
Stories 981 - 1000 | << Prev   Next >>

Pakistan Turmoil Haunts US
Pakistan Turmoil Haunts US

Pakistan Turmoil Haunts US

Over-reliance on beleaguered Musharraf threatens war on terror

(Newser) - Political chaos in Pakistan could spell major danger for the US, as weakened President General Pervez Musharraf fights to keep Taliban and al-Qaeda forces—as well as the nation's numerous nuclear weapons—in check. One White House official called Pakistan's potential destabilization a "nightmare scenario" that appears to be...

UK Probes Charges That CIA Used Brit Prison for Torture

(Newser) - British officials will investigate persistent claims that the CIA secretly interrogated terrorism suspects at a UK prison in the Indian Ocean, the Guardian reports. Authorities have repeatedly questioned American officials, who deny the reports. But an organization representing detainees insists the claims are true, adding that the British may be...

Islamic Militants Blamed in Blasts
Islamic Militants Blamed in Blasts

Islamic Militants Blamed in Blasts

(Newser) - A "ball of fire" turned a Karachi street from a scene of celebration into one of "absolute horror and carnage" early this morning after two explosions killed at least 136 people gathered to hail the return of former Pakistan Prime Minster Benazir Bhutto, reports the BBC. The Pakistan...

Senate Brokers Truce With Bush on Domestic Spying

Includes immunity for phone companies

(Newser) - Senate Democrats and Republicans have brokered a deal on legislation regarding the White House domestic spying and wiretapping program—including a highly controversial grant of immunity to telecommunication companies that co-operated with warrantless wiretaps. The deal marks a victory for the White House because Democrats had to kill a House...

Homeward Bound, Bhutto Fears for Life

Former PM concerned about ‘threat within the government’

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto returns to Pakistan Thursday for the first time in 19 years, and she worries her life is at risk. A Taliban commander has vowed to murder the ex-PM with suicide bombers, but her fear is military officers “who have fought the jihad,” she told the Guardian....

European Militants Find Training in Pakistan

Fighters wary of Iraq are groomed for terror ops on Afghan border

(Newser) - Renewed Al-Qaeda strength on the Pakistan-Afghan border is wooing European militants to train in Pakistan, the Los Angeles Times reports. Fighters who are wary of Iraq—where they may have to strap on a bomb on short notice—can enjoy being groomed for missions in Pakistan. “Pakistan worries me...

Critics Force US to Review Terror Tribunal Findings

Hundreds of inmates cases to be reviewed

(Newser) - Facing mounting criticism of the justice system at Guantanamo Bay, US authorities will review hundreds of cases against inmates detained there. Officials have begun seeking new evidence or overlooked information because the  tribunal process which classified the inmates as enemy combatants has come under fire. The reviews could lead to...

Judge Halts Gitmo Transfer Back Home to Torture

First ruling of its kind in favor of detainee

(Newser) - In the first ruling of its kind, a federal judge has blocked plans by US officials to send a Guantanamo Bay terror suspect back home to risk torture and even death in a Tunisian prison. The order by a DC judge presents a major roadblock to the Bush administration's plans...

Battles Rage on Border of Pakistan and Afghanistan

Death toll skyrockets as soldiers clash with pro-Taliban militants

(Newser) - Violence has reached a fever pitch in Waziristan, where at least 45 Pakistani soldiers and 150 pro-Taliban militants have died during intense fighting over the past 3 days. Unconfirmed reports say another 50 rebels and an unknown number of civilians died today, according to the BBC. Pakistan’s ceasefire with...

Pakistan Loses Ground on Terror
Pakistan Loses Ground on Terror

Pakistan Loses Ground on Terror

Musharraf's troubles delays new strategy

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf’s efforts to keep Pakistan's presidency are increasingly distracting its military from devising new strategies for its fight with the Taliban and al-Qaeda—a fight it is losing. As casualties mount, the military is retreating from battles with better-armed insurgent forces, which have taken over Pakistan’s tribal...

