
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

US Worries Demjanjuk Grave May Spawn Neo-Nazi Shrine

Family wants convicted Nazi war criminal buried in Ohio

(Newser) - John Demjanjuk's family wants the convicted Nazi war criminal buried in Ohio, where he settled after the war, but Jewish advocates worry that his grave could become a neo-Nazi shrine. "For neo-Nazis, I think it's entirely possible that a Demjanjuk grave becomes a monument to the alleged...

'Neo-Nazi' Retailer Names Store After Mass Killer

Thor Steinar's new Brevik shop apparently honors killer of 77

(Newser) - A German retailer popular with neo-Nazis has opened a new store apparently named after right-wing Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik . Thor Steinar last week opened a clothing shop in Chemnitz named "Brevik," sparking cries of outrage. "It is out of the question for a store to...

Racists Rally Behind Ron Paul
 Racists Rally Behind Ron Paul 

Racists Rally Behind Ron Paul

He's not 'happy' about it, but won't disavow support

(Newser) - Ron Paul has long been a fringe candidate, and he has gathered some unpleasantly fringe supporters—namely, racists. The American Free Press, which publishes books like March of the Titans: A History of the White Race, is blanketing New Hampshire with a collection of Paul’s speeches, and the neo-Nazi...

Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Arrested in Germany

Authorities set to deport former Louisiana lawmaker

(Newser) - American white supremacist David Duke got arrested in Germany only a few hours before speaking to a far-right rally and is now set to be deported, reports the Daily Mail . German authorities say they are booting the 61-year-old anti-Semite because he violated a travel ban issued by another European country—...

Delaware Road Adopted by Neo-Nazis

Dept. of Transportation originally rejected request

(Newser) - A two-mile stretch of a rural road in Delaware has been adopted … by a neo-Nazi group. Two Adopt-A-Highway signs list “Freedom Party” as the name of the adopting group, but its full name is the National Socialist Freedom Movement Nazi Party. Not surprisingly, that name—as well as...

Neo-Nazi Loses Racist Beliefs—and Tattoos

Pain 'a small price to pay for being human again," Bryon Widner says

(Newser) - Bryon Widner, once one of America's most notorious white supremacists, turned his back on racism—but still had a face covered in racist tattoos. Shunned by society and unable to find work, Widner says he became so desperate he considered dousing his face in acid to remove them. Instead,...

Neo-Nazi Town Home of 'Happy Holocaust' BBQ

Jamel's a favorite burg of right-wing fanatics

(Newser) - No one's laughing if it's "a joke." A VBS TV reporter out to discover how crazily right wing a neo-Nazi German town is stumbled upon an outdoor cooking grill emblazoned with the words "Happy Holocaust." The small town of Jamel in northeastern Germany is...

Swastika Branders Guilty of Fed Hate Crime

Neo-nazi pair burned, shaved swastika into Navajo

(Newser) - The first men prosecuted under a federal hate crime law have pleaded guilty to carving a swastika into the arm of a Navajo Indian. New Mexican neo-Nazis Paul Beebe and Jesse Sanford admitted using a hot wire to brand the arm of their mentally challenged victim, 22. They also shaved...

Neo-Nazi Rock Fans Punked by Trick T-Shirts
Neo-Nazi Rock Fans
Punked by Trick T-Shirts

Neo-Nazi Rock Fans Punked by Trick T-Shirts

Anti-fascist group spreads message with Trojan horse shirts

(Newser) - Germans at an ultra-nationalist rock concert snapped up free T-shirts bearing nationalist flags and the slogan "hardcore rebels," only to find a very different message after the shirt had been washed. "If your T-shirt can do it, you can do it too—we'll help you get...

Bones of Hitler Deputy Exhumed, Burned

Rudolf Hess's grave had become pilgrimage site for neo-Nazis

(Newser) - The bones of Adolf Hitler's deputy have been removed from their grave in a small Bavarian town after it became a pilgrimage site for neo-Nazis. The administrator of the cemetery in Wunsiedel told the AP today that Rudolf Hess' bones were exhumed early yesterday. The remains were cremated and...

