
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

24 Years After Rwanda's Genocide, a Shocking Find

Mass graves found outside the capital

(Newser) - Mass graves that authorities say could contain more than 2,000 bodies have been discovered in Rwanda nearly a quarter-century after the country's genocide, and further graves are being sought nearby. The new discovery is being called the most significant in a long time in this East African nation...

2 Days Before the Massacre, Soldiers Bought Vats of Acid

The AP reports on what it says was an Aug. 27 massacre of Rohingya, mass graves

(Newser) - The faces of the men half-buried in the mass graves had been burned away by acid or blasted by bullets. Noor Kadir finally recognized his friends only by the colors of their shorts. Kadir and 14 others, all Rohingya Muslims in the Myanmar village of Gu Dar Pyin, had been...

'Butcher of Bosnia' Going to Prison for Life

Ratko Mladic is convicted of 1990s genocide

(Newser) - A UN court has convicted former Bosnian Serb military chief Gen. Ratko Mladic of genocide and crimes against humanity and sentenced him to life in prison for atrocities perpetrated during Bosnia's 1992-1995 war. The court in the Hague convicted Mladic of 10 of 11 counts in a dramatic climax...

Germany Begins to Apologize for a Different Genocide

Historians think slaughter in Africa was the first genocide of 20th century

(Newser) - In 1907, Germans cut the head off a man in Africa and sent it, with hundreds of others, to Germany as part of research to establish white superiority. The man, Cornelius Fredericks, was a legendary Nama fighter who'd led a rebellion against occupying German forces in Namibia, and he...

Trolls Take Aim at Christian Bale Flick

It's set amid the Armenian genocide, which some label a 'lie'

(Newser) - Amy Schumer isn't the only star doing battle with trolls lately. About 51% of 120,000 reviews on IMDb for Christian Bale's new movie The Promise , set amid the Armenian genocide, give the movie a one-star rating out of 10—and it's likely not because of his...

Prof Not Sorry for 'White Genocide' Tweet

'It should be mocked, and I'm glad to have mocked it': Drexel instructor George Ciccariello-Maher

(Newser) - A Drexel University politics professor whose bio says he specializes in Latin American social movements claims a Christmas Eve tweet that spurred a #WhiteGenocide hashtag was meant to be satirical, but not everyone is taking it that way, including Drexel. Per the Philadelphia Inquirer , George Ciccariello-Maher tweeted on his account...

Catholic Church: Yes, Members Planned, Aided 1994 Genocide

Statement was read out at churches around Rwanda

(Newser) - The Catholic Church in Rwanda apologized on Sunday for the church's role in the 1994 genocide, saying it regretted the actions of those who participated in the massacres. "We apologize for all the wrongs the church committed. We apologize on behalf of all Christians for all forms of...

Judge to Nonprofit: You Can Serve Lawsuit by Tweet

California group has been trying to track down terror funding suspect in Kuwait to no avail

(Newser) - A California nonprofit was having a hard time serving a Kuwaiti sheikh with lawsuit papers, so it got permission to do it in the most 21st-century way possible: on Twitter. Courthouse News Service reports that a federal judge is allowing St. Francis of Assisi, which assists refugees, to tweet the...

'Butcher of Bosnia' Gets 40 Years for Genocide

Radovan Karadzic also guilty of war crimes

(Newser) - A UN tribunal has found Radovan Karadzic, aka the "Butcher of Bosnia," guilty of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity and sentenced the 70-year-old to 40 years in prison. The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia found the former Bosnian Serb leader "criminally responsible" for...

Kerry: ISIS Is Committing Genocide

Says US will support efforts to 'analyze the evidence of atrocities'

(Newser) - John Kerry says the Islamic State is committing genocide against Christians, Yazidis, and Shiite groups in Iraq and Syria. The secretary of state announced his findings from the White House on Thursday, citing evidence from a number of sources. "Daesh is genocidal by self-proclamation, by ideology, and by its...

After 21 Years, Rwandan Genocide Fugitive Found

Ladislas Ntaganzwa was arrested in eastern Congo

(Newser) - Interpol agents arrested a Rwandan with a $5 million bounty on his head who is among the most wanted for the 1994 genocide, officials said Thursday. Ladislas Ntaganzwa was arrested in the eastern Congo city of Goma late Monday, according to Rwandan Prosecutor General Richard Muhumuza. Ntaganzwa is among the...

Russia: Sorry, Srebrenica Was Not a Genocide

UN resolution fails in 10-1 vote with Russian veto

(Newser) - Russia has vetoed a UN resolution that would have condemned the 1995 massacre at Srebrenica during the Bosnian war as a "crime of genocide." The Security Council put the resolution to a vote today despite appeals from Russia and China not to vote because of divisions in the...

Sudan's Leader Evades Arrest Once Again— via Private Jet

Leader is wanted by ICC for war crimes

(Newser) - For six years and counting, Omar al-Bashir has evaded arrest and a trial at the International Criminal Court on genocide and crimes against humanity charges stemming from the Darfur conflict , and it appears he may have slipped through the cracks again—this time in South Africa. The Sudanese leader was...

100 Years Later, Armenia Remembers Mass Killings

But certain countries—notably Turkey and the US—still won't call it 'genocide'

(Newser) - Turkey may not recognize the killings of 1.5 million Armenians as genocide , but other world leaders do and are paying tribute to the 100th anniversary of the massacre today, the BBC reports. "We will never forget the tragedies that your people have endured," French President Francois Hollande...

Unlike Pope, Obama Won't Use the G-Word

Calling Armenian genocide a genocide isn't 'in the interest of all parties'

(Newser) - President Obama vowed to refer to the massacre of 1.5 million Armenians during the collapse of the Ottoman Empire as a genocide while campaigning in 2008. Since then, he hasn't done so once and won't break from tradition on Friday with a statement marking the 100th anniversary...

Furious With Francis, Turkey Yanks Ambassador

After pope labeled Armenian genocide a genocide

(Newser) - Pope Francis today lamented the deaths a century ago of some 1.5 million Armenians as one of "three massive and unprecedented tragedies" that struck the last century, reports the BBC , and the AP adds that Turkey wasted little time in yanking its ambassador to the Vatican after the...

Serbia, Croatia Cleared of Genocide

ICJ says claims of genocide in Balkan Wars were not proven

(Newser) - Neither Serbia nor Croatia committed genocide in the wake of Yugoslavia's collapse, the International Court of Justice says in a verdict this morning from the Hague, per Reuters . In a case filed in 1999, Croatia had claimed Serbia committed genocide, including during a three-month occupation in Vukovar, during the...

Israeli Paper Deletes Post Justifying 'Genocide'

'Times of Israel' calls it 'ignorant,' and author later apologizes

(Newser) - The Times of Israel has pulled a volatile blog post from its website that justified wiping out Palestinians from Gaza under the headline "When Genocide Is Permissible," reports Haaretz . The newspaper's opinion editor called the post "damnable and ignorant" and said it was uploaded by the...

300 Secret Cables Reveal Major Rwanda Missteps

US, UN pulled back, allowing genocide to unfold

(Newser) - Newly declassified cables from 1994 show that with Rwanda poised on the brink of genocide, world leaders were anxious to get UN peacekeeping forces out of the country as quickly as possible, reports the New York Times . They did so, and an estimated 800,000 people were massacred in 100...

Rwanda in Mourning, for a Week

Country marks 20 years since genocide began

(Newser) - Rwanda has launched a week of national mourning to mark the anniversary of the genocide that began 20 years ago today when the country's president's plane was shot down. At a ceremony today, President Paul Kagame will light a torch that will burn for 100 days—the length...

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