British elections

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Cameron Says He'll Form UK Government

Conservative Party didn't win majority but got most votes, seats

(Newser) - In the wake of yesterday's no-winner election in the UK, Conservative Party leader David Cameron says he plans to form a government even though he failed to secure a majority in Parliament, the Times of London reports. He has the support of Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, who said Cameron...

Nobody Wins UK Election
 Nobody Wins UK Election 

Nobody Wins UK Election

Country faces hung parliament with no clear winner

(Newser) - The British haven't finished counting the votes from yesterday's election yet but it's now certain that no party will gain a majority of seats in Parliament, despite a large swing of votes toward the Conservatives away from the ruling Labour Party. Britain now has a "hung parliament," in...

Britain Heads Toward Hung Parliament
 Britain Heads Toward 
 Hung Parliament 
exit polls

Britain Heads Toward Hung Parliament

Cameron's Conservatives win, but not a majority

(Newser) - Exit polls suggest that the Conservatives captured the largest number of seats today in Britain's national election but will fall short of a majority—triggering a hung parliament and uncertainty over who will form the next government. David Cameron's Conservative party is expected to win 307 House of Commons seats,...

Polls Open in Too-Close-to-Call UK Election
  Insanely Close UK 
  Election Under Way 
Hung parliament, anyone?

Insanely Close UK Election Under Way

Polls predict no party will prevail, as Clegg surge upsets Cameron win

(Newser) - Polls in Britain's razor-edge election opened early today in a race that is likely to reshape the country's politics in historic ways. Should Gordon Brown cling to power, his Labour Party will have pulled off one of the most unlikely political comebacks in modern times. Victory for the Conservatives' David...

Campaign Banner Downs UK Candidate's Plane

Nigel Farage hospitalized after light aircraft crashes

(Newser) - UK Independence Party candidate Nigel Farage had to be cut from the wreckage of an aircraft after his last-minute quest for votes in today's election ended in disaster. Farage, who was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, had taken to the skies in a two-seater aircraft towing a party banner. The plane...

Cameron Dominates Final UK Debate

Brown fails to make breakthrough in third televised talk-fest

(Newser) - Conservative leader David Cameron was widely seen as the winner of last night's third and final British election debate after Gordon Brown failed to make the breakthrough he desperately needed. The Conservative leader, in a debate focusing on the economy, promised to make sweeping budget cuts if he gains power...

Clegg Under Fire in 2nd UK Election Debate

Polls show Liberal Democrat leader narrowly winning Round 2

(Newser) - The third-party candidate who upended Britain's political landscape with a runaway victory in last week's election debate won by a narrower margin as the party leaders clashed again last night, according to polls. In a debate focused on foreign policy, Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg came under fire from both...

3rd-Party Candidate Wins UK Election Debate

Clegg wins over voters as Brown, Cameron trade jabs

(Newser) - The leaders of both Britain's main political parties may be wishing they'd never agreed to the country's first American-style televised election debate. Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg—who offered up his party as a fresh alternative to Gordon Brown's Labour and David Cameron's Conservatives—is widely seen to have won...

As 4th Minister Quits, Brown's Outlook Bleak

Blears resigns in potentially fatal blow to PM's authority

(Newser) - With one day to go before clutch British elections, another minister resigned from Gordon Brown's Cabinet today, dealing the beleaguered PM another devastating blow. Hazel Blears, an arch-Blairite who was exposed for avoiding $21,000 in capital gains tax, refused to praise Brown in her resignation statement. She is the...

New Election Loss Could Be Knock-Out Punch for Brown

Tory takes vacancy in industrial district

(Newser) - The crushing defeat for the Labor Party yesterday in an election in a working class district of England could spell disaster for Prime Minister Gordon Brown, reports the Guardian. The opposition Tory candidate beat the ruling party choice in a by-election to fill a death vacancy by a whopping margin...

Brown, Labor Savaged in UK Elections

Labor posts worst election results in 40 years

(Newser) - Labor has suffered its worst showing in 40 years in local elections across England and Wales. Just one year after Gordon Brown became prime minister, his party pulled only 24% of the projected national vote, 20 points behind the Tories and behind even the third-party Liberal Democrats. As for the...

Down in Polls, Brown Admits 'Mistakes'

Ahead of UK local voting, PM confesses tax missteps

(Newser) - With polls predicting big losses for his Labour party in tomorrow’s local elections, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown admitted he’d made mistakes in the past six months, Reuters reports. Chiefly, Brown acknowledged increasing the tax burden on the lowest-paid workers and those aged 60-64, but said both problems...

Tories Try to Fight Off Early UK Election

Conservatives prepare for disaster, and some prefer Brown anyway

(Newser) - Britain's Conservatives are having their annual meeting this week, and the party is desperate to put on a brave face and scare Gordon Brown away from an early election. But as David Cameron, the Tories' 40-year-old modernizing leader, prepares for his make-or-break speech tomorrow, one columnist reports that in private...

'Scars' of Iraq Evident in Britain: Minister

Military action not end in itself, Miliband says at party conference

(Newser) - Britain's new foreign secretary has proposed a break with Blair-era policy and admitted his country was "scarred" by failures of the Iraq war. In his address yesterday to the annual Labour Party conference, David Miliband dismissed the idea of a "military 'solution'" to the world's problems. But at...

UK Chatters About Elections as Polls Narrow

Labour's lead shrinks but Brown won't rule out an early vote

(Newser) - As London returns from holiday, the press and the parliament are still whispering about when Gordon Brown will call a general election. Although he can delay until as late as 2010, the Prime Minister can hold a vote any time, and British papers are debating whether he may rush it...

Blair Ally to Step Down
Blair Ally
to Step Down

Blair Ally to Step Down

Home secretary's surprise announcement frees new PM to overhaul cabinet

(Newser) - British Home Secretary John Reid will stand down, he announced yesterday, giving PM apparent Gordon Brown space to rejigger the cabinet when he succeeds Tony Blair. Tensions have run high between the old and new Labour leaders' supporters, but Reid stressed that his surprise departure was personal; the Guardian reports...

Labour Party Escapes Election Catastrophe

Pro-independence faction takes control of Scottish parliament

(Newser) - Tony Blair's Labour Party took a beating in yesterday's local elections, winning just 27 percent of the vote. But both the party—wildly unpopular because of Blair's Iraq war stance and several recent scandals—and pundits scored the result a minor victory because Labour lost only 410 local council seats...

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