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Protesters Fight Whites-Only Plan for N. Dakota Town

As white supremacist says demonstrators 'literally not human to me'

(Newser) - With white supremacists planning a town takeover , hundreds of people headed to Leith, North Dakota, yesterday—even taking buses to get there—to protest. They stood outside a meeting hosted by Jeff Schoep, head of the white supremacist National Socialist Movement, chanting, "No hate in our state!" the...

Neo-Nazi Plans to Take Over ND Town

Police watching Craig Cobb, who bought 13 lots in Leith, ND

(Newser) - The tiny town of Leith, North Dakota, with its 19 residents, may soon get a population boost—but most won't be happy with the new neighbors. Infamous white supremacist Craig Cobb—wanted for hate crimes in Canada—has bought up 13 lots and plans to turn the almost-ghost town...

Germany Opens Neo-Nazi Trial
 Germany Opens Neo-Nazi Trial 

Germany Opens Neo-Nazi Trial

Beate Zschaepe accused in 10 murders, mostly of immigrants

(Newser) - Beate Zschaepe, the last surviving member of a Neo-Nazi trio accused of 10 murders between 2000 and 2007, goes on trial today in Munich, in a case that is riveting Germany. Zschaepe is charged in the killings of eight Turkish immigrants , a Greek immigrant, and a German police officer, but...

Neo-Nazi Inmates Talking via Secret Code: Report

German authorities discover far-right network

(Newser) - German authorities have long been faulted for being unable to keep neo-Nazis and other far-right fringe groups in check. Now, it turns out that even those incarcerated have been able to communicate with their groups—and perhaps help them recruit—through a secret code passed along in letters and magazine...

Greek Neo-Nazis Plot US Expansion

Golden Dawn's overtures not going over so well among ex-pats

(Newser) - Greece's fiercely anti-immigrant Golden Dawn party has a new group it's targeting for membership: emigrants. A rep for the party (which uses a swastika-like logo) says it has decided to create cells "wherever there are Greeks"; it intends to set up offices in Germany, Australia, Canada, and...

Amazon Hired 'Neo-Nazis' to Cow Workers: Probe

German TV doc accuses retailer of getting nasty

(Newser) - One newspaper is calling it a "shitstorm": A German TV documentary claims that Amazon used security guards linked to neo-Nazis to bully and frisk temporary foreign workers. According to the story, Amazon in Germany employed guards from the firm HESS, which is headed by a man accused of having...

12-Year-Old Convicted for Murder of Neo-Nazi Dad

Jeff Hall's hate group affiliation not a motive

(Newser) - A California judge today found a 12-year-old boy guilty of second-degree murder in the killing of his father, who was a leader in the neo-Nazi movement. The boy, who isn't being named due to his age, shot his father, 32-year-old Jeff Hall, in the head when he was 10....

Breivik Writes Fan Letter to Alleged Mass Killer

He urges German neo-Nazi to go 'political'

(Newser) - Mass murderer Anders Breivik fired off a fan letter from prison earlier this year—to, you guessed it, an alleged mass murderer. Starting with "Dear Sister Beate," Breivik wrote an impassioned letter to Beate Zschäpe, who is suspected of aiding a neo-Nazi group in killing nine immigrants...

Twitter Suspends Neo-Nazi Account in Germany

It's the first time Twitter has used its new censorship policy

(Newser) - Twitter has blocked the account of a German neo-Nazi group known as Besseres Hannover, prompted by a request from Berlin. Their tweets will still be visible in other countries, but not within Germany, reports the BBC . The move is the first time Twitter has enacted its local-censorship policy , which it...

Sikh Temple Shooter Had 'Personality Change'

Wade Michael Page death officially ruled suicide

(Newser) - The white supremacist who killed six Sikh worshipers at a temple in Wisconsin had a major personality change in the year before the shooting, according to a newly released investigative report. Wade Michael Page's sister told investigators that he had become more intense, lost his sense of humor, and...

