Associated Press

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Journalists Blast 'Chilling' Seizure of AP's Records

From Fox to Daily Kos, they're furious

(Newser) - News that the government seized two months of phone records from the Associated Press has drawn blistering criticism of the White House from a wide variety of news organizations, Politico reports. Fox's Greta Van Susteren says the Justice Department's action "sounds like a dragnet to intimidate the...

Gov't Seized AP Reporters' Phone Records

AP calls it an 'unprecedented intrusion'

(Newser) - The government secretly seized two months of phone records from the Associated Press, according to the AP itself. The Justice Department took records for 20 separate phone lines, including incoming and outgoing calls, the length of each call, and reporters' personal phone numbers. "These records potentially reveal communications with...

Fake AP News Tweet Sends Dow Plunging

Hacked account falsely claims White House explosions

(Newser) - Hackers got their hands on AP's Twitter feed today and briefly sent blood pressures racing with an afternoon tweet that President Obama had been injured in a pair of White House explosions, reports the Huffington Post . The real AP tweeted minutes later that it was a hoax and suspended...

AP Revises Rule on Use of 'Islamist'

It's not a synonym for an Islamic extremist

(Newser) - The Associated Press has changed the way it uses another politically charged term, reports Politico . First it was "illegal immigrant," and now it's "Islamist." The news service's widely used stylebook says the word should no longer be used as "a synonym for Islamic...

Associated Press Drops Term 'Illegal Immigrant'

News agency's style guide bans term

(Newser) - From now on, the Associated Press will no longer refer to people living in the country illegally as "illegal immigrants" or "illegals," notes the JimRomenesko blog . The term "illegal immigration" remains in play because, in that case, the word illegal describes an action and not a...

How This Drone Photo Came to Be

AP photographer explains her now-familiar image

(Newser) - It's become the go-to image for editors everywhere to illustrate stories about US drone strategy: A Predator drone flies over Kandahar's air field with a full moon in the background. (It shows up on Newser a lot, too.) With the image in wide circulation of late, Josh...

Obama &#39;Shuns&#39; Fox at Press Conferences
 Obama 'Shuns' 
 Fox at Press 
study says

Obama 'Shuns' Fox at Press Conferences

ABC gets called on the most: study

(Newser) - Does President Obama play favorites with the press? A new study shows certain media outlets getting a healthy dose of attention at news conferences, while others—notably Fox News—receive less, Politico reports. Smart Politics finds that Fox is "still shunned" at the events; its reporters, the study says,...

AP Bans 'Ethnic Cleansing,' 'Homophobia' From Stylebook

'Anti-gay' is more accurate, editor says

(Newser) - The AP has axed terms including "homophobia," "Islamophobia," and "ethnic cleansing" from its widely followed stylebook. "Ethnic cleansing is a euphemism for pretty violent activities, a phobia is a psychiatric or medical term for a severe mental disorder," the AP's deputy standards...

'HOPE' Poster Artist Won't Go to Jail

Shepard Fairey gets community service for lying in copyright case

(Newser) - The artist behind the iconic blue-and-red Obama "HOPE" poster won't be going to jail. Instead, Shepard Fairey will do community service after being convicted of manipulating evidence in a copyright case dealing with the origin of the famous poster. In addition to his 300 hours of service, the...

AP Intern, 22, Found Dead in Mexico

Armando Montano found dead in elevator shaft

(Newser) - A 22-year-old Associated Press intern from Colorado Springs was found dead in the elevator shaft in his apartment building in Mexico City, where he was working this summer. Aspiring journalist Armando Montano, who recently graduated from Grinnell College, began interning for AP early last month and worked on a number...

AP Apologizes for Firing Reporter Over WWII Scoop

Ed Kennedy gets vindication, posthumously

(Newser) - As war scoops go, it was as big as they get: The AP's Ed Kennedy filed a story in May of 1945 saying, correctly, that Germany had surrendered. His reward? He got fired because he ignored what he thought was a misguided embargo. Nearly 70 years later, the news...

2012 Pulitzers Announced
No Fiction Pulitzer Awarded for First Time in 35 Years
see who did win

No Fiction Pulitzer Awarded for First Time in 35 Years

Huffington Post, AP, Philadelphia Inquirer , NYT all score prizes

(Newser) - The 2012 Pulitzer Prizes are out, and for the first time in 35 years a Pulitzer for fiction is not among them, reports the AP , which itself snagged an award for its series on NYPD spying. Without further ado, the list of winners:
  • Public service: Philadelphia Inquirer
  • Breaking news reporting:

North Korea Allows AP to Expand Coverage

Associated Press will have print and photo journalists working in bureau

(Newser) - The Associated Press will be the first text- and photo-driven Western news outlet in North Korea, the news agency said today. A memorandum of understanding agreed by the AP and the Korean Central News Agency would build upon the AP's existing video news bureau, which opened in Pyongyang in...

Apple Peeved Over Steve Jobs Obituary

Apple boss not dead, will present today at WWDC

(Newser) - Steve Jobs is not dead—in fact, he’ll be presenting for Apple at the Worldwide Developers Conference today. But the AP has been updating his obituary just in case, and Apple apparently isn’t happy about it, sources tell the New York Post's Page Six . Over the past...

AP, Reuters Skip GOP Debate Over Photo Access

A number of possible candidates also not attending tonight

(Newser) - If the GOP held a presidential debate and barely anyone attended, would it still be a debate? The AP and Reuters are the latest to duck out of tonight's South Carolina debate, Politico reports. A number of prospective candidates, including Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Mitch Daniels, and...

NYT's Deepwater 'Scoop' Was Regurgitated: AP