
Stories 501 - 520 | << Prev   Next >>

Troops' A/C Costs $20.2B— More Than NASA

Military spends $20B to cool tents in the Mideast

(Newser) - Which would you rather have: a space program or cool army tents in the Mideast? The US military spends $20.2 billion annually on air conditioning for tents in Iraq and Afghanistan—an amount that NPR notes tops NASA's entire budget, all damages BP has paid for the Gulf...

Worker Tells of Rape by US Contractor Crew in Iraq

Jamie Leigh Jones suing KBR

(Newser) - A former employee of US contractor KBR recounted a horrifying ordeal in which she was drugged, gang-raped in Iraq by other workers, and then locked in a shipping container by two company guards so she couldn't go to authorities. Jamie Leigh Jones, now 26, testified in a Texas courtroom...

Five US Troops Killed in Iraq Rocket Attack
 5 US Troops Killed in Iraq 

5 US Troops Killed in Iraq

Largest loss of life for American military in Iraq in past two years

(Newser) - Five American troops have been killed in an Iraq rocket attack, according to Iraqi security officials. Three or more rockets hit an Iraqi base in Baghdad this morning where the troops were living as advisers, they say. The US military had earlier acknowledged five troops were killed but offered no...

2 Iraqis Living in Kentucky Charged With Terror Plotting

Men accused of trying to send weapons, money to al-Qaeda

(Newser) - Two Iraqis living in Kentucky have been arrested on charges that they tried to send sniper rifles, stinger missiles, and money to al-Qaeda operatives in their home country, according to court documents unsealed today. Thirty-year-old Waad Ramadan Alwan and 23-year-old Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, who both have lived in Bowling Green...

US Troops Mark Memorial Day in Iraq, Afghanistan

Soldiers honor fallen comrades

(Newser) - US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan remembered their fallen comrades in Memorial Day services nearly a decade after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that sparked the Afghanistan war. In that country, dawn flag-raising ceremonies honored the more than 1,400 who have been killed, the AP reports. "We...

Breathing Trouble Dogs Middle East Vets

 Breathing Trouble 
 Dogs Middle East Vets 
study says

Breathing Trouble Dogs Middle East Vets

New study increases concern over respiratory issues

(Newser) - Why do so many young, previously healthy soldiers come back from the Middle East with respiratory problems, some so bad they can no longer pass a physical required for active duty? The question was made more urgent with the results of a new study showing that Iraq and Afghanistan veterans...

18 Dead After al-Qaeda Jail Uprising in Iraq

Group leader grabbed gun from guard, set off melee

(Newser) - Members of al-Qaeda staged a deadly attempt to break out of a Baghdad jail today, reports Reuters . The current death toll stands at 11 prisoners and seven security officers, including one of Iraq's top anti-terror officials. The trouble began when al-Qaeda leader Huthaifa al-Batawi—who's accused of masterminding...

Pope Talks Japan, Iraq in Rare TV Chat

First time Benedict has used television to speak directly with public

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI marked Good Friday by holding his first-ever televised question-and-answer session. “In His Image” aimed to update the Catholic Church’s image as the pope offered prerecorded responses to questions from around the world. Among the seven questioners was a 7-year-old in Japan, who asked why her...

The Big Question: Should 10K US Troops Stay in Iraq?

Iraqi officials worry longer US presence could spur sectarian violence

(Newser) - The US and Iraq have been discussing the possibility of leaving 10,000 US troops in Iraq after the planned withdrawal date, insiders tell the Wall Street Journal . But Iraqi leaders worry that the move could strain sectarian relations and prompt protests echoing others in the Arab world. US leaders,...

UK Consulted Big Oil Before Iraq Invasion

Memos reveal secret top-level talks with BP, Shell

(Newser) - Contrary to official denials, British oil firms were jockeying for a share of Iraq's oil wealth the year before Britain took a leading role in the 2003 invasion, newly released documents reveal. Government ministers held at least five top-level meetings with execs from BP and Shell in late 2002,...

