New Hampshire primary

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GOP Poll Picture in NH Looks Fuzzy
GOP Poll Picture in NH Looks Fuzzy

GOP Poll Picture in NH Looks Fuzzy

One poll has race trending McCain; the other motions toward Mitt

(Newser) - Two new polls out of New Hampshire show GOP surges 4 days ahead of the primary—but in opposite directions. In Suffolk University figures, Mitt Romney leads John McCain by four points, an eight-point shift toward Romney in 2 days’ time, the Boston Herald reports. But American Research Group puts...

For Candidates, NH Looms as Moving Target

Home of 1st primary, onetime GOP bastion, morphs into swing state

(Newser) - In New Hampshire, the accent is on the "New." In recent years, the state has gone from blue collar to white, drawing left-leaning “swamp yuppies” to the traditionally right-leaning state, McClatchy reports. Couple that with "Live Free or Die" Republicans' frustration with the increasingly socially conservative...

Clinton Retools for Nastier NH Push
Clinton Retools for Nastier
NH Push

Clinton Retools for Nastier NH Push

Campaign predicts victory, plans to play experience angle

(Newser) - After an embarrassing third-place Iowa finish, Hillary Clinton is refocusing on New Hampshire and taking the gloves off. Her campaign plans to aggressively paint Barack Obama as too inexperienced for the presidency, Politico reports. Clinton barely mentioned Obama’s name in Iowa, but now you can expect attack ads to...

Romney: New Hampshire or Bust
Romney: New Hampshire or Bust

Romney: New Hampshire or Bust

Iowa 2d place leaves Romney scrambling

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been left scrambling to find a way to restore momentum to his presidential campaign in the wake of a costly, humiliating defeat in Iowa, Time reports. Mike Huckabee's legions of evangelical Christians disrupted what Ana Marie Cox calls his "carefully calibrated strategy to conduct the political...

McCain's Fourth Place a 'Victory'
McCain's Fourth Place
a 'Victory'

McCain's Fourth Place a 'Victory'

Strong Iowa finish puts him in position to win NH

(Newser) - Caucus night was a triumph for presidential hopeful John McCain, even though he placed fourth, a sliver behind Fred Thompson. McCain had no money to run ads in the state and had been written off as done for months. But his respectable finish in Iowa, coupled with Mitt Romney's trouncing,...

Huckabee Tests Limits of Faith
Huckabee Tests Limits of Faith

Huckabee Tests Limits of Faith

Preaching prompted a backlash in Arkansas; in Iowa, will Christian soldiers come out?

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee is banking on his deep Christian faith drawing voters to him in the presidential primaries, but that same passion has proven a liability in the past. As Arkansas governor, Huckabee made several religious molehills into mountains big enough for Moses, the LA Times reports in an examination of...

What's Bill Doing in This Picture?
What's Bill Doing in This Picture?

What's Bill Doing in This Picture?

Billary could become first woman* president, opines Politico scribe

(Newser) - Once, Hillary Clinton wanted to keep Bill and his baggage tucked safely in the backseat. Now, as panic takes hold in Iowa, she's set him loose, the latest swerve in a "herky-jerky" campaign that has hopped from strategy to strategy, writes the Politico’s Elizabeth Drew in an analysis...

Obama Stealing New Hampshire Independents From McCain

Bloc handed victory to GOP senator in 2000

(Newser) - They gave John McCain the margin of victory in 2000, but this time around New Hampshire Independents are breaking from the Republican and toward Democrat Barack Obama, according to a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll. As the Jan. 8 primary approaches, 61% on Independents say they are voting Democratic and more...

Obama Ties Clinton in NH
Obama Ties Clinton in NH

Obama Ties Clinton in NH

Fresh face draws voters, but Bhutto assassination could help Hillary: poll

(Newser) - Barack Obama has erased Hillary Clinton’s lead in New Hampshire, pulling into a tie by persuading voters he is more honest and change-minded, according to a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll. In Iowa, both hopefuls are neck-and-neck with John Edwards—but Clinton could rise if the Bhutto assassination focuses voter...

Another NH Paper Slams Romney
Another NH Paper Slams Romney

Another NH Paper Slams Romney

Union-Leader lambastes Mitt as a phony conservative

(Newser) - Hot on the heels of Sunday’s Concord Monitor “undorsement,” another New Hampshire newspaper has issued a blistering indictment of Mitt Romney. A Union-Leader editorial says Granite Staters are unconvinced by Romney’s “expertly rehearsed sales pitch,” because despite having “all the advantages: money, organization,...

