
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Acquittal Reversed, Karadzic Faces Genocide Charge

UN court reinstates charge

(Newser) - Appeals judges at the United Nations' Yugoslav war crimes tribunal have reinstated a genocide charge against Radovan Karadzic linked to a campaign of killing and mistreating non-Serbs at the start of the Bosnian war in 1992. Today's decision reversed the former Bosnian Serb leader's acquittal last year on...

Ex-Dictator's Genocide Conviction Overturned

Guatemala court orders weeks of Montt trial to be redone

(Newser) - Guatemala's highest court has chucked out the historic genocide conviction of former dictator Efrain Rios Montt. The court overturned the conviction—which brought an 80-year sentence for the 86-year-old former military strongman—and ordered for his trial to be rewound to April 19, when there was a dispute between...

Ex-Dictator, 86, Gets 80 Years for Genocide

Efrain Rios Montt of Guatemala convicted in mass deaths of villagers

(Newser) - A former Guatemalan dictator earned an awful place in history yesterday when he became the first former head of state convicted of genocide in his own country, reports the BBC . A court sentenced 86-year-old Efrain Rios Montt to 50 years for genocide and another 30 years for crimes against humanity,...

Khmer Rouge&#39;s Ieng Sary Dead at 87
Khmer Rouge's 'Brother Number Three' Dead at 87 

Khmer Rouge's 'Brother Number Three' Dead at 87

Ieng Sary helped Pol Pot found the communist regime

(Newser) - Ieng Sary, the brother-in-law of Pol Pot and co-founder of the communist Khmer Rouge regime, has died at age 87, Cambodia says. His death comes amid his trial for genocide between 1975 and 1979, the BBC notes; he'd been hospitalized since March 4 and died of "irreversible cardiac...

Rwandan Woman Loses US Citizenship Over Genocide

Beatrice Munyenyezi lied over her family's role, says New Hampshire jury

(Newser) - A small window into the Rwandan genocide of 1994 has played out in a New Hampshire courtroom, resulting in the loss of US citizenship for a woman who came here after the massacre. A jury ruled that Beatrice Munyenyezi, 43, covered up the role she and her family played in...

Hundreds of Rwandans Protest Genocide Verdict

They accuse UN court of going easy on alleged mass killers

(Newser) - Hundreds of Rwandans marched today on the offices of the United Nations tribunal set up to try key cases related to Rwanda's 1994 genocide, to protest the court's decision to acquit two former cabinet ministers accused of masterminding killings. The protesters, bearing placards denouncing the Arusha, Tanzania-based International...

Guatemala Ex-Dictator Heads for Genocide Trial

Montt accused of overseeing atrocities against Mayan civilians

(Newser) - A former US-backed dictator who presided over one of the bloodiest periods of Guatemala's civil war will stand trial on charges he ordered the murder, torture, and displacement of thousands of Mayan Indians, a judge has ruled. Human rights advocates have said that the prosecution of Jose Efrain Rios...

UN Accidentally Applauds Genocidal Serbian Song

...then swiftly apologizes

(Newser) - The UN issued an apology yesterday, after Ban Ki-moon and other senior officials gave a standing ovation to the Serbian song "March on the Drina" at a concert this week—apparently unaware that it was the unofficial anthem of the Serbian troops who massacred Bosnian civilians in the 1990s....

Karadzic: I Should Be Rewarded

Trial begins for alleged mastermind of Srebrenica massacre

(Newser) - Radovan Karadzic's trial on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity began today in the Hague, but the former Bosnian Serb leader insisted in his 90-minute opening statement that rather than being punished for what happened during the war, "I should be rewarded for all the good things...

520 Newly IDed Srebrenica Victims to Be Buried

Victims will be memorialized in funeral at genocide site

(Newser) - Seventeen years after the massacre at Srebrenica, 520 newly identified victims will be buried there, the AP reports. Serb forces killed 8,000 men and boys during the 1995 genocide, and new victims are still being found in mass graves throughout Bosnia. More than 5,000 victims of the massacre...

