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Armstrong: I Came Clean Because of My Son
Armstrong: I Came Clean Because of My Son
oprah interview

Armstrong: I Came Clean Because of My Son

Cracked after he saw his 13-year-old defending him

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong finally cracked after he saw his son defending him against allegations from anti-doping authorities, he said tonight in the second part of his interview with Oprah Winfrey. Armstrong didn't break over the $75 million in lost sponsorship deals, or after being forced to walk away from the...

Armstrong Loses Yet Another Honor

Sources say his Olympic medal is gone, Oprah interview looms

(Newser) - Tonight's the big night for Lance Armstrong, whose Oprah confession airs at 9pm ET. But it's also shaping up to be a big morning, and not in the most pleasant of ways. Armstrong's mantel looks to be one award lighter, reports the AP , which spoke to sources...

Should We Give Lance Another Chance?
 Should We 
 Give Lance 
OPINION roundup

Should We Give Lance Another Chance?

Reactions to his doping confession

(Newser) - Now that Lance Armstrong has admitted to doping , it seems he's officially made his way from universally beloved to universally reviled . A roundup of reactions to his confession, which airs on Oprah's show tomorrow:
  • "He’s a cheater and a bully who doesn’t deserve leniency,"

Olympics May Ax Cycling Over Armstrong Scandal

Sport needs time to clean up, IOC member says

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong's doping scandal could end up sidelining his entire sport from the Olympics, International Olympic Committee member Dick Pound warns. Armstrong—who confessed to doping in an Oprah interview set to air tomorrow—reportedly plans to implicate cycling's world governing body, which could leave the IOC feeling...

Armstrong Admits Doping
 Armstrong Admits Doping 

Armstrong Admits Doping

Sources say he will now testify against cycling officials

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong has finally come clean and admitted using performance-enhancing drugs to win the Tour de France. The cyclist confessed to Oprah Winfrey during an interview taped yesterday afternoon, sources tell the AP and the New York Times . Insiders say Armstrong is now planning to testify against officials from the...

Armstrong 'Ready to Speak Candidly' to Oprah

Cyclist says he's 'calm' and 'at ease' before interview

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong says he is "ready to speak candidly" as he prepares to discuss doping allegations against him in his upcoming interview with Oprah Winfrey . Armstrong was out for a morning run Sunday when he spoke briefly with the AP. The man who once ruled cycling was wearing a...

Armstrong Will Admit Doping to Oprah: Report

Cyclist expected to finally come clean next week

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong will make his expected doping admission on Monday during an interview with Oprah Winfrey, reports USA Today . An anonymous insider says Armstrong will not discuss specific events but will confess that he took illegal drugs to boost his performance throughout his cycling career, despite years of denials and...

Lance Armstrong Might Admit Doping

Reports say he's considering a confession to reduce lifetime ban

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong has spent the last decade swearing up and down that he never, ever, used drugs to boost his performance, even as the evidence mounted and he got stripped of his titles and glory. Now, he might just fess up, reports the New York Times and Wall Street Journal...

Want to Live Long? Golf Just as Good as Cycling, Rowing

Study of nearly 10K Olympians showed high cardio doesn't help mortality

(Newser) - Golf may be "a good walk, spoiled," but at least it doesn't spoil your life expectancy. In fact, a new study finds that heavy cardio sports like cycling and rowing do nothing to help you live longer than playing golf or cricket, reports the Wall Street Journal...

Livestrong Ditches Armstrong's Name

Had officially been called Lance Armstrong Foundation

(Newser) - The Livestrong Foundation's official name was the Lance Armstrong Foundation—until Oct. 30. That day, Texas' secretary of state approved the cancer charity's bid to change its name, in a move to further distance itself from the cyclist who recently cut ties to the group . Henceforth, the Livestrong...

Now Armstrong's Olympic Bronze Under Investigation

IOC to 'immediately start the process' of reviewing Sydney win

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong's fireplace mantel could get a little emptier: The International Olympic Committee today announced that it will investigate the cyclist's 2000 Olympics win. Armstrong took a time trial bronze at Sydney, reports Reuters . "The IOC will now immediately start the process concerning the involvement of Lance...

Lance Armstrong Will Be Burned in Effigy

He gets annual honor from English town

(Newser) - Poor Lance Armstrong. He lost his Tour de France titles , and now an English town is going to burn him in effigy in a big way. Edenbridge has chosen Armstrong as the celeb to go up in flames in its annual Bonfire Night celebrations on Nov. 5, reports NBC's...

Wiped from Armstrong's Twitter Profile: 7 Tour Titles

Move follows cycling body's decision over doping

(Newser) - Now it's really official—Lance Armstrong is no longer a Tour de France champion . The proof: He removed his titles from his Twitter profile, which has 3.8 million followers, CBS News reports. His profile had proclaimed that he was a "father of 5 amazing kids, 7-time Tour...

Insurance Firm to Lance: We Want Our $7.5M

Armstrong got the money for winning six straight titles

(Newser) - Not only has Lance Armstrong lost his Tour de France titles , but he may owe $7.5 million. The company that insured a bonus for his run of consecutive Tour victories now wants its money back, saying Armstrong's alleged use of performance-enhancing drugs annuls their contract, ESPN reports. "...

Cycling Body Officially Strips Armstrong's 7 Tour Wins

Cyclist banned for life, 'has no place' in sport: top official

(Newser) - Following a recommendation by the US Anti-Doping Agency , the governing organization for cycling has withdrawn Lance Armstrong's seven Tour de France titles and banned him for life. "Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling," says International Cycling Union president Pat McQuaid. That leaves Tour de France officials...

Armstrong's Downfall Had Surprising Beginning

Blame the 'tattooed guy' who got busted and talked

(Newser) - When professional cyclist and tattoo artist Kayle Leogrande was busted for doping, he never imagined it would lead to the downfall of one of the most celebrated bikers of all time. But that's pretty much what happened, explains the New York Times . The heavily tatted biker was an aspiring...

How Lance Armstrong Got Away With It

One clever technique: Hiding

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong's oft-repeated claim that he'd never tested positive for doping was the result of some elaborate masking techniques —and some less-sophisticated methods, like hiding from testers, according to a US Anti-Doping Agency report. Cyclists have to keep national anti-doping groups updated on their whereabouts. But if...

Everyone Doped; Here&#39;s Why
 Everyone Doped; Here's Why 
Levi Leipheimer

Everyone Doped; Here's Why

Levi Leipheimer, a longtime teammate of Lance Armstrong, comes clean

(Newser) - All his life, Levi Leipheimer wanted to be a cyclist—and the sport's culture of doping didn't stop him. Leipheimer was a longtime teammate of Lance Armstrong, one of many who came forward as part of yesterday's bombshell USADA report on the doping epidemic in the sport....

USADA: Lance at Center of Sport's 'Most Sophisticated' Doping Ring

Damning new report out today

(Newser) - The US Anti-Doping Agency is releasing a damning report accusing cycling legend Lance Armstrong of being at the center of “the most sophisticated, professionalized, and successful doping program that sport has ever seen,” reports NBC News . The report amasses sworn testimony from 23 sources, including 12 of Armstrong'...

Cyclist Plunges to Death in Bike Race

Dad of 3 falls off bridge as he veers to avoid pothole

(Newser) - An Arizona father of three plunged to his death from a bridge during a 206-mile bike race Saturday. Robert Verhaaren, 42, veered to avoid a pothole and catapulted over a guardrail over the Snake River in Wyoming, falling 35 feet into shallow water just eight miles from the finish line...

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