Jeff Bezos

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What WaPo Thinks of Bezos After 2 Days With Him

Soon-to-be owner charms journos

(Newser) - Jeff Bezos has spent two days at the Washington Post getting to know his new acquisition, and giving its staff a chance to get to know him. The staff verdict: Thumbs up, reports the New York Times . They appreciated the Amazon founder's sense of optimism and long-range plans to...

Bezos on Washington Post: I'm 'Not a Magician'

Amazon CEO gives first interview since acquiring the paper

(Newser) - Jeff Bezos gave his first interview since buying the Washington Post today, and he gave it to, well, the Washington Post . Here are some highlights:
  • "We've had three big ideas at Amazon," Bezos explains: "Put the customer first. Invent. And be patient. If you replace '

How Politico Destroyed the Post
 How Politico 
 the Post 

How Politico Destroyed the Post

Ross Douthat: For the WaPo to thrive again, Jeff Bezos must defeat Politico

(Newser) - The Washington Post coulda been a contender. Though the Internet has killed off and worn down many legacy media mastheads, it has allowed others to position themselves as new brands for specific national audiences, writes Ross Douthat in the New York Times : "The Wall Street Journal has a clear...

Can the New Post Become the Netflix of News?
Can the New Post Become
the Netflix of News?

Can the New Post Become the Netflix of News?

Ken Doctor wants the online news business to innovate

(Newser) - Now that Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post, Ken Doctor at Bloomberg has some requests. For starters, "wouldn't it be great to be able to find stories on a news site?" he writes. News site search is generally unbelievably incompetent. And why isn't there a way to...

Good News, WaPo: Working for Jeff Bezos Is Awesome

Henry Blodget thinks this is a very good thing for the venerable paper

(Newser) - Jeff Bezos is a major Business Insider investor, so in the wake of the Washington Post buy , Henry Blodget has been fielding a lot of questions on what it's like to have the Amazon founder holding the purse strings. The answer? "It's great," Blodget writes . "...

Why Amazon CEO&#39;s Washington Post Buy Matters So Much
Why Bezos' Washington Post
Buy Matters So Much

Why Bezos' Washington Post Buy Matters So Much

'The iceberg just rescued the Titanic'

(Newser) - After picking their jaws up off the floor, some pundits are reacting to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' purchase of the Washington Post with cautious optimism.
  • The $250 million deal—which follows a long period of decline at the Post—is "a genuine earthquake" for the world of journalism, writes

Washington Post Sold to Amazon CEO for $250M

Jeff Bezos buys paper for $250M

(Newser) - The Washington Post has the scoop on ... its own sale. In an indulgently long report, the paper reveals it will be sold to Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos for $250 million in cash, after 80 years of ownership by the Graham family. The Post reports that its operating revenue...

Amazon Might Doom Itself With Own Success

Evan Hughes: Killing traditional bookstores will harm company in long run

(Newser) - Amazon seems unstoppable right about now, thanks in part to court decisions like this one . On top of that, Barnes & Noble is reeling , as are brick-and-mortar bookstores in general. But Amazon better hold the celebration, because if it puts traditional bookstores out of business, it's only going to...

Apollo 11 Engines Pulled From Ocean Floor

Jeff Bezos-funded operation recovers 2 of 5 engines

(Newser) - A year after Amazon founder Jeff Bezos discovered the debris of five Apollo 11 engines , he's recovered two of the massive F-1 engines from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, reports USA Today . The twisted, rusted remains were brought up from 14,000 feet below the surface, but they'...

Employees Say the Top CEO in America Is ...

Mark Zuckerberg wins poll, tying with SAP's co-CEOs

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg may not be able to keep his investors happy , but those inside Facebook still love him. Zuckerberg just topped Glassdoor's latest list of the 50 highest-rated CEOs in the country, with a 99% approval rating from Facebook employees, reports PC Mag . Not surprisingly, Facebook employees also voted...

Bezos Firm Tests Escape Pod for Rocket

Launch is another success for Blue Origin's space plans

(Newser) - Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has hit another milestone in helping NASA develop safe and affordable private space travel . His Blue Origin company successfully tested the launch of a new crew-escape system, and has a video of the unmanned pod's gentle return to solid ground. It uses a...

Amazon Unveils New E-Reader, Updates 'Fire'

Jeff Bezos introduces Kindle Paperwhite

(Newser) - Amazon's got a host of new gadgets on the way. Founder Jeff Bezos today announced the Kindle Fire HD, an upgraded tablet that comes in two sizes, starting at $199, USA Today reports. "We were happy last year to have the best tablet at a certain price. This...

Gay-Marriage Fight's Windfall: $2.5M From Amazon Boss

Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer give $100K each

(Newser) - When a former employee emailed Jeff Bezos to ask for some cash to support a gay-marriage referendum in Washington state, she asked him to consider ponying up between $100,000 and $200,000. Instead, she landed $2.5 million for the cause. "This is right for so many reasons,...

Tech Moguls: Modern-Day Robber Barons

Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos equally big on biz, not values

(Newser) - Ten of the world's richest 100 people have ruthlessly siphoned their billions from IT, making today's tech moguls the equivalent of the infamous capitalist robber-barons of last century, like John Rockefeller or Andrew Carnegie, writes John Naughton in the Guardian . From Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg to Sergey...

Jeff Bezos Building $42M Clock

Amazon founder's time piece will be 200 feet tall, last 10K years

(Newser) - Nobody spends money quite like Jeff Bezos. Case in point: The Amazon founder and CEO is building a 200-foot-tall clock deep inside a mountain near his West Texas property, the Wall Street Journal reports. Dubbed the "10,000 Year Clock," the device is designed to last millennia, playing...

Amazon Soars as Kindle Fire Grabs Market Share

Sales of digital products pay off tablet investment

(Newser) - Selling Kindle Fires turns out to have been a very profitable way for Amazon to lose money. The no-frills tablet computer—which sells for slightly less than it costs to make —has now captured more than half of the Android tablet market, with rival tablets from Samsung and Motorola...

Apollo 11 Engines Found on Ocean Floor

Jeff Bezos plans to bring moon rocket engines to surface

(Newser) - Amazon founder Jeff Bezos says he's discovered the watery resting place of the engines that blasted Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 crew toward the moon in 1969—and he's not planning on leaving them there. A Bezos Expeditions team found the five F-1 engines at the bottom...

Kindle Fire Price Tag: $199

Amazon's offering will be significantly cheaper than most tablets

(Newser) - Amazon is introducing its new Kindle Fire tablet in New York, but Bloomberg got some details—and Mashable got a picture—early. For one thing, the $199 price tag is lower than rumored. It will feature a 7-inch display and WiFi capability, but no 3G, camera, or microphone. A free...

Jeff Bezos' Unmanned Spaceship Blows Up

Amazon founder's ship is destroyed in test flight

(Newser) - Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' plans to develop a space taxi have taken a big hit after an unmanned spaceship from his Blue Origin company went ka-boom on a test flight, reports the Wall Street Journal . Few details are known about what happened, other than it's a setback for both...

Vanity Fair Unveils 'New Establishment' List

Mark Zuckerberg tops it, along with other tech execs

(Newser) - Vanity Fair put another feather in Mark Zuckerberg’s cap today, naming him to the top spot in its “ New Establishment ” list for the second year in a row. What’s the “New Establishment” you ask? Well, in the magazine’s words, it’s “an innovative...

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