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Israel Bombs Site in Syria
 Israel Bombs Site in Syria 

Israel Bombs Site in Syria

It's the second time this year

(Newser) - Two ominous developments in Syria overnight:
  • Israel airstrike: Israel bombed a site within Syria for the second time this year, reports Reuters . Official details are scarce, but the Israeli strike reportedly hit a warehouse that contained high-tech missiles, though not chemical weapons. Israeli officials feared that Bashar al-Assad was sending

Israel: We Shot Down Drone
 Israel: We Shot Down Drone 

Israel: We Shot Down Drone

Says Hezbollah sent unmanned aircraft into Israeli airspace

(Newser) - The Israeli military says it has shot down an unmanned aircraft sent by Hezbollah into Israeli skies. Military officials said the aircraft was downed today off the Israeli coast in Israeli airspace near the northern city of Haifa. It is the second known instance in which the Lebanese militant group,...

Iran Shipping More Weapons to Assad
Iran Shipping More Weapons to Assad

Iran Shipping More Weapons to Assad

Meanwhile, French official says they want to arm opposition

(Newser) - Iran has drastically increased its arms shipments to Syria in recent months, sending weapons to Bashar al-Assad's regime, and to its Hezbollah supporters, in what is increasingly becoming a Shiite-vs-Sunni conflict, Western diplomats tell Reuters . The weapons are flowing primarily through Iraq—despite Iraqi protestations to the contrary—but...

Israeli Strike Hit Syrian Chemical Weapons Facility

Meanwhile, Iran says Israel 'will regret' attack

(Newser) - Israel's airstrike inside Syria just happens to have damaged the country's top chemical and biological research center, though it wasn't the primary target of the attack, US officials tell the New York Times . A senior military official said Israel's actual targets were trucks carrying missiles and...

As Syria Unravels, Israel Threatens Hit on Chemical Weapons

Chemical arsenal won't be allowed to fall into Hezbollah's hands, officials warn

(Newser) - Israel has warned that it will launch a strike to prevent Syrian chemical weapons from falling into the hands of Hezbollah or other extremists, the AP reports. Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom told reporters that top security officials met last week to discuss the threat Syria's chemical weapons pose....

Securing Syria&#39;s Chemical Arms Will Take 75K Troops
Securing Syria's Chemical Arms Will Take 75K Troops
pentagon says

Securing Syria's Chemical Arms Will Take 75K Troops

White House worries terrorists, Syrian gov't eyeing chemical stores

(Newser) - As Syria's brutal civil war beats on, the White House is growing ever more concerned about the country's large chemical weapon stash falling into terrorist hands—especially Hezbollah, which has set up training camps close to some storage sites. But if the United States wants to secure those...

Iran: We've Got Pics of 'Forbidden' Israel Sites

Says intel on military bases came from Hezbollah drone

(Newser) - Iran has images of sensitive Israeli military bases taken by a drone that was launched by Lebanon's Hezbollah movement and downed by Israel earlier this month, a senior Iranian lawmaker claimed today. The announcement gave no details about the photos—other than calling the Israeli bases "forbidden sites"...

Hezbollah: That Was Our Drone Over Israel

Group's leader says parts came from Iran

(Newser) - Hezbollah confirmed today what many Mideast observers already guessed: It sent up the spy drone over Israel that was shot down last weekend, and it got help in doing so from Iran, reports the BBC . The unmanned craft may have been destroyed by Israeli jets, but Hezbollah's leader boasted...

Drone Retaliation: Israeli Jets Buzz Lebanon

Lawmaker accuses Hezbollah of launching Iranian drone

(Newser) - Israeli fighter planes flew low over Lebanese towns today in apparent retaliation for a mysterious drone that crossed Israel this weekend, the AP reports. The military didn't directly blame Hezbollah—a powerful Shiite group in Lebanon—for the drone, but Haaretz pointed a finger at them and an Israeli...

