
Stories 481 - 500 | << Prev   Next >>

In $3B Deal, Iraq to Buy Fighter Jets From US

But delivery likely won't happen til 2013, which could keep our troops on the hook

(Newser) - Iraq has signed an estimated $3 billion deal to buy 18 fighter jets from the United States, officials said today, in a crucial step to protect its airspace alone after years of relying on help from American pilots. But the F-16s aren't expected to arrive in Iraq until next...

Al-Sadr Tells Iraqi Militias to Stop Attacking US Troops

Because he wants troops to leave Iraq on time

(Newser) - Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has ordered his followers to stop attacking US troops—to make sure they get out of Iraq on time. “Out of my desire to complete Iraq’s independence … I am obliged to halt military operations of the honest Iraqi resistance until the withdrawal...

Bob Woodward: Dick Cheney Still Hasn't Learned from Iraq
 Cheney Still  
 Hasn't Learned 
 From Iraq 
bob woodward

Cheney Still Hasn't Learned From Iraq

Autobiography shows he remained willing to act on weak intelligence: Bob Woodward

(Newser) - The “missing” WMDs in Iraq taught us a lesson: Don’t act on intelligence unless you’re 100% sure of it. Dick Cheney apparently missed that little tidbit, writes Bob Woodward after perusing the former veep’s new memoir. In In My Time, Cheney says he was the “...

4,000 US Troops May Stay in Iraq
 3K US Troops May Stay in Iraq 

3K US Troops May Stay in Iraq

Total pullout deadline apparently off

(Newser) - The last US troops in Iraq could be there for a long time. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta wants to leave 3,000 service members beyond the pullout deadline promised by President Obama. No final decision has been made and discussions are continuing with the Iraqis, an administrative source tells CNN...

US Soldiers Executed Iraqi Toddlers: WikiLeaks

Cable from UN demanded answers, got no reply

(Newser) - In 2006, a group of US soldiers burst into a house in Ishaqi, Iraq, where they handcuffed and executed at least 10 people—including an infant and four other children, none older than five years old—then called an airstrike to cover up the evidence. Or at least that’s...

A First: No US Deaths in Iraq in August

Iraqi crackdown, US strikes helped

(Newser) - As the US approaches its end-of-year deadline for withdrawing all troops from Iraq, August saw a milestone: It was the first month since the US-led invasion began in March 2003 that saw no American military deaths. The previous record was one soldier death in December 2010, and a military spokesperson...

29 Dead in Iraq Mosque Bombing

Um al-Qura mosque is largest Sunni mosque in Baghdad

(Newser) - A suicide bomber blew himself up inside Baghdad's largest Sunni mosque tonight, killing 29 people during prayers, a shocking strike on a place of worship similar to the one that brought Iraq to the brink of civil war five years ago. Iraqi security officials said parliament lawmaker Khalid al-Fahdawi,...

Turkey: We Killed 100 Kurd Rebels in Iraq

Turkish attacks come in response to an ambush last week

(Newser) - Turkey's military said today airstrikes on suspected Kurdish rebel targets in northern Iraq this week have killed an estimated 90 to 100 guerrillas and warned that it would press ahead with offensives against the group both inside Turkey and across the border. "Iraq's north and domestic areas...

Turkey Strikes Kurds in Iraq

And promises more attacks to come

(Newser) - Turkey is fed up with the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK), and the military confirmed yesterday that its jets had crossed into Iraq to strike suspected rebels. Turkish jets struck an estimated 60 members of the rebel group, in attacks both near the Turkish border and along the Iraq-Iran border,...

Explosions Across Iraq: Kut, Najaf, Kirkut, Tikrit, Diyala Targeted
 56 Killed in Blasts Across Iraq 

56 Killed in Blasts Across Iraq

Dozens wounded; explosions end weeks of relative peace

(Newser) - Bombs struck more than a dozen Iraqi cities this morning, killing 56 and wounding dozens more. The coordinated explosions mark the first major violence in a comparatively peaceful month of Ramadan, the AP notes; the violence comes as as officials debate whether to maintain a US presence in the country...

