right wingers

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Right Wing Surging, Thanks to Women
 Right Wing 
 Flying High, 
 Thanks to 
Estrogen Express

Right Wing Flying High, Thanks to Women

They are Mama Grizzlies, hear them roar

(Newser) - Time to face facts, ladies: The Tea Party express appears to be fueled by estrogen. A new film on the ferociously reactionary "Mama Grizzlies" examines candidates like Sharron Angle and Nikki Haley (and now Christine O'Donnell) rattling political races—as well as grassroots organizers of the "reborn" conservative...

Hasselbeck: Lesbians Just Can't Find a Man

'View' host shares her theory of lesbianism

(Newser) - She's blabbed about everything from Erin Andrews' outfits to her own nipple , and now Elisabeth Hasselbeck is sharing her theory of lesbianism. The conservative View co-host says older women become lesbians simply because they just can't land a man, reports the New York Daily News . "All the older men...

Jim DeMint Could Destroy the GOP
Jim DeMint Could Destroy the GOP

Jim DeMint Could Destroy the GOP

Democrats love his with-us-or-against-us conservatism

(Newser) - Jim DeMint might just be the Democrats’ secret weapon. For starters, the senator from South Carolina is making good on his declaration that he’d rather have “30 Republicans in the Senate who believe in principles of freedom than 60 who don’t,” endorsing lots of far-right candidates...

Bachmann: Obama Has Created a 'Nation of Slaves'
Bachmann: Obama Has Created a 'Nation of Slaves'

Bachmann: Obama Has Created a 'Nation of Slaves'

Rep's running with health reform=slavery

(Newser) - Looks like the far right is running with this health care reform-as-slavery meme. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann accused President Obama of “turning our country into a nation of slaves,” this weekend at a conservative summit in Denver, Politico reports. She was riffing on a quote from Revolutionary War...

Time for 'Rational Conservatives' to Speak Up
Time for 'Rational Conservatives' to Speak Up

Time for 'Rational Conservatives' to Speak Up

Fringe candidates are getting out of control

(Newser) - It's easy to write off the campaign ads of Tea Party candidate Rick Barber in Alabama as the ravings of someone on the fringe, writes Ruth Marcus. But his latest —in which he equates taxes to slavery and uses images of Holocaust victims—is not only "sacrilegious" but...

Bar Crowd Burns Obama in Effigy

Secret Service snoops around after Wisconsin incident

(Newser) - Another sign of political nastiness: A bar crowd in Wisconsin burned President Obama in effigy, a stunt that caught the attention of the Secret Service and spawned a YouTube hit. The local Fox station says the Secret Service is no longer interested but that local police are investigating. The bar...

Memo to Boasting Republicans: Shut Up!
 Memo to Boasting 
 Republicans: Shut Up! 
Ann Coulter

Memo to Boasting Republicans: Shut Up!

You're raising expectations way too high

(Newser) - Ann Coulter lays off the left for once and instead turns her fire on the right: Republicans are raising such "sky-high expectations" for the midterms that even if they do well, "it will look like a defeat," she writes at Human Events . "John Boehner is ludicrously...

Watch Out: Glenn Beck Making Sense ...Kinda

He agrees with the left at times—but for different reasons

(Newser) - Even those who typically write off Glenn Beck as paranoid, even crazy, must admit sometimes he “catches a real-life demon in his fantasy-world gallery of rogues, and he becomes oddly reasonable”—and he did so twice this week. First, he argued the alleged Times Square terrorist should have...

Glenn Beck Audience Plunges 30%

Bloom is off the mouth, but Fox still sitting pretty

(Newser) - Glenn Beck's TV audience has plunged nearly 30% since the beginning of the year—but his Fox News home is still sitting comfortably on top of the ratings heap. Beck's continued viewership slippage was revealed in the latest audience figures on cable news operations. Fox News averaged some 1.9...

Left Plays 'Violence Card' to Demonize Us: Limbaugh

Obama 'makes us look evil as he tightens iron grip'

(Newser) - When liberals aim to discredit right-wingers, they accuse them of plotting violence, complains Rush Limbaugh. The current "meme to equate skepticism of the Obama administration with a tendency toward violence" is just like former President Clinton blaming "loud and angry" conservative commentators for the Oklahoma bombing, he writes...