NH Paper Gives Mitt the Anti- Endorsement

Concord Monitor officially backs Not Romney

(Newser) - Newspapers roll out endorsements every election cycle, but there’s nothing traditional about the Concord Monitor’s anti-endorsement today—the New Hampshire paper urged its readers to vote for someone, anyone, other than Mitt Romney. The paper calls Romney “a disquieting figure who sure looks like the next president...

Obama Draws Dead Even in NH
Obama Draws Dead Even in NH

Obama Draws Dead Even in NH

But four of ten say they may change their minds

(Newser) - Presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are dead even in New Hampshire, according to the latest USA Today/Gallup poll. The two are tied at 32%, with John Edwards a distant third at 18% and no other Democratic candidates in double digits. Like Clinton, Republican Mitt Romney has seen his...

McCain&rsquo;s 'All-In' NH Strategy
McCain’s 'All-In' NH Strategy

McCain’s 'All-In' NH Strategy

No longer the maverick, the Arizona Republican makes his last stand in the Granite State

(Newser) - His maverick days over, John McCain is making his last stand as presidential timber in New Hampshire, the first-in-the-nation primary he won in 2000 only to get bulldozed by George W. Bush. McCain is banking on big Granite State momentum to set off a financial and popularity surge in Michigan,...

'08 Campaign Calendar Is a Mess: Rove
'08 Campaign Calendar Is a Mess: Rove

'08 Campaign Calendar Is a Mess: Rove

Crowded primaries make campaigning impossible, distort race

(Newser) - The 2008 election cycle is a ridiculous mess, writes Karl Rove in today's Wall Street Journal. Though the primary campaign began earlier than ever, it will be decided in an unprecedented whirlwind, with 32 states being determined between Jan. 3 and Feb. 5. No candidate can effectively campaign in that...

Hillary, Barack Switch Playbooks
Hillary, Barack Switch Playbooks

Hillary, Barack Switch Playbooks

She tries to soften her image, while he tries to harden his

(Newser) - With the Iowa caucuses just weeks away, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama appear to have made an early new year's resolution: to be more like each other. The presidential contenders have switched playbooks, the Boston Globe reports, with Clinton highlighting her feel-good biography and Obama stressing his leadership qualities. "...

Surging McCain Hopes History Repeats in NH

Once-faltering bid rides endorsements, rivals' disappearance

(Newser) - John McCain, whose candidacy barely registered in polls a few months ago, is enjoying a momentum surge in New Hampshire. “I am obviously going to try to capitalize” on three key newspaper endorsements and Joe Lieberman’s support, McCain said. He's seeking the same independents who gave him the...

Lieberman to Back McCain
Lieberman to Back McCain

Lieberman to Back McCain

Hawkish pal could sway moderates & independents

(Newser) - Democratic Connecticut senator and one-time vice presidential nominee Joe Lieberman is expected today to announce his support of Republican presidential hopeful John McCain, reports the Washington Post. The newly "Independent Democrat" agrees with McCain's hawkish Iraq stance, and his backing is thought to hold some sway with moderate and...

Clinton Hopes NH Foundation Will Hold
Clinton Hopes NH Foundation Will Hold

Clinton Hopes NH Foundation Will Hold

Obama's recent surge threatens old ties the Clintons cultivated

(Newser) - As Barack Obama draws into a tie with Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire polls, the New York senator looks to be leaning more and more on the relationships she and her husband established back in Bill's campaigning days. Clinton officials shrug off the tightening polls, but some find her camp's...

Hillary Clings to Lead in NH
Hillary Clings
to Lead in NH

Hillary Clings to Lead in NH

Obama trails by just 6%; Hillary hopes to gain ground here if she loses Iowa

(Newser) - As Iowa's race heats up, so does the battle for New Hampshire. In the New England race, Clinton leads Obama 35%-29%, while Edwards trails with 17% and Richardson brings up the rear with 10%, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll. All other candidates garnered less than 4% support. Clinton...

Obama &amp; Huckabee Lead in Iowa
Obama & Huckabee Lead in Iowa

Obama & Huckabee Lead in Iowa

GOP and Democratic races are closest in years

(Newser) - Democrat Barack Obama and GOP contender Mike Huckabee are narrowly leading in Iowa ahead of next month's primary, according to a new Des Moines Register poll. Both Republican and Democratic races remain wide open, with no candidate's hold unassailable, AP reports. A win in Iowa could have a powerful impact...

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