
Stories 961 - 980 | << Prev   Next >>

Congress Kept in Dark, CIA Chief Admits

Hayden backtracks after 'stunning' closed-door committee testimony

(Newser) - CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden acknowledged today that the agency did not inform Congress about the creation or destruction of videotapes of harsh interrogations of al-Qaeda detainees, the New York Times reports. “We could have done an awful lot better at keeping the committee alert and informed,” Hayden...

Algiers Searches for Missing
Algiers Searches for Missing

Algiers Searches for Missing

Al-Qaeda claims responsibility for twin blasts that killed dozens

(Newser) - Rescuers worked though the night to locate missing UN workers and others trapped in the rubble left by yesterday's twin car bombs in Algiers, which a North African group linked to al-Qaeda claims to have detonated. Death counts vary, but the UN estimates that 45 were killed, including a dozen...

Bombings Kill 45 in Algiers
Bombings Kill 45 in Algiers

Bombings Kill 45 in Algiers

12 UN staffers are missing after blast

(Newser) - Two car bombs exploded in upscale districts of Algiers today, killing at least 45, the AP reports. One bomb exploded near the UN's refugee agency office, and the other near the Supreme Court. Twelve UN staffers are missing. No group has claimed responsibility, but Algerians believe the attack was one...

Key Iraqi Police Chief Killed
Key Iraqi Police Chief Killed

Key Iraqi Police Chief Killed

American ally assassinated in precise string of roadside bombs

(Newser) - Qais al-Mamouri, a major US ally respected for his non-sectarian work as police chief in violent Babil province, was killed today by a roadside bomb, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Five successive explosions ripped through al-Mamouri’s US-issued SUV, killing him and two others. Less than an hour earlier a...

CIA Was Warned Not to Destroy Tapes

Agency defied advice from White House, Congress, Justice

(Newser) - The CIA destroyed interrogation videotapes in 2005 against the advice of the White House, Justice Department, and members of Congress, the New York Times reports. All warned of the potential legal risks of destroying the tapes, which showed the harsh interrogation of two al-Qaeda operatives. The agency's chief of clandestine...

Female Suicide Bomber Strikes in Central Iraq

16 die in second attack by a woman in 2 weeks; another blast kills 10

(Newser) - A woman detonated a bomb today in the offices of a group fighting Al-Qaeda in central Iraq, killing 16 and injuring 27. The suicide bombing, at the Muqdadiyah office of an anti-al-Qaeda group, was the second by a woman in 2 weeks, AFP reports. Elsewhere in restive Diyala province, a...

CIA Destroyed Videos of Interrogations

Move could raise obstruction-of-justice issues for agency

(Newser) - The CIA destroyed in 2005 videotapes showing the harsh interrogation of at least two terrorism suspects, the New York Times reports. The destruction could raise serious legal issues if the CIA is shown to have withheld tapes from federal prosecutors and the 9/11 commission. The tapes included the 2002 questioning...

6,000 Iraqi Sunnis Vow to Aid US
6,000 Iraqi Sunnis Vow to Aid US

6,000 Iraqi Sunnis Vow to Aid US

Iraqi civilian forces help decrease violence as refugees return home

(Newser) - Almost 6,000 Sunni Arab civilians in Iraq turned against Al-Qaeda yesterday and signed a pact to help US forces police possible insurgent escape routes. As insurgents seek to gain a foothold in the semi-autonomous north, American officials hailed the alliance, which is the Iraq war’s largest single volunteer...

208 Nabbed in Saudi Terror Raids
208 Nabbed in Saudi Terror Raids

208 Nabbed in Saudi Terror Raids

Hundreds arrested, oil attack foiled

(Newser) - Saudi Arabian security forces have arrested 208 suspected al-Qaeda militants reportedly plotting an attack on a major oil field, the BBC reports. Those busted included missile experts, assassination squads—and a 16-person "media cell" bent on promoting extremist ideology. The money men behind the militants were also nabbed.

Security Device Sector Booms
Security Device Sector Booms

Security Device Sector Booms

James Bond-style gadgets range from biometric keyboard to blast-proof curtains

(Newser) - The inventions that turned up this month at a competition to find the world's most promising security start-up sound like prop candidates for a James Bond film than the real world: explosion-proof curtains and a hand-held tester for exposure to nerve agents were featured alongside the winner, a night-vision camera...