Hitler's Mein Kampf Banned in Russia

Nazi classic suddenly deemed 'extremist'

(Newser) - Russian authorities have just decided that Hitler’s anti-Semitic opus Mein Kampf is extremist, and have banned the book. The move comes as the country attempts to combat xenophobia in far-right circles, and prosecutors discovered that the book was freely available in a certain region. The government keeps a list...

Rove, Cheney Just Making History Up
 Rove, Cheney 
 Just Making 
 History Up 

Rove, Cheney Just Making History Up

Bushies' conjurings 'know few bounds'

(Newser) - The simultaneous arrival of Karl Rove's memoir and Liz Cheney's "right-wing noise machine" means the "revisionist floodgates have opened," writes Frank Rich for the New York Times , a "rewriting of history that knows few bounds." And while Rove's book better passes for fiction and Cheney's...

How the Wackos Think
 How the Wackos Think 

How the Wackos Think

Five kinds of political thinking that don't lead anywhere sane

(Newser) - Our political discourse hasn’t exactly seemed logical or intellectually sound lately, has it? Michael Weiss, writing for Reason Online , sees five lines of bad political thinking poisoning the water. They are:
  • Tragic Manicheanism: These see everything the government or society does as evil, everyone who opposes it as good.

Meet the Right's 14-Year-Old Superstar
Meet the Right's 14-Year-Old Superstar

Meet the Right's 14-Year-Old Superstar

Jonathan Krohn thinks most of his pundit peers act like kids

(Newser) - Jonathan Krohn has appeared on Fox News, written a bestselling book, and calls Newt Gingrich a “good friend.” He’s also 14. But when Samuel Jacobs of the Daily Beast sat down with Krohn, he found someone who considers himself not a prodigy, but a pundit more serious...

Palin Backs Birthers
 Palin Backs Birthers 

Palin Backs Birthers

Obama's birth certificate is 'fair game' in prez race

(Newser) - Sarah Palin supported "rightful" concerns by so-called birthers that President Obama was not really born in the US during a radio interview yesterday. Asked by conservative radio host Rusty Humphries if she would make Obama's birth certificate an issue if she ran for president in 2012 she responded: "...

What Is it About Palin? Hard to Say
 What Is it 
 About Palin? 
 Hard to Say 

What Is it About Palin? Hard to Say

'Issues? Where are you going with that?' fan asks interviewer

(Newser) - What it is exactly that captivates supporters of Sarah Palin? That's hard to say, especially for them. They gush about their gal because she stands for "freedom" and "realness," and because she's the "epitome of conservativeness" in a video by the New Left Media. But when...

Carrie Prejean's Sex Tapes Bare GOP Hypocrisy
Carrie Prejean's Sex Tapes Bare GOP Hypocrisy
Meghan McCain

Carrie Prejean's Sex Tapes Bare GOP Hypocrisy

Supporting gay marriage is worse than starring in porn?

(Newser) - How come conservatives are willing to overlook Carrie Prejean’s sex tapes, but won’t accept Meghan McCain’s support for gay marriage? McCain watched in disbelief as Sean Hannity recently asked Prejean if she was “in love with her boyfriend” when she made the tape. "I’m...

CNN Paid Dobbs $8M to Leave
 CNN Paid Dobbs $8M to Leave 

CNN Paid Dobbs $8M to Leave

Bosses objected to reporting on immigration, 'birther' movement

(Newser) - CNN was so outraged over Lou Dobbs’ conservative reporting that they paid him $8 million just to leave, an anonymous source tells the New York Post. “They wanted him out,” the source says. Dobbs still had a year and a half left on his $12 million contract, but...

Paranoid GOP Could Make US 'Ungovernable'

 Paranoid GOP 
 Could Make US 

Paranoid GOP Could Make US 'Ungovernable'

Whack jobs' seizure of Republican Party 'no laughing matter'

(Newser) - The kind of paranoia that made last week's health care reform protesters wave signs showing corpses at Dachau is nothing new in right-wing American politics, but the fact that these people actually wield power is new—and deeply troubling, writes Paul Krugman . "The GOP has been taken over by...

Beck's Silent Red Phone Is 'a Hotline to Nowhere'

Host's willful nonsense is the 'new ignorance'

(Newser) - Glenn Beck likes to say that the red phone on his desk is a direct line to the White House, but of course it's a hotline to nowhere, just like the Fox host's whole schtick. Beck complains piteously that White House libbers won't call to respond to his issues, Thomas...

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