right wingers

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NY 23rd: GOP's Lose-Lose War
 NY 23rd: GOP's Lose-Lose War 
Frank Rich

NY 23rd: GOP's Lose-Lose War

Righties are now a 'wacky, paranoid cult eager to eat' their own

(Newser) - Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are the undisputed standard-bearers for true conservatives, and they've just led a suicidal attack in upstate New York in what's become "a riotous and bloody national GOP civil war." For Frank Rich , there's only one sure outcome: 'Republicans are the sure losers" in...

Coulter: 'All Prez Assassins Were Liberals'

Behar tells her to 'stop it'

(Newser) - Conservative screed scribe Ann Coulter insisted yesterday that every presidential assassin in history has been a liberal. "They're all liberals—assassin by assassin by assassin," she spilled on CNN's Joy Behar Show. An angry Behar retorted: "Wait a minute. Don't make that jump from murder, terrorist to...

Beck Weeps for 'Simpler America'

He recalls kinder, gentler football players

(Newser) - Glenn Beck had a weepy "Kodak moment" when he shared old commercials with viewers yesterday and recalled a "simpler" America when "we used to be united." One of the oldie ads he played—a day after fellow right-wing commentator Rush Limbaugh was bounced from a Rams...

Fox Ain't News, It's 'the Opposition Party'

Other media outlets need to highlight 'propaganda:' Boehlert

(Newser) - “Fox News has exited the journalism community this year,” Eric Boehlert writes. “It's a purely political player,” which would be all well and good if other media outlets would just report that. As it stands, Fox goes happily about its “propaganda” while hiding behind the...

Rush: I'm Not a Right-Wing Monster
 Rush: I'm Not a 

Rush: I'm Not a Right-Wing Monster

Limbaugh says he's mostly kidding, screwing with media

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh insists he’s not controversial. “I say nothing that’s shocking or surprising,” he said during a three-hour interview with MSNBC. That's a caricature by detractors who want to portray him as far-right fringe. What he is, he added, is entertaining: "I turn people on....

Obama White House Tells Fox to Take a Hike

White House says it's finished pretending network is 'legitimate news'

(Newser) - Fox News Channel has pulled record numbers of viewers this year as it's ratcheted up its fury at the Obama administration, and the president's team has had enough. The White House communications director, Anita Dunn, tells the New York Times that Fox is "undertaking a war against Barack Obama,...

Liz Cheney to Obama: Nobel Is a 'Farce'

Ex-veep's kid wants prez to send military mom to pick up his prize

(Newser) - Liz Cheney, ever as shy, quiet, and retiring as dear old dad, thinks President Obama's Nobel Prize is a "farce," and wants him to "send a real signal" by sending the mother of a fallen soldier to Oslo to collect his Nobel—to underscore the importance of...

Obamas Have Dinner, Racists Erupt
 Obamas Have Dinner, 
 Racists Erupt 

Obamas Have Dinner, Racists Erupt

Response shows ugly nature of American mood: Silva

(Newser) - This weekend Chicago Tribune reporter Mark Silva wrote up a pool report about Barack and Michelle Obama's quiet anniversary dinner—and quickly found it flooded, on a Sunday, with hundreds of angry comments. Many focused on the first couple's use of a motorcade, which every president has used, but several...

Right's New Quarry: Gay Ed. Appointee
Right's New Quarry: Gay
Ed. Appointee

Right's New Quarry: Gay Ed. Appointee

Fox et al. say Kevin Jennings didn't act on 1980s statutory rape

(Newser) - One of President Obama’s appointees to the Department of Education has become the latest target for conservatives emboldened by the departures of green-jobs adviser Van Jones and others. Assistant deputy secretary Kevin Jennings is accused of neglecting to report a statutory rape case when he was a teacher in...