Hague Acquits Karadzic of 1 Genocide Count

But refuses to drop 10 more charges as war crimes trial goes on

(Newser) - The Yugoslav war crimes tribunal has acquitted former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic of one of the two genocide charges he faces at the halfway stage of his long-running trial. Judges say prosecutors did not present enough evidence to support the genocide count covering mass killings, expulsions, and persecution by...

Dozens Defect Syrian Army as Rebels Cry Genocide

Europe calls for measured response to downed Turkish plane

(Newser) - The Syrian military has been hit with a raft of new defections: Six officers and 33 soldiers today quit the country for Turkey. Reports suggest they brought their families along, bringing the total number to 224 people. Accounts differ as to whether the defectors included an army general. They add...

Obama: Use Tech to Abuse Rebels, We'll Sanction You

Executive order fingers entities backing Iran, Syria, but could be enlarged

(Newser) - If you use technology to help a repressive regime commit human rights abuses, you'll find yourself slapped with US sanctions. That's the message from President Obama, who this morning announced a new executive order specifically targeting those backing Iran and Syria via technology, though it could be expanded...

Clooney Testifies: 'Campaign of Murder' in Sudan

Actor goes before Congress after trip to troubled country

(Newser) - George Clooney, long an advocate for Sudan , testified before Congress today about the "campaign of murder" being carried out in the country. Clooney just returned from a trip to the Nuba Mountains in South Kordofan, where he says villagers hide from daily bombings. "We found children filled with...

NH Woman Faces Trial for Aiding Rwanda Genocide

Beatrice Munyenyezi lied her way into US, prosecutors say

(Newser) - A jury in New Hampshire will soon be hearing weeks of graphic testimony about the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. Beatrice Munyenyezi, who came to the US in 1995, is accused of lying about her role in the slaughter on her refugee and citizenship applications. Prosecutors say the 42-year-old woman was...

Human Rights Groups Need Drones

 Human Rights  
 Groups Need  

Human Rights Groups Need Drones

They don't have to be just flying assassins

(Newser) - Drones have transformed warfare, but they're "not just for firing missiles in Pakistan," anti-genocide activists Andrew Sniderman and Mark Hanis argue in the New York Times . Their radical proposal: Human rights groups should be buying drones, and using them to keep an eye on brutal governments. Imagine...

France Making It a Crime to Deny Armenian Genocide

Turkey expected to withdraw ambassador

(Newser) - If you are in France and deny that Turkey committed "genocide" against 1.5 million Armenians in 1915-1916, be prepared to be fined $57,000 and spend a year in jail. Actually, the new legislation applies to genocide denial in general, but it is the law's application to...

Rwandan Gets Life Sentence in 1994 Massacre

Hague court rules he took part in Hutu slaughter of Tutsis

(Newser) - A Dutch appeals court has convicted a Rwandan Hutu man of war crimes and sentenced him to life in prison for taking part in a massacre of Tutsis sheltering in a church during his country's 1994 genocide. The Hague Court of Appeal reversed Joseph Mpambara's acquittal by a...

Rwandan Woman Is First Ever Convicted of Genocide

Pauline Nyiramasuhuko and son Arsene Ntahobali found guilty in UN court

(Newser) - The UN Court trying suspects of the 1994 Rwanda genocide found a female former government minister and her son guilty of war crimes today and gave both life sentences, marking the first time a woman has been convicted of genocide. Pauline Nyiramasuhuko, Rwanda's former minister for family and women...

Boy in Chilling Srebrenica Pic 'Glad' Mladic Captured

Izudin Alic just wanted the general's chocolate

(Newser) - It's a chilling image: Ratko Mladic, the accused mastermind of the Srebrenica massacre, pats a tow-headed Muslim boy on the head and assures him all will be safe—a simple gift of chocolate just hours before the spilling of so much blood. The AP went looking for the boy...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>