Adm. Mullen: For Smooth Iraq Withdrawal, 'Now Is the Time'

Further delay of Iraq government's decision could jeopardize smooth transition

(Newser) - Iraq's indecision on whether to ask American forces to stay beyond the end of the year is pushing the US close to the point where a smooth, safe troop withdrawal will be jeopardized, the top US military officer said today upon arriving in the country. Adm. Mike Mullen said...

Watchdog: Iraq Less Safe Than a Year Ago

US inspector issues bleak report 5 months before withdrawal

(Newser) - A report on Iraq five months before the US withdrawal doesn't exactly inspire confidence: "It is less safe, in my judgment, than 12 months ago," declares Stuart Bowen, the official appointed by Congress to keep an eye on the transition. He cites an increase in bombings and...

US Bars Audit of Vast Mercenary Army in Iraq

State Department will have 5,000 private contractors

(Newser) - The US is laying the groundwork for what amounts to a mercenary army in Iraq of unprecedented size—but the State Department is withholding information about it from a top watchdog, Wired reports. “Our audit of the program is making no progress,” says Stuart Bowen, the special inspector...

Gen. Petraeus Steps Down
 Gen. Petraeus 
 Steps Down 

Gen. Petraeus Steps Down

He's off to CIA following troubling assassinations

(Newser) - Gen. David Petraeus has stepped down as commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan as he prepares to take over the CIA, leaving a bit of a mess behind. He turned the reins over to US Gen. John Allen in a Kabul ceremony the day after a top aide...

Infamous Iraqi Prison Still Open: Red Cross

Critics blame Maliki, who controls the elite units running the prison

(Newser) - A notorious Baghdad prison run by security forces controlled by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki continues to operate months after it was supposed to have shut down amid allegations of torture, says the Red Cross, which is demanding access to prisoners. Though the government denies the allegation, the situation at Camp...

Iraq Wants US to Sell It 36 F-16s

Expanded deal is under discussion

(Newser) - As the Dec. 31 US troop withdrawal deadline looms, Iraq is looking to purchase as many as 36 US fighter jets and other air-defense systems. The purchase, which will cost billions, could help cement ties between Iraq and the US and, Washington hopes, keep Iran at bay. The move comes...

Panetta to Iraq: Decide on US Troop Extension

Defense secretary makes unannounced visit to Baghdad

(Newser) - Fresh from his visit to Afghanistan, the AP is reporting that Leon Panetta made a surprise appearance in Baghdad today. The newly minted defense chief is looking to press the Iraqis to get off the fence on whether they want residual US forces to remain in the country after...

US Willing to Leave 10K Troops in Iraq

But unless formal request is made, only 200 will remain in 2012

(Newser) - The deadline for the departure of most American troops from Iraq arrives at the end of this year, but the White House is prepared to keep up to 10,000 troops in place after that point. Of course, such a move would require Iraq's deeply divided government making a...

Double Blasts Kill 35 in Iraq
 Double Blasts Kill 35 in Iraq 

Double Blasts Kill 35 in Iraq

Roadside bomb follows car bomb in city north of Baghdad

(Newser) - Double blasts from a car bomb and a roadside bombing at a parking lot outside a city council building north of Baghdad killed at least 35 people today, Iraqi police and hospital officials said. The attack started when insurgents first detonated a car bomb around noon in the parking lot...

US Sees Iran's Hand in Iraq Violence

June the deadliest month in two years

(Newser) - June was the deadliest month in two years for US troops in Iraq, with 15 killed in various attacks—and the US thinks Iran is to blame. Military officials think Iran is handing militia groups more sophisticated weapons, like rockets, armor-piercing grenades, and improved jam-resistant roadside bombs, the Washington Post...

Stories 481 - 500 | << Prev   Next >>