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Ayatollah: Our Policy Toward 'Arrogant US' Won't Change

Iran's supreme leader speaks out on nuclear deal

(Newser) - Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said today a landmark nuclear deal won't change his country's policy toward the "arrogant" US, making his first public speech since the Islamic Republic's historic pact with world powers. Khamenei said a more wide-ranging agreement with America is unlikely,...

CIA Car Bomb Killed Hezbollah Figure

Washington Post: US agents teamed with Mossad in 2008 assassination

(Newser) - When a Hezbollah commander implicated in scores of terrorist attacks around the world was assassinated in Syria in 2008, all kinds of theories swirled about who might have been behind it. Today, the Washington Post reveals that it was actually a team effort by the CIA and Mossad, its Israeli...

Hezbollah Missiles Kill 2 Israeli Soldiers

Analysts warn major confrontation could lie ahead

(Newser) - The Lebanese militant Hezbollah group fired a salvo of missiles at an Israeli military convoy in a disputed border area yesterday, killing two soldiers and triggering deadly clashes that marked the most serious escalation since the sides' 2006 war. The flare-up, which also left a UN peacekeeper dead, added to...

Feds Think There's a New Snowden in Our Midst

Someone appears to be leaking sensitive US documents again

(Newser) - A story published by Glenn Greenwald's Intercept , which has published the leaks of none other than Edward Snowden, contains information from national security documents dating back to August 2013—after Snowden fled the US, and thus an indication that there's a new leaker in town. The newly leaked...

This Man Spent 5 Years as Hostage, Then 'Thrived'

Joe Cicippio explains why the experience didn't ruin him

(Newser) - Joe Cicippio spent five years often chained to a radiator, a captive of Hezbollah in Lebanon. His only companions were his masked kidnappers and one or two other captives. But he's thrived since his release in 1991, and now Cicippio, 83, reveals how in an interview with NPR . “...

Syrian Army Captures Vital Rebel Stronghold

Hezbollah helps regime capture key supply town

(Newser) - Syrian government troops and Hezbollah fighters captured a strategic town near the Lebanese frontier yesterday, sending opposition fighters fleeing to Lebanon from their last stronghold in the vital border area. The fall of Yabroud—a major smuggling hub for the rebels trying to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad—is the latest...

175 Dead in One of Syrian War's Biggest Hits

Rebels ambushed by Syria military outside Damascus yesterday

(Newser) - Syrian forces ambushed a group of rebels outside Damascus yesterday, killing 175 belonging to the Islamist extremist al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front, according to state news agencies, per the Wall Street Journal . The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights counted 152 dead—mostly foreigners from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Chechnya—in the raid...

Hezbollah Gets Hands on Deadlier Missiles

Iran exploits Syria conflict to funnel weapons to militant group

(Newser) - Iran appears to be using the civil war in Syria to smuggle advanced guided missile systems to Hezbollah in Lebanon, US officials tell the Wall Street Journal . The guided missiles would be a massive upgrade over Hezbollah's current cache of "dumb" rockets, greatly improving its ability to deter...

Top Hezbollah Commander Assassinated

Hassan al-Laqis shot outside his home in Beirut

(Newser) - Gunmen assassinated a senior Hezbollah commander outside his home today in southern Beirut, a major breach of the Shiite militant group's security as it struggles to maintain multiple fronts while it fights alongside President Bashar al-Assad's forces in Syria. The overnight shooting of Hassan al-Laqis, described as a...

Twin Bombs Hit Iran Embassy in Beirut, Kill 23

Al-Qaeda-linked group claims responsibility for Beirut blast

(Newser) - An al-Qaeda-linked group has claimed responsibility for twin suicide bombings that struck outside the Iranian Embassy in Beirut, killing 23 people, including an Iranian diplomat. The obscure Abdullah Azzam Brigades said in online posts that it carried out the mid-morning bombings today in a southern Beirut Hezbollah stronghold. The group...

Israel Strikes Syria Base: US Official

Warplanes hit Russian missiles: reports

(Newser) - Israeli planes struck a Syrian military base housing missiles, a White House official tells CNN ; Israel was reportedly concerned the missiles—which the AP says were of Russian origin—could be passed to Hezbollah. Israel's government hasn't confirmed the attack, though regional reports pointed to a blast at...

Iran Is Orchestrating Syria Revenge: US

If US strikes, Iran wants Shiite militias in Iraq to strike back

(Newser) - As Congress debates a strike on Syria, the regime and its allies have been given plenty of time to prepare strikes of their own, American officials warn. The US has intercepted an order from Iran to Iran-supported Shiite militias in Iraq to launch attacks on the US Embassy and other...

Syria, Hezbollah Grab Key Town From Rebels

Fall of Qusair a huge setback for rebels

(Newser) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's troops, backed by Lebanese Hezbollah fighters, regained control today of the strategic town of Qusair where fighting has raged with rebels for nearly three weeks, according to state TV. The capture of the town near the Lebanese border solidifies some of the regime's recent...

Assad: The Russian Missiles Are Here

He says in interview to air on Hezbollah TV channel

(Newser) - On the one hand, it's a fairly expected announcement: On the heels of Russia's confirmation of a missile deal with Syria, President Bashar al-Assad has confirmed that the initial shipment of S-300 air defense missiles was in fact delivered to his country, with the second portion of the...

Hezbollah Chief on Syria: 'We Will Be Victorious'

Militant group's leader openly throws chips in with Assad regime

(Newser) - Hezbollah's leader vowed to help propel President Bashar al-Assad to victory in Syria's bloody civil war, warning that the fall of the Damascus regime would give rise to extremists and plunge the Middle East into a "dark period." In a televised address, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah also...

Hezbollah, Assad Make Massive Push Into Key Town

Israel threatens more strikes as battle for Qusair rages

(Newser) - Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon have taken their most prominent role yet in the Syrian civil war, fighting alongside Bashar al-Assad's forces as the military attempts to regain control of a strategic rebel-held city near the Lebanese order. Activists say at least 23 members of the Iran-backed militant group have...

Russia Sends Syria Ships— and 'Ship Killers'

Moves seem designed to ward off international military intervention

(Newser) - Russia is reportedly sending military aid to Syria that seems designed to counter any attempt at military intervention from the US or other Western countries. US officials tell the New York Times that Russia has sent the regime new, radar-equipped anti-ship cruise missiles, weapons that could fend off an international...

Syria: Israeli Strike a 'Declaration of War'

Israel deploys missile defenses to northern border

(Newser) - Syria is firing back figuratively at Israel after airstrikes today struck targets in and around Damascus, calling the attack "a declaration of war. This is not something that is (new)," a deputy foreign minister reports CNN . "We dealt with this on several occasions, and the retaliation was...

Israel Again Strikes Syria
 Israel Again Strikes Syria 

Israel Again Strikes Syria

Targets missiles believed headed for Hezbollah

(Newser) - Israel has again struck Syria , this time in a series of airstrikes in and around Damascus last night that targeted a shipment of Iranian-made missiles Israel believed were headed Hezbollah's way. "In last night's attack, as in the previous one, what was attacked were stores of Fateh-110...

Israel Bombs Site in Syria
 Israel Bombs Site in Syria 

Israel Bombs Site in Syria

It's the second time this year

(Newser) - Two ominous developments in Syria overnight:
  • Israel airstrike: Israel bombed a site within Syria for the second time this year, reports Reuters . Official details are scarce, but the Israeli strike reportedly hit a warehouse that contained high-tech missiles, though not chemical weapons. Israeli officials feared that Bashar al-Assad was sending

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