Conservatives' Intellectual Savior? Try Glenn Beck

He doesn't always resort to sound bites

(Newser) - Today's conservative movement is largely brain-dead, complains Steven F. Hayward. The deep thinkers of yesteryear have given way to shallow sloganeers from the mass media. Who will be the movement's intellectual savior? Hayward sees hope in an unexpected person: Glenn Beck. Yes, he weeps on cue, but he alone is...

Daughter Liz Revives the Cheney Brand

She carries on dad's national security message, and her fan base is growing

(Newser) - Move over, Sarah Palin and Megan McCain—the GOP’s newest rising star is Liz Cheney, “our favorite vice president’s daughter,” as she was touted at a recent conservative gathering. Cheney—an outspoken proponent of “enhanced interrogation” who has said “waterboarding isn’t torture”—...

Bill Kristol: Thanks, Dad
 Bill Kristol: 
 Thanks, Dad 

Bill Kristol: Thanks, Dad

(Newser) - Bill Kristol remembers his late father as a man of a "deep modesty" who "loved intellectual pursuits but always shunned intellectual pretension." Irving Kristol, who died earlier this month at age 89, is generally regarded as the architect of neoconservatism, but the honors he accrued never gave...

House Republicans Face Tea Party Primaries

(Newser) - The so-called “tea party” movement has spawned a host of primary challengers for House Republicans, pressuring them to stay far to the right, CQ Politics reports. “I’ve got four primary challengers, and all of them hope to capitalize on the tea parties,” complains Bob Inglis of...

What Jay-Z and Glenn Beck Have in Common

Rap and right-wing talk radio are more similar than you might think

(Newser) - After listening to hours of Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin on the radio while driving the Nebraska countryside, a peculiar thought occurred to David Segal: conservative talk-show hosts are surprisingly similar to gangsta rappers, he writes for the New York Times. Consider the parallels:
  • Huge egos. Both groups

Time Profile: Beck Strong on Melodrama, Not Politics

(Newser) - Time hits newsstands tomorrow with a familiar face on the cover and the question, "Mad Man: Is Glenn Beck Bad for America?" But instead of a hit piece, the article itself offers a fairly benign profile of "the pudgy, buzz-cut, weeping phenomenon of radio, TV and books."...

Right Revives Red Scare, Despite Lack of Reds

Fears of secret socialism prove a fertile ground for right-wing outrage

(Newser) - The right has been energized by a good old-fashioned Red hunt—never mind the fact that there are precious few old-style leftists around in America today, Thomas Frank writes in the Wall Street Journal. The centrist Democratic administration has been in power for well under a year, Frank writes, but...

Back-to-School Speech Anger Rooted in Race

Right-wingers show 'irrational,' gut antipathy to Obama

(Newser) - If there’s one thing we should all be cool with, it’s the leader of the free world inspiring kids about education. But somehow the idea of President Obama giving a back-to-school speech has spawned an “outbreak of right-wing crazy,” writes Joan Walsh for Salon—“and...

Beck's Latest Rant: Obama Like Hussein, Hitler

Host isn't suggesting Americorps plan makes him a fascist, but...

(Newser) - Glenn Beck may have reached a new low last night when he implied President Obama’s plans to use AmeriCorps make him the equivalent of a fascist dictator, Gawker reports. One guest, Vets for Freedom vice chairman David Bellavia, fanned the flames by saying, “I’m not comparing my...

After Beck Flap, Advertisers Leery of Politics

Boycott may go beyond Fox host to other 'inflammatory' shows

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s antics could just kill the entire political talk show genre, Advertising Age reports. Beck will return to the air tonight 33 advertisers lighter, after calling President Obama a “racist." But the fallout could spread to other talk shows, too—Clorox has already announced it’...

Town Hall Gun-Toters in Same Righty Group

(Newser) - Two men who brought guns to events featuring President Barack Obama belong to the same right-wing organization, Talking Points Memo reports. Chris Broughton, who carried an assault rifle into an Arizona town hall this week, and William Kostric, who brought a handgun to a New Hampshire forum last week, are...

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