
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Supreme Court Makes Exception on Juror Secrecy

Ruling says deliberations can be disclosed if racial bias helped lead to conviction

(Newser) - Calling racial and ethnic bias "antithetical" to the way a US jury is supposed to work, the Supreme Court took exception Monday to the usual rule that jury deliberations be kept secret, the New York Times reports. The court's 5-3 ruling mandates that state and federal laws meant...

Expecting Trouble From Black Males Starts in Pre-K

Black and white preschool teachers alike spend more time watching black boys

(Newser) - Are black children in preschool suspended more than three times as often as their white counterparts because they act out that much more, or because their teachers are expecting and watching for behavior problems from them more? A new study out of Yale suggests that there is an "implicit...

Bomb Suspect's Family Eatery Targeted on Yelp

Family complained about anti-Muslim bias years ago

(Newser) - The adage "There's no such thing as bad publicity" probably doesn't ring true for the owners of First American Fried Chicken: The Elizabeth, NJ, restaurant is owned by the family of alleged bomber Ahmad Rahami , and Vice reports that its Yelp page is being spammed with negative...

Robots Judge Beauty Contest, Get Called Racist

Artificial intelligence was supposed to eliminate bias—but most winners were light-skinned

(Newser) - Can robots be racist? It appears that way, per results from Beauty.AI , a beauty competition designed to take prejudices out of the mix by having algorithms do the judging instead of humans. But results from the competition indicate that even 'bots have biases, the Guardian reports. Forty-four winners...

Getting Pain Meds Can Be Difficult— If You're Black

Study finds disparity in how they're doled out

(Newser) - White people are roughly twice as likely to die from prescription painkillers as black people in the US; now a new study finds that they're also twice as likely to be prescribed them. It's just the latest finding to show that minorities are treated differently when it comes...

Talking to a Shrink May Not Work as Well as You Think

Publication bias keeps out negative results in efficacy calculations: researchers

(Newser) - No one is denying that talking things out with a therapist can be helpful for those with depression. But, like antidepressants, psychotherapy's usefulness may be overstated, researchers say, per the New York Times —by as much as 25%, finds a study in PLOS One . "This doesn't...

Sexism Makes Female-Named Storms Deadlier
 Storms Kill More 
study says

Female-Named Storms Kill More

We're not as afraid of them, don't prepare as much, study finds

(Newser) - Our hurricane-naming system taps into an unconscious sexism—and the results are potentially disastrous, researchers say. A study suggests that when we hear a female name for a hurricane, we're less worried, and thus less likely to prepare adequately, than we would be if the name were male, the...

Pot Busts Are Racially Biased in Every US County

Black people 8 times as likely to be arrested in some states

(Newser) - Police forces all across America are singling out black people for marijuana arrests, according to an ACLU study using arrest data from all 50 states. Black people use marijuana at the same rate as white people, the study found, but they are nearly four times as likely to be arrested...

Sorry, GOP: Polls Aren&#39;t Biased
 Sorry, GOP: Polls Aren't Biased 

Sorry, GOP: Polls Aren't Biased

Also, a rundown of the latest polls

(Newser) - The GOP has spent a lot of time lately decrying the bias driving polls that show President Obama opening up a lead over Mitt Romney, but Nate Silver takes a look at how final polls have historically performed against results, and finds that while they have occasionally missed the mark,...

Is NPR Liberal? The Radio Station Should Speak Up: Meghan Daum

 Hey, NPR: 
 Stand Up 
 for Yourself 

Hey, NPR: Stand Up for Yourself

Station keeps mum in the face of widespread criticism: Meghan Daum

(Newser) - Accusations of a liberal slant are raining down on NPR, and its leaders are putting up with it. It’s time for the station to “show some self-respect and fight back,” writes Meghan Daum in the Los Angeles Times . Tell us: “Are you liberal? Are you neutral?...

