New Hampshire primary

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NH Reports Record Turnout
NH Reports Record Turnout

NH Reports Record Turnout

Polling places scramble to find enough ballots

(Newser) - New Hampshire polling places are reporting record turnout for today's primaries, and the secretary of state’s office is sending more ballots to precincts overrun with voters. There’s no telling yet if predictions of 500,000 primary voters in the state of 1.3 million will pan out, but...

GOP: 'To-Do List' v. 'Warrior'
GOP: 'To-Do List' v. 'Warrior'

GOP: 'To-Do List' v. 'Warrior'

Today's Romney-McCain showdown broken down in simple terms

(Newser) - The top contenders in today’s GOP primary are fundamentally different, and the contest's deep themes—John McCain as warrior, Mitt Romney as technocrat—were prominent in the closing arguments, Byron York writes in the National Review. Romney appeared with a 15-section to-do list as McCain vowed to follow Osama...

Clinton Opens Up as Obama Clams Up
Clinton Opens Up as Obama Clams Up

Clinton Opens Up as Obama Clams Up

Falling behind, candidate adopts new playbook

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is loosening up, taking questions, and (gasp!) showing emotion as her campaign falls behind in New Hampshire, the New York Times reports. Barack Obama, meanwhile, has become a classic cautious frontrunner. Never a freewheeling, off-the-cuff McCain type anyway, the Illinois senator has now stopped taking questions at...

Youth Vote Could Shake Election
Youth Vote Could Shake Election

Youth Vote Could Shake Election

Obama's 'like catnip' for the under-30 crowd

(Newser) - The notoriously unreliable youth vote looks ready to shake the 2008 election, or at the very least New Hampshire, the New York Times reports. Barack Obama drew an astounding 57% of young Iowa caucus-goers, and hopes to pull similar numbers in New Hampshire. His unlikely mirror is John McCain, who...

'Mac Is Back' in Granite State
'Mac Is Back' in Granite State

'Mac Is Back' in Granite State

McCain finds new political life, hopes to rock NH like it's 2000

(Newser) - John McCain is back in New Hampshire, dispensing straight talk and cajoling his press corps “base” like it was still 2000. But this time he’s not playing Maverick—he just wants to be the least objectionable candidate, Politico reports. “People may not agree with every stand I...

First Votes Tallied in Little State that Could Rock Nation

NH primary now packs serious punch

(Newser) - A primary that could have been little more than an afterthought is grabbing center stage today as America breathlessly awaits results in a suddenly surprising race. And New Hampshire results will likely be just as intriguing as Iowa's tally. Nobody can be certain whether the state's many Independent voters will...

Clinton Wells Up: 'This Is Very Personal'

Uncharacteristic show of emotion sways small audience

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton showed emotion more characteristic of her husband at a New Hampshire coffee shop today, fighting back tears as she talked about the race with a group of 16 undecided voters. After an hour of discussing policy, the candidate’s voice broke: “It’s not easy, and I...

'Dull' v. 'Compelling' at NH Gym
'Dull' v. 'Compelling' at NH Gym

'Dull' v. 'Compelling' at NH Gym

Leading Dems strike very different tones

(Newser) - The two leading Democratic lights took the same New Hampshire stage on successive days this weekend but were “worlds apart,” says Politico's Roger Simon in a campaign snapshot taken at one of the tensest moments in recent party history. Speaking at Nashua High School Saturday, Barack Obama was...

'Comeback Kid' Hitting Wall in Granite State

A subdued Bill isn't filling rooms, rousing crowds for Hillary

(Newser) - Bill Clinton is running into a Granite wall. Stumping for Hillary's floundering campaign in the state that catapulted his own floundering 1992 campaign to the White House, the master politician is finding half-empty gyms and half-asleep crowds, reports the New York Times. Bill's turned down the wattage, to avoid upstaging...

Clinton On Offense Against Obama Surge

Will push 'action over talk' message, but won't do negative ads

(Newser) - With late polls showing Barack Obama opening up a sizeable lead in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton shook up her campaign yesterday, setting a more aggressive course and drafting the new message herself, the Washington Post reports. The campaign will hammer home an action vs. rhetoric theme, but won't roll out...

