
Stories 1161 - 1180 | << Prev   Next >>

Google Must Turn Over YouTube Records: Judge

Data dump includes users' names and IP addresses

(Newser) - A judge has ordered Google to give Viacom records of all videos ever watched on YouTube, including users’ names and IP addresses, Wired reports. Viacom is seeking the data to bolster its $1 billion lawsuit against Google for allowing copyrighted Viacom clips on YouTube. The media giant believes the data...

Adobe Lets Web Spiders Snag Animation

Google, Yahoo get software to better read, index Flash files

(Newser) - For years, web developers have faced a tough choice: Make their pages pretty with Flash animations, or optimize for search engines? Now, Flash maker Adobe has tried to make that choice easier, by giving Google and Yahoo the software to read and index Flash files. “For end users, they're...

Yahoo Looks to Time Warner, News Corp.

With Microsoft again sniffing around, net giant explores options

(Newser) - Yahoo—back in the sights of Microsoft—is trying to keep its fate in its own hands, launching talks with potential partners, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Internet company reopened talks with Time Warner about a deal that would make AOL part of Yahoo and give Time Warner a...

Feds Probing Google-Yahoo Deal

Formal investigation signals that Justice may have antitrust concerns

(Newser) - Google’s agreement to provide Yahoo with advertising for some of its searches in the US and Canada has prompted the Justice Department to launch a formal antitrust investigation into the deal, the Washington Post reports. "They don't do it without having identified significant issues," one lawyer said...

Microsoft Preps a New Run at Yahoo
Preps a New Run at Yahoo

Microsoft Preps a New Run at Yahoo

Has been recruiting partners for another effort to vivisect Yahoo

(Newser) - Microsoft is back in pursuit of Yahoo, the Wall Street Journal reports, with the company in talks with both News Corp. and Time Warner as potential partners for a restructured deal to buy the search giant. Yahoo has been in Microsoft’s sights for nearly six months, but initial efforts...

Coming Soon: Your Medical Info on the Net

Google, Microsoft work on competing online programs

(Newser) - Both Google and Microsoft are working on programs that allow patients to store their medical information online, reports the MIT Technology Review. Google Health was released in May, 7 months after Microsoft's HealthVault. Both programs will eventually gather test results and info from hospitals and share them with doctors and...

Tech Giants Join Forces Against 'Patent Trolls'

Fear of lawsuits behind group effort to snap up intellectual property

(Newser) - Some of tech's biggest players are banding together to corner the market on patents key to their various businesses, the Wall Street Journal reports. Companies like Google and Verizon are afraid of being held hostage by small players with a claim on key bits of intellectual property, and wary of...

Google Teams Up With Family Guy Creator

Ad-driven McFarlane webisodes will appear on targeted sites

(Newser) - In a unique advertising move, Google and Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane are creating an ad-driven internet cartoon series, the New York Times reports. Using its AdSense service, Google will place two-minute animated "webisodes" of McFarlane’s Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy on websites likely to draw the animator's target...

Angry Worker Blasts Yahoo in Email

Missive blames office politics, lousy execs for sinking company

(Newser) - A sarcastic Yahoo employee slammed the company in an email sent to Fortune today, taking aim at futile executives and lousy decision-making. In the wake of Yahoo's latest shakeup, "things could not be better," the email says: True, past "reorgs" were sparked by pointless executive shifts, but...

When Is A Facebook Friend Just A Friend?

Social sites clash over letting users share info between services

(Newser) - There’s a movement among some social Web services, from MySpace and Yahoo to Plaxo, to let users share data, the MIT Technology Review reports. Take Google’s new Friend Connect, a service that lets users transport profiles and connections among sites. But Facebook, for one, is swimming against the...

Yahoo Defends Rejection of Alternate Microsoft Offer

Seeking to blunt attacks from Carl Icahn, the company goes to shareholders

(Newser) - Yahoo yesterday launched an offensive against billionaire Carl Icahn’s attempt to displace the board, detailing in a letter to shareholders why accepting Microsoft’s alternative $8-billion search-only deal would have diminished Yahoo’s value and hurt the company strategically, reports MarketWatch. CEO Jerry Yang and Chairman Roy Bostock said...

Top Engineers Shun Military
Top Engineers Shun Military

Top Engineers Shun Military

Costs soar as sought-after project managers head for private sector

(Newser) - Greater "geek cachet" and higher pay is diverting engineering managers from the military into places like Microsoft and Google, the New York Times reports. The result is a dearth of  managers overseeing military projects, which government investigators largely blame for long delays and $295 billion in cost overruns. The...

Google's Data Avalanche Trumps Scientific Method

No need for theories to connect the data—data all anyone really needs

(Newser) - The data avalanche Google made possible has buried the scientific method, Chris Anderson argues in Wired, begging the question, “What can science learn from Google?” We’re in the “Petabyte Age,” he argues, when massive amounts of data obviate need for models and theories—the imperfect, if...

Google Plans Service to Track Surfers' Activity

Plan would help companies target ads

(Newser) - A new Google service will track web users’ activity to help companies target ads, raising concerns about conflict of interest, the Wall Street Journal reports. The free tool will use server data to track hits, a plan that threatens current industry giants comScore and Nielsen Online. Those paid services employ...

Lawyer Uses Google to Judge Obscenity

Common search terms can show 'community standards,' he says

(Newser) - A defense lawyer in a Florida obscenity case is trying out a new technique for determining those elusive “community standards” courts have been fighting over for years: what locals search for on Google. The resourceful attorney compared the frequency of local searches for words like “orgy” and “...

Ad Execs Feel Besieged by Google & Co.

Net giants' deep pockets could squeeze creativity, competition

(Newser) - Advertisers are spooked at net giants like Google and Microsoft throwing their weight around in the world of online advertising, the New York Times reports. With its ad deal with Yahoo drawing fire at conference in Cannes, Google “clearly wants to replace the advertising industry in its totality,"...

Guess Who Has the Most Trusted Brand in America?

Google proves you don't need advertising if consumers see you as good citizen

(Newser) - Google is officially the most trusted company in America, Advertising Age reports. The search giant’s rise is all the more incredible because it spends essentially nothing on advertising, and all the sweeter because it’s taking the top spot from rival Microsoft. Oil companies bring up the rear in...

Google Phones Running Behind Schedule
Google Phones Running Behind Schedule

Google Phones Running Behind Schedule

Issues with Android software will delay launch to 4th quarter

(Newser) - It turns out revolutionizing the mobile-phone industry isn’t as easy as Google thought it would be. The first phones to bear the search giant’s much-anticipated Android platform won’t ship until the fourth quarter, the Wall Street Journal reports, because carriers are having trouble customizing the software. Many...

Amazon Kept Laughing After Dot-Com Bust
Amazon Kept Laughing After Dot-Com Bust

Amazon Kept Laughing After Dot-Com Bust

E-tailer stays nimble as Yahoo, eBay trip into the future

(Newser) - Yahoo, eBay, and Amazon emerged from the dot-com bust as a mighty triumvirate, but only Amazon has kept its mojo in the decade's latter stages, the Economist reports. Yahoo, the oldest of the lot at 14, shooed away Microsoft, surrendered part of its business to Google, and failed to stay...

YouTube Trying Longer Videos
 YouTube Trying Longer Videos 

YouTube Trying Longer Videos

Long-form is attractive to site, still looking for revenue and going after directors

(Newser) - YouTube is testing some long-format videos for its site, anxious to increase the amount of ads they can display per view, CNN Money reports. The site has only a few videos longer than an hour, but is reaching out to independent directors at the Los Angeles Film festival this week.

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