Hezbollah Chief Leads Huge Protest

Hassan Nasrallah demands US ban anti-Muslim video

(Newser) - In a rare public appearance, the leader of the militant Hezbollah group exhorted hundreds of thousands of supporters today to keep up the campaign against an anti-Islam video that has unleashed deadly violence and anger at the US across the Muslim world. Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah spoke for about 15 minutes...

Iran: We Will Hunt Down Video Makers

Producer goes into hiding; actress posts 'scared' letter

(Newser) - As rage over an anti-Islamic video erupts into more violent protests— Afghanistan and Pakistan are among the latest—Iran is vowing to hunt down the makers of Innocence of Muslims, the Telegraph reports. "The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran condemns ... this inappropriate and offensive action," said...

Pakistani Protest at US Consulate Turns Violent

Hezbollah leader urges people to 'express our anger'

(Newser) - Rage over an anti-Islamic video reignited today as hundreds of angry Pakistanis battled police outside the US consulate in Karachi, leaving one protester dead and 18 others injured, the AP reports. Police fired tear gas and water cannons at the rock-throwing protesters and eventually beat them back with batons. A...

Feds Seize $150M Linked to Hezbollah

Bank accused of helping group launder cash

(Newser) - The US has seized $150 million believed to have been part of a massive Hezbollah money-laundering scheme. Prosecutors say the money, held in a New York account linked to the now-defunct Lebanese Canadian Bank, was connected to a scheme in which the profits from drug trafficking and other crimes was...

US: Hezbollah Is Helping Syria

White House announces more sanctions, but avoids military intervention

(Newser) - Bashar al-Assad's pariah-state world tour rolls on: Not content with getting support from Iran , Syria is now getting help from Hezbollah, or so the White House charged yesterday, reports the Washington Post . "It’s safe to say that Hezbollah is playing a critical role in advising the Syrian...

Judge: Iran Owes US Families $813M
Judge: Iran Owes
US Families $813M

Judge: Iran Owes US Families $813M

Says money should go to relatives of Marines killed in 1983 Beirut bombing

(Newser) - A US court has ruled that Iran owes $813 million to the families of 241 US soldiers killed in the 1983 bombing of a Marines barracks in Lebanon, reports the AFP . The two Beirut bombings on Oct. 23, 1983, which also killed 58 French paratroopers, have been blamed on Hezbollah,...

Syrian Violence Spills Into Lebanon

Gun battles rage in Beirut

(Newser) - Don't look now, but the Syrian conflict might not be confined to Syria anymore. Gun battles broke out in Beirut today between factions supporting and opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the New York Times reports, in Lebanon's most intense outbreak of violence since the Syrian uprising began....

'Hundreds' of Hezbollah Agents in US: Peter King

And they've been trained as terrorists by Iran, Homeland Security chair says

(Newser) - The US is crawling with Hezbollah agents, many of whom have been trained as terrorists, Rep. Peter King said in a CNN appearance today. "The American intelligence community … believes we are very much at risk for an attack by Iranian operatives, which would be Hezbollah," King said,...

Israeli Group to Twitter: Ban Hezbollah or We'll Sue

Letting terror groups tweet is illegal, law center says

(Newser) - Terrorist organizations banned in the US should also be banned from Twitter, says an Israeli legal group threatening to sue the San Francisco-based company. Shurat HaDin—which says its mission is "bankrupting terrorism, one lawsuit at a time"—warns that allowing groups like Hezbollah and al-Shabab to use...

Last US Detainee in Iraq May Get Off Easy

Daqduq is accused of playing a role in the deaths of 5 US soldiers

(Newser) - As the US wound down its operations in Iraq this week, it transferred its last remaining detainee over to Iraqi authorities, reports the Los Angeles Times . The move was a controversial one because Ali Musa Daqduq is accused of being a Hezbollah operative behind a 2007 Iraqi raid that resulted...

CIA Spies Captured in Middle East

Officials fear they will be executed

(Newser) - More than a dozen CIA spies have been caught in Lebanon and Iran over the last six months, and the US worries they’ll be executed—or already have been. "If they were genuine spies, spying against Hezbollah, I don't think we'll ever see them again,"...

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