Baghdad Car Bombs Kill 9
 Baghdad Car Bombs Kill 9 

Baghdad Car Bombs Kill 9

Second blast, violent jewelry store robbery follow

(Newser) - Suicide bombers detonated two explosives-packed cars outside Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone today, killing at least nine and wounding 23, officials said. The blasts marked the start of a violent day in the Iraqi capital, where another bombing and a jewelry heist left three more dead and 13 wounded....

56 Killed in Iraq Hostage Siege
 56 Killed in Iraq Hostage Siege 

56 Killed in Iraq Hostage Siege

Gunmen in military uniform seize Tikrit government building

(Newser) - Gunmen wearing military uniforms over explosives belts charged into a government building in Saddam Hussein's hometown Tuesday in an attack that left 56 people dead, including 15 hostages who were shot execution-style. The five-hour standoff in Tikrit ended only when the attackers blew themselves up. American troops who were nearby...

Iraq Paved the Way for Libya

 Iraq Paved 
 the Way 
 for Libya 
Christopher Hitchens

Iraq Paved the Way for Libya

And we ought to just admit we're out to oust Gadhafi: Christopher Hitchens

(Newser) - The uprisings sweeping across the Arab world could never have happened if we hadn’t taken out Saddam Hussein—and we ought to admit we’re trying to give Moammar Gadhafi the same treatment, writes Christopher Hitchens of Slate . “Can anyone imagine how the Arab spring would have played...

Iraqis Hold 'Day of Regret'
 Iraqis Hold 'Day of Regret' 

Iraqis Hold 'Day of Regret'

Protesters commemorate election with red-fingered mockery

(Newser) - Iraqi protesters offered a new spin on the “day of rage” meme that’s been sweeping the Middle East. It was one year ago today that the Iraqis elected their leaders, so they instead held a “day of regret,” the Christian Science Monitor reports. Hundreds of protesters...

Iraq Protests Draw Thousands

Security extraordinarily tight

(Newser) - Thousands of people took to the streets across Iraq today, despite a distinctly intensified security effort. About 2,000 gathered in Baghdad’s Tahrir Square for example, even though the route there was blocked with razorwire and dozens of checkpoints, the LA Times reports. Protesters waved images of Baghdad’...

Arab Uprising Vindicates Bush

 Arab Uprising 
 Vindicates Bush 
Charles Krauthammer

Arab Uprising Vindicates Bush

Rather than denounce us, protesters want America's help: Krauthammer

(Newser) - A lot of people are calling for a US military intervention in Libya, which strikes Charles Krauthammer as odd, since the world so condemned the US for taking out Saddam Hussein. “Hussein’s evil was an order of magnitude beyond Gadhafi’s,” Krauthammer writes in the Washington Post...

Iraqi Court Convicts First Westerner Since 2003

Danny Fitzsimons convicted of two counts of murder, one of attempted murder

(Newser) - An Iraqi court today convicted a British man and sentenced him to 20 years in prison over the shooting deaths of two contractors, making him the first Westerner convicted in an Iraqi court since the 2003 US invasion. Danny Fitzsimons, 30, was found guilty of fatally shooting a British and...

Gunmen Attack Iraq's Largest Oil Refinery

One guard killed as protests continue

(Newser) - Gunmen attacked Iraq's largest oil refinery before dawn today, killing a guard and detonating bombs that sparked a fire and forced the facility to halt operations, officials said. The attack on Beiji began at about 3:30am. Assailants carrying pistols fitted with silencers attacked guards and planted bombs near some...

Bush Shoe-Thrower Arrested Ahead of Iraq 'Day of Rage'

Muntazer al-Zaidi arrested for inciting unrest, 5 killed in protests

(Newser) - Muntazer al-Zaidi, the Iraqi journalist who shot to fame after throwing a shoe at George W. Bush , was arrested yesterday for encouraging people to join today's protests, Reuters reports. His family say he and his brother were taken away by security forces; they don't know where the two are being...

Iraqi Defector Admits Lying About WMDs

'Curveball' proud to have started war

(Newser) - When Colin Powell gave his speech at the UN in February 2003 insisting that Iraq had biological weapons of mass destruction, he relied heavily on intelligence from a source codenamed “Curveball.” Well now Curveball, aka Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, tells the Guardian that he flat out made all...

Stories 501 - 520 | << Prev   Next >>