US Aims to Enlist Tribes in Pakistan

Proposal would train, pay tribes to fight Taliban and al Qaeda

(Newser) - The US military would like to enlist Pakistani tribesmen in the fight against the Taliban and al Qaeda, importing the strategy that's been used successfully in Anbar province in Iraq. The classified proposal would see more American military trainers heading for Pakistan—where we have only 50 troops now—and...

US Seeks 'Plan B' in Pakistan
US Seeks 'Plan B' in Pakistan

US Seeks 'Plan B' in Pakistan

American officials cast around for a new leader should Musharraf totter

(Newser) - As Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf continues to crack down on opponents, the US is losing faith in his ability to survive, the New York Times reports. Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte will meet with Musharraf tomorrow in an effort to help calm the situation, but administration officials are already...

More Than 50 Killed in Afghan Suicide Bombing

Six lawmakers are among the dead; explosion hit villagers, children gathered to greet visiting dignitaries

(Newser) - A suicide bomber killed more than 50 people in northern Afghanistan today, Reuters reports, including five lawmakers, in the worst bombing in the nation’s history. A huge crowd of residents and school children had gathered to greet a delegation of members of parliament, the bomb's apparent target, visiting a...

Pakistan Promises Election
Pakistan Promises Election

Pakistan Promises Election

Musharraf vows to leave military as emergency rule continues

(Newser) - Pakistan answered worldwide criticism of its military rule today by vowing to hold national elections in January, Reuters reports. "We don't want to disrupt the election process. We want a free election," the PM said. President Pervez Musharraf also promised to leave the military “once we correct...

Pakistan Aid Not Fighting Terror
Pakistan Aid Not Fighting Terror

Pakistan Aid Not Fighting Terror

US funds go to forces more suited for battle with India

(Newser) - The US has given Pakistan $7 billion in military aid over the past 6 years, yet the paramilitary forces fighting al-Qaeda and Taliban militants are armed with little but “sandals and bolt-action rifles,” a military official tells the LA Times. With militants on the rise because the forces...

Saudis: We Could Have Stopped 9/11
Saudis: We Could Have Stopped 9/11

Saudis: We Could Have Stopped 9/11

No bombings if they'd been consulted in a 'credible manner'

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia’s Prince Bandar bin Sultan claims the 9/11 attacks could have been prevented if the US had consulted the kingdom in a "credible" way. The claim mirrored remarks earlier in the week by King Abdullah that the Saudis could have helped the British stop the September 2005...

Could Bin Laden's New Video Be Fake?

Computer scientist thinks it's re-cut 2004 footage with new audio

(Newser) - Terror mastermind Osama bin Laden's latest video may have been faked, according to recent analysis. A computer scientist points out that the video freezes whenever bin Laden mentions current events and that the footage is nearly identical to a video released in 2004. It's likely the "new" tape is...

Qaeda Backers Enraged by Al Jazeera's Osama Excerpts

Critics also seek praise from scolding leader

(Newser) - Supporters of Al Qaeda have attacked Arab broadcaster Al Jazeera for selectively airing critical remarks by Osama bin Laden this week in which he blasts Iraqi insurgent groups for being too splintered. Critics called for the broadcaster to air the entire tape, which also includes praise for the groups.

Bin Laden to Insurgents: Become 'One' With Al Qaeda

Taped plea emerges amid US military gains

(Newser) - Terror mastermind Osama bin Laden has issued a taped plea calling on his "brother fighters" in Iraq to unite with Al Qaeda—on the heels of US military reports of major gains against the network in Iraq, the Telegraph writes. Some Sunnis have even formed coalitions against  Al Qaeda....

Outed Spy Runs Media Gauntlet for New Book

Wilson jabs at Bush administration, talks of death threats

(Newser) - Valerie Plame Wilson has begun the media blitz to promote her memoirs, and her return to the public eye is provoking the expected responses—angry from the left and belittling from the right, the New York Times says. For her part, the outed CIA spy told The Today Show the...

Stories 961 - 980 | << Prev   Next >>