Romney on Attack in NH GOP Debate
Romney on Attack in NH GOP Debate

Romney on Attack in NH GOP Debate

Sudden underdog targets Huckabee, McCain on taxes, immigration

(Newser) - "You make up facts faster than you talk, and that's saying something,'' Mitt Romney told Mike Huckabee in a heated Fox News debate tonight, attacking the surging Huckabee on his tax policies in Arkansas and his populist assault on corporate earnings. Romney was less defensive than last night,...

Obama Takes 13-Point NH Lead
Obama Takes 13-Point NH Lead

Obama Takes 13-Point NH Lead

McCain holds slim lead over Romney, Huckabee jumps to 3rd

(Newser) - Barack Obama stung Hillary Clinton with a shocking double-digit lead in New Hampshire today, according to two polls. One put him ahead by 13 points. Obama leads Clinton 41% to 28% in a USA Today survey, and 39% to 29% according to CNN, both a far cry from yesterday's tie....

Obama, Clinton Dead Even in NH, Poll Finds

McCain, buoyed by Iowa, leads Romney among GOP pack

(Newser) - Buoyed by the Iowa caucuses, Barack Obama picked up three points to claim a third of Democratic support in New Hampshire, and move into a tie with Hillary Clinton at 33%. John Edwards also benefited from Iowa in the latest CNN poll, moving up three points to 20%, while Bill...

Candidates Home In on NH Independents

Critical 45% bloc favors McCain, Obama; but many still undecided

(Newser) - As the battle for New Hampshire looms, would-be presidents are largely abandoning partisan rhetoric to court the state’s independents, who comprise 45% of the voting base there. The New York Times explores the far-reaching implications in this contest of unaffiliated voters, whose decisions will likely come right down to...

Clinton Aims for Obama in Feisty NH Debate

Candidates look for an edge ahead of Tuesday's primary

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton lit into Barack Obama during a sometimes testy Democratic debate in New Hampshire tonight, seeking to put a few chinks in his armor three days before the state's crucial primary. Clinton criticized Obama's health plan as inadequate and accused him of flip-flopping on key issues, including Iraqi war...

Clinton Tactics Second-Guessed
Clinton Tactics Second-Guessed

Clinton Tactics Second-Guessed

Supporters pan 'inevitability' mantle; urge senator to embrace defeat

(Newser) - Despite a decisive defeat in Iowa—and much second-guessing around the campaign campfire—Hillary Clinton is sticking with the theme that won her third place in Iowa: that she has the experience to bring about change. But some advisers warn that the experience/change message could be a logical contradiction. One...

Candidates Retool Themes on the Fly in NH

They quickly apply lessons of Iowa on the trail

(Newser) - Presidential candidates were madly shuffling their messages and tactics in New Hampshire today, applying lessons from Iowa and adjusting to NH’s sensibilities, the New York Times reports. Mitt Romney recast himself as a change candidate, while avoiding former go-to issues such as abortion and gay rights. Hillary Clinton threw...

Clinton, McCain Leads Slipping in NH Poll

Races tighten ahead of tonight's debates, Tuesday's primary

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's and John McCain's slim New Hampshire leads grew even slimmer in the latest poll, Reuters reports. McCain leads Romney 32% to 30%, within the margin of error in the Reuters/Zogby poll out today. Clinton leads Obama 32% to 28%, and pollsters expect that margin to shrink as Obama...

What's Brewing in NH?
in NH?

What's Brewing in NH?

A look at some key factors shaping the nation's first primary

(Newser) - With the Iowa caucuses behind us, the New Republic pivots to New Hampshire. The second state to vote will do so Tuesday. What’s in play:
  • Independents. They make up 40% of the electorate and can vote for either party. Barack Obama and John McCain tend to poll well in

As NH Blitz Begins, So Do Attack Ads

Outside groups rev up negative flyers, phone calls

(Newser) - Round two looks nastier already. As the presidential candidates swarm New Hampshire, a more aggressive wave of attack ads—from outside groups and the candidates themselves—is evident, the Washington Post reports. Labor and teacher unions, along with anti-tax and pro-life groups, have spent $4 million in recent months on...

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