
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Froome Toasts 3rd Tour Win With Beer, Then Bubbly

Briton wins cycling's elite race again

(Newser) - Sharing beer and Champagne with teammates, Chris Froome celebrated his third Tour de France title in four years on Sunday, reports the AP . The Kenyan-born British rider finished safely at the back of the main pack during the final stage, arm-in-arm with his teammates during the mostly ceremonial final stage...

Cyclist Turns Into Runner After Tour de France Crash

'I just started running,' says Tour leader Chris Froome

(Newser) - Here's something you don't see everyday: the reigning Tour de France winner ditching his bike and attempting to continue the race on foot. The Guardian reports Chris Froome's bicycle was damaged in a crash on Mount Ventoux Thursday, forcing him to hoof it up the hill until...

Struggling Contador Quits Tour de France

Spaniard drops out of race that made him famous, citing fever

(Newser) - Diminished by a fever and still reeling from crashes on the opening two days of the race, two-time champion Alberto Contador pulled out of the Tour de France during the toughest Pyrenean stage on Sunday, reports the AP . Slightly more than 60 miles from the end of Stage 9 from...

Zika Fears Sideline US Cyclist With Pregnant Wife

Tejay van Garderen won't compete at Rio Olympics

(Newser) - American cyclist Tejay van Garderen has withdrawn his name from consideration for the Rio Olympics amid concerns that he may contract the Zika virus and pass it along to his pregnant wife, reports the AP . He is believed to be the first athlete to back out of the Summer Olympics...

Hidden Motor Found in Pro Cyclist's Bike

It's an embarrassing first for the sport

(Newser) - If you're going to cheat in cycling, there's the tried-and-true Lance Armstrong method . Or you can just try to hide a motor in the bike. Yes, the world of professional cycling has uncovered its first case of "motorized doping" in a major competition, reports the Sydney Morning ...

Man Biking Across US for Charity Killed in Crash

Sarah Morris was allegedly looking at her phone when she hit Patrick Wanninkhof

(Newser) - On Sunday, Patrick Wanninkhof led a 26-person team that spent the day working for Habitat for Humanity. The 25-year-old was doing such charity work as part of Bike & Build, a group that bikes from coast to coast to raise funds for affordable housing. Yesterday, while cycling through Oklahoma, the...

Athletes Find Drug Before It's Legally Available

And FG-4592 is surprisingly easy to get

(Newser) - It appears that cyclists have found an easy new way to get a performance-enhancing drug: just order it online from a chemical supply company. Two athletes were disciplined this month after testing positive for FG-4592—a drug that has yet to be approved for consumption, the New York Times reports....

Volvo Invents Life-Saving Invisible Paint for Bikers

 Volvo Invents 
 Invisible Paint 
 for Bikers 
in case you missed it

Volvo Invents Lifesaving Invisible Paint for Bikers

Spray-on stuff reflects in headlights

(Newser) - The company that invented the three-point seat belt is behind another big innovation in road safety, and this one comes in a spray can. Volvo's LifePaint, developed by a London ad agency and a Swedish startup, is invisible when you spray it onto, say, your bike. But when a...

Report: Cycling Leaders Allowed Doping to Flourish

UCI needed a 'superstar,' let Armstrong dope, it says

(Newser) - Cycling officials let doping flourish and broke their own rules so Lance Armstrong could cheat his way to becoming the superstar the sport badly needed, according to a scathing report into its drug culture. The International Cycling Union was severely criticized for failing to act during the doping era dominated...

Why 'Underground' Cyclists Battle Overnight

LA's nocturnal pastime becomes serious sport

(Newser) - LA's underground cycling scene has grown from a nocturnal pastime into an organized, competitive sport—with a few bumps along the way, LA Weekly reports. It started in 2004 when a small group began cycling at night for pleasure. Within two years they were a monthly, 1,000-strong horde...

Italy's Nibali Wins Tour de France

29-year-old is self-designated 'flag-bearer of anti-doping'

(Newser) - Italy's Vincenzo Nibali has won the Tour de France, becoming the first Italian to win cycling's greatest race in 16 years by chiseling a lead over his main rivals a few seconds at a time and dominating them in the mountains. The 29-year-old Sicilian, who called himself "...

Video Threats to Cyclists Get Driver Arrested

Keith Maddox apologizes for rants

(Newser) - A series of angry viral videos has an Alabama man facing a reckless endangerment charge. Apparently fed up with cyclists slowing him down on the road, Keith Maddox posted videos in which he explains his feelings—and threatens those on bikes, the Raw Story reports. "You piece of crap!...

Armstrong, UK Times Settle Libel Suit

Ends 9-year legal battle over articles alleging doping

(Newser) - Britain's Sunday Times and Lance Armstrong have settled an almost decade-long legal battle over the disgraced cyclist's doping, the Times reports via a headline that proclaims Armstrong a "drug cheat." Terms of the deal are confidential, but the paper calls it a "mutually acceptable final...

UK's Froome Wins Tour de France

2nd win in two years for UK

(Newser) - British cyclist Chris Froome has won the 100th Tour de France, the second consecutive title for a Briton, with Bradley Wiggins winning in 2012. Froome rode into Paris in style—in the yellow race leader's jersey he took on Stage 8 and never relinquished. In its final stage, riders...

Teen Cyclist Killed on Cross-Country Ride

Car struck 7 riders in Arkansas

(Newser) - A Boston-area teenager was on a cross-country cycling trip when she and six others were hit by a car Tuesday near McCrory, Arkansas. Merritt Levitan, 18, died yesterday from her injuries; the others were hospitalized, the Boston Globe reports. The 21-year-old driver, Teagan Martin, is facing an investigation ahead of...

California Couple Go Missing on Peru Bike Trip

News comes amid kidnapping warning

(Newser) - A young couple from California who were cycling in Peru haven't been heard from since Jan. 25, a disappearance that was followed by a Feb. 13 warning from the US embassy in Lima of kidnapping danger near the cities of Cusco and Macchu Picchu, Reuters reports. Jamie Neal and...

Feds Hit Armstrong With Criminal Probe

Cyclist investigated for 'obstruction, witness tampering, and intimidation'

(Newser) - Contrary to comments yesterday by a US attorney, federal agents are investigating Lance Armstrong for criminal activity, ABC News reports. "Agents are actively investigating Armstrong for obstruction, witness tampering, and intimidation," says a source. US attorney Andre Birotte, who yesterday said feds wouldn't charge Armstrong, "does...

2009 Tour Rider: Lance's Dope-Free Comeback a Lie

Bradley Wiggins has choice words for Armstrong

(Newser) - The latest Tour de France winner has some choice words about a cyclist who once inspired him. Watching Lance Armstrong claim to Oprah that he hadn't doped in 2009 and 2010 , "I thought, 'You lying bastard,'" Bradley Wiggins tells the Telegraph . "I can still...

Get Ready for Lance Armstrong Movie

JJ Abrams has movie rights to upcoming investigative book

(Newser) - On the heels of his small-screen appearance , Lance Armstrong looks to be headed to the big screen: The Hollywood Reporter confirms that director JJ Abrams has secured the movie rights to a coming book by New York Times writer Juliet Macur, Cycle of Lies: The Fall of Lance Armstrong. Macur...

Armstrong Still Lying: Investigators

Cyclist claims he stopped doping in 2005

(Newser) - Looks like Lance Armstrong is still lying, investigators say. While the cyclist did cop to doping to win the Tour de France, he claimed to have stopped in 2005: "That's the only thing in this whole report that upset me," he told Oprah Winfrey. "The accusation...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>