Cops Arrest Sikh Temple Shooter's Ex

Misty Cook busted for gun, also linked to white-power groups

(Newser) - Wade Page's ex-girlfriend and fellow white supremacist has been arrested on a weapons charge after police searched the home she shared with the Sikh temple shooter until a few weeks ago. Misty Cook, a 31-year-old nursing student, was busted on suspicion of being a felon in possession of a...

Sikh Temple Shooter Heavily Involved in Skinhead Scene

Wade Michael Page a member of 2 white power music groups

(Newser) - More details are emerging on Wade Michael Page , the Army vet suspected of killing six at a Sikh temple near Milwaukee, and his involvement in white supremacist groups . Over the past 10 years, Page played guitar and sang in at least two skinhead punk bands, Fox News reports: Definite Hate...

Anti-Immigrant Violence Surges in Greece

Police accused of looking the other way as Golden Dawn attacks

(Newser) - Violence against legal and illegal immigrants has surged to "alarming proportions" as Greece suffers through one of the world's worst economic contractions since the Great Depression, the New York Times finds. The far-right Golden Dawn party made huge gains in the country's recent elections, and its supporters,...

Neo-Nazi Linked to Munich Olympics Massacre

Willi Pohl chauffeured attacks' mastermind

(Newser) - The killings of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972 have long been blamed on a Palestinian terrorist group—but Black September didn't act alone. The planner of the attacks was assisted by German Neo-Nazi Willi Pohl, 40-year-old German intelligence documents released by Der Spiegel reveal. When...

Greek Politician Sues Women He Attacked

Ilias Kasidiaris dodges arrest over televised slaps

(Newser) - Last week, extreme-right Greek politician Ilias Kasidiaris slapped one woman and dumped water on another on live television. This weekend, he managed to duck an arrest; now it's Kasidiaris who is suing the women, the AP reports. He says that he was insulted on the talk show, and that...

Far-Right Greek Pol Decks Female Lefty on Live TV

Golden Dawn says their man provoked by left-wing woman's comments

(Newser) - A spokesman for Greece's far-right Golden Dawn party is wanted for assault after he threw a glass of water in the face of a female leftist politician, then struck a female communist party representative, all on live TV this morning, reports Reuters . Ilias Kasidiaris, who once served in the...

Neo-Nazi Militia Leader Kills 4 in Phoenix

JT Ready believed to have killed 3 adults, toddler before suicide

(Newser) - The white supremacist founder of an Arizona border militia is believed to shot and killed three adults and a toddler before committing suicide. The body of JT Ready, head of the US Border Guard group, was found at a home in suburban Phoenix along with those of his girlfriend, her...

Fox Affiliate Calls Neo-Nazis 'Civil Rights Group'

National Socialist Movement not described as hate group by Orlando station

(Newser) - When the National Socialist Movement started patrolling the streets of Sanford, Florida , in response to the uproar over Trayvon Martin's death , many media outlets mentioned the fact that the NSM is made up of neo-Nazis. But not Fox News' Orlando affiliate, which described the organization as a "civil...

Armed Neo-Nazis Patrol Sanford
 Armed Neo-Nazis 
 Patrol Sanford 
'Trayvon' shooting

Armed Neo-Nazis Patrol Sanford

National Socialist Movement readies for race riot

(Newser) - Turns out civil rights leaders aren't the only ones marching around Sanford these days. Neo-Nazis are now conducting armed patrols through the Florida city where Trayvon Martin's killing set off a tense national debate , the Miami New Times reports. "We are not advocating any type of violence...

Tombstone of Hitler's Parents Comes Down

Austrian site had become shrine for neo-Nazis

(Newser) - Neo-Nazis have lost a familiar haunting ground: The tombstone identifying the burial site of Hitler's parents, Alois and Klara, has been removed from an Austrian cemetery, reports AP . The marker was taken away at the request of a relative, in part because it had become a shrine for extremists....

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