Russian Neo-Nazis Get Life for 27 Murders

Five neo-Nazi youth get life in prison for 2008 hate crimes

(Newser) - A Russian court handed down sentences today to 12 members of the country's most vicious neo-Nazi gang who were convicted of 27 hate killings—including a videotaped decapitation of one of their own gang members. The Moscow City Court sentenced five members of the group, the National Socialist Society...

Secret Nazi Codes Litter Germany

Secret numbers, letters express movement support: Expert

(Newser) - Swastikas may be outlawed in Germany, but that doesn't mean that neo-Nazi signs have disappeared. Coded letters, numbers, and other symbols communicate support of the extremist philosophy among those "in the know" in German society, reports Der Spiegel. The numbers 14 and 88, for example, which can be...

Boy Who Shot Neo-Nazi Dad Says He Was Abused

10-year-old's stepmother charged with child endangerment

(Newser) - A 10-year-old boy has told investigators that he shot his neo-Nazi father because he was tired of the man beating him and his stepmother. The boy, charged with murdering National Socialist Movement regional leader Jeff Hall , told police that "he thought his dad was cheating on his mom and...

Boy Accused of Killing Neo-Nazi Dad Had Rough Start

Abuse allegations followed nasty divorce

(Newser) - In a weird coincidence, a New York Times reporter was at the home of neo-Nazi Jeff Hall the day before he was shot to death there . The reporter even spoke to the accused shooter, Hall's 10-year-old son, who proudly showed a new gift from his father—a leather belt...

Boy, 10, Charged With Murdering Neo-Nazi Dad

California youth allegedly shot father

(Newser) - A 10-year-old boy was charged today with murdering his neo-Nazi father in the family's Southern California home. Riverside County prosecutors decided to charge the boy with murder after reviewing the facts surrounding the Sunday shooting of Jeff Hall, a 32-year-old plumber who had carried a swastika flag and led...

Neo-Nazi Pleads Guilty to Auschwitz Sign Theft

Prosecutors say Swedish neo-Nazi leader masterminded theft

(Newser) - A Swedish neo-Nazi has pleaded guilty to involvement in the theft of the infamous "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign from the gates of Auschwitz. As part of a plea bargain, the thief will serve close to 3 years in a Swedish prison. Five Poles, who authorities say were involved for...

Uproar Brews Over Moscow Mosque

'Clean Moscow' group wants Muslim-free city

(Newser) - New York isn’t the only city with a mosque controversy on its hands. Moscow’s 1.5 million Muslims say they desperately need a new mosque, but they’ve encountered local opposition from a group calling for a Muslim- and foreigner-free “clean Moscow,” Der Spiegel reports. These...

Neo-Nazi Couple Discovers They're Jewish

CNN recounts story of Polish pair's revelation

(Newser) - A young neo-Nazi couple in Poland got a surprise (for them, a very much unwelcome one) when the wife went rooting their family histories and discovered they were both, in fact, Jewish. "I didn't know how to tell him," she recalls to CNN in a new documentary. (See...

Skinhead Mob Attacks Rock Festival

14-year-old girl killed by thugs with iron clubs

(Newser) - A 14-year-old girl was killed and dozens of people injured when a mob of some 100 skinheads armed with iron bars rampaged through a rock concert crowd in central Russia over the weekend. Close to 15 members of the neo-Nazi mob were detained by police, but most of them escaped,...

Beck Favorites White Supremacist Tweet

Then deletes it when someone notices

(Newser) - Until recently, Glenn Beck had a pretty eyebrow-raising tweet on his “favorites” page on Twitter. On Monday, the StopBeck blog noticed that the top tweet on Beck’s favorite page was from MalevoFreedom, a white supremacist account that uses the neo-Nazi Stormfront logo as its Twitter icon. The tweet...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>