US, Iraqi Death Tolls Plummet
US, Iraqi Death Tolls Plummet

US, Iraqi Death Tolls Plummet

September stats are lowest since summer of 2006

(Newser) - The death tolls among US soldiers and Iraqi civilians both fell significantly in September, hitting their lowest levels since the summer of 2006. Civilian deaths dropped 50% to 988, compared to 1,975 in August. The American death toll in September was 64, the fewest casualties since July 2006, the...

CIA Suspects Granted Access to Lawyers

'High value' detainees include 911 'mastermind'

(Newser) - US officials have granted 14 "high-value" al-Qaeda suspects, transferred to Guantanamo Bay after years in secret CIA prisons, access to lawyers to represent them at future military trials. The suspects include Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the 911 attacks, and others once close to Osama  bin Laden,...

Osama Attempts to Re-Take Al-Qaeda Reins

Media blitz aims to reassert power, unite fractured terror group

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden’s sudden media blitz this month isn’t just a message to the West—it’s also to his own fractured terrorist organization, a Taliban official tells Newsweek. An al-Qaeda faction had long told bin Laden to remain secluded for his own safety, advice the spotlight-loving leader...

Bin Laden Targets Pakistan in New Tape

Upcoming message will declare war on 'the tyrant Perez Musharraf'

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden is about to declare jihad against Pakistani President Perez Musharraf in a new tape, militant websites vowed yesterday, posting advertisements that usually presage a new recording by one to three days, according to the AP. At the same time, al-Qaida released a video on the same theme...

Musharraf Will Step Down as Army Chief

Move was key to appease critics, keep job as president

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf will resign as Pakistan's army chief in order to pursue another term as president, a party official said today, likely clearing the way for a power-sharing agreement with exiled former PM Benazir Bhutto. Reuters reports that talks with Bhutto, who returns to Pakistan October 18 to seek power,...

Al-Qaeda Puts Price on Head of Cartoonist

$100,000 for murder of Swede who drew offensive image

(Newser) - An al-Qaeda affiliate is offering a reward to slaughter a Swedish cartoonist who drew an image offensive to Muslims. In an online statement, Islamic State in Iraq offered $100,000 for Lars Vilks' murder and $50,000 for that of the newspaper editor who published the cartoon. The reward escalated...

Al Qaeda Expands With "Corporate Takeovers"

Gives groups arms, training, and support

(Newser) - Al Qaeda is expanding its size and abilities through "corporate-style takeovers" of regional extremist groups—offering arms, training, and support in return for allegiance. Analysts say this expansion represents a huge threat to the West, as the terrorist organization gains thousands of willing foot soldiers.  "They are...

Iraqi al-Qaeda Group to Track Down 'Traitors'

Islamic State of Iraq vows to kill those who align with US

(Newser) - Thursday's assassination of a Sunni tribal leader was the first in what an al-Qaeda front group warns will be the fate of all who cooperate with the US, reports the AP. The Islamic State of Iraq announced on Islamist websites that "special security committees" will track down "traitors"...

Sunnis Vow to Strike Back After Death of Tribal Leader

'Revenge on al-Qaeda,' mourners shout

(Newser) - The killing of a prominent Iraqi tribal leader and US ally will be avenged, angry Sunnis promised today, a day after the sheik died in a bomb attack. Thousands of Iraqis joined the funeral procession for Abdul Sattar Abu Risha, shouting, “Revenge, revenge on al-Qaeda.” The assassination of...

Bush Vows Modest Pullback in Wake of 'Success'

'Endless military presence' slammed by Dems

(Newser) - President Bush announced that 24,000 troops will return home by July 2008 in an address to the nation in which he touted advancements in Iraq. He termed the reduction "a return on success" that could be squandered by larger withdrawals. Troops could still be added, however, so the...

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