Hey, Righties, We're Gonna Miss Olbermann
Hey, Righties, We're Gonna Miss Olbermann

Hey, Righties, We're Gonna Miss Olbermann

A former 'Worst Person' says we don't need polite political debates

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann once included Bret Stephens on one of his “Worst Person in the World” lists, so you’d think the conservative columnist would be dancing on his talk show's grave. But he’s not, mostly because he doesn’t buy into the post-Arizona claptrap about civil discourse....

Pretty Women Who Want 'Manly' Jobs: Get Ugly
Pretty Women Who Want 'Manly' Jobs: Get Ugly
study says

Pretty Women Who Want 'Manly' Jobs: Get Ugly

Study shows, sometimes, it hurts to be beautiful

(Newser) - Thinking about buying a sexy new outfit to up your chances at scoring a new job? Think again…if you’re a woman applying to be, say, a tow truck driver. A new study shows that attractive women are actually less likely to be hired to fill positions that are...

NY Pol Lists Foe's 'Jewish Money' Donors

Rep. Mike McMahon scrambles to fire staffer, apologize

(Newser) - A Democratic congressman is practicing damage control after his campaign compiled a list of Jewish donors contributing to his GOP challenger. Rep. Mike McMahon's staff didn't exactly try to keep it a secret: They gave the report, subtly titled "Grimm Jewish Money Q2," to the New York Observer...

Actress Blasts 'Homophobic' Newsweek

Kristin Chenoweth defends 'Promises, Promises' co-star Sean Hayes

(Newser) - Sean Hayes made his Broadway debut shortly after officially coming out , and his performance has drawn mixed reviews, a Tony nomination—and one scathing notice from Ramin Setoodeh of Newsweek . Setoodeh, who is gay, called Hayes "the big pink elephant in the room" and deemed his performance as a...

Conservative Tom Coburn: Pelosi Is 'Nice,' Fox 'Biased'

Oklahoma senator tells town hall to not be fooled by TV

(Newser) - Staunchly conservative Republican Senator Tom Coburn displayed a surprising bipartisan spirit at a recent town hall in his home state of Oklahoma, praising Democratic House speaker Nancy Pelosi and putting down Fox News. He may be “180 degrees in opposition” to Pelosi, Coburn told the crowd, but “she...

Lambert, GLAAD Cry Bias—About CBS and ABC

Early Show blurs same-sex kiss as singer makes his case

(Newser) - After being booted from a scheduled Good Morning America appearance because of his American Music Awards antics, Adam Lambert was snatched up by CBS’ Early Show, where he contended the controversy was motivated by his sexuality: “If it had been a female pop performer doing the moves that were...

Wanted: Economist to Trash Health Bill

Foes look for an expert to prove that Obamacare kills jobs

(Newser) - Pro-business groups opposed to the president's health care reform are raising funds to hire a "respected economist" to study the impact of the reform—and find that it is a threat to jobs and the economy. In an email obtained by the Washington Post , a top official at the...

Biased? Harvard Wants to Know

Web test tries to suss out implicit prejudice via picture exercise

(Newser) - Do you have a subconscious love of gays—or hatred of white people? There's an app for that. Actually, it's a website that's part of a study by Harvard, the University of Virginia, and the University of Washington. “Project Implicit” gathers personal information, then puts you through a 15-minute...

Obama White House Tells Fox to Take a Hike

White House says it's finished pretending network is 'legitimate news'

(Newser) - Fox News Channel has pulled record numbers of viewers this year as it's ratcheted up its fury at the Obama administration, and the president's team has had enough. The White House communications director, Anita Dunn, tells the New York Times that Fox is "undertaking a war against Barack Obama,...

Supremes Make Age-Bias Suits Harder to Prove

Ruling puts burden of proof on workers

(Newser) - Workers who sue their employers for age discrimination will find their cases much harder to win under a Supreme Court ruling issued yesterday, the Los Angeles Times reports. The court, in a 5-4 decision, ruled that it is up to employees who believe they were fired or demoted because of...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>