 on assault and battery charges. “I was polite, and yet police lied and said I was...

Gates to Black People: 'Don't Step Onto That Porch!'

(Newser) - Henry Louis Gates is upset about his arrest, in which he sees wide implications and a potential "teachable moment." The Harvard professor talks it over with the Daily Beast in the person of Elizabeth Gates, who happens to be his daughter:
  • On the police: "I’m glad

Boy Scouts Train to Fight Terror, Patrol Borders

Program trains kids in terror threats, border protection

(Newser) - Think of it as Extreme Boy Scouting: the co-ed Explorers program has trained kids across the country in law enforcement techniques for decades. But lately “our emphasis is on terrorism, illegal entry, drugs, and human smuggling,” says a Border Patrol agent of the program. That means charging around...

Nation of Cops Attends Oakland Officers' Funeral

(Newser) - Law enforcement officers from across the country descended on Oakland today for the funerals of four cops gunned down by a fugitive last weekend, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. All 815 members of the Oakland force attended while officers from other jurisdictions patrolled the streets in their stead. An overflow...

China Busts 100 Monks After Attack on Police

Protest sparked by alleged suicide of police escapee

(Newser) - China arrested almost 100 monks after hundreds of Tibetans attacked a Chinese police station, the AP reports. Police nabbed six while 89 others, almost all monks, turned themselves in, said the state news agency. The uproar appeared to be over a Tibetan who disappeared after he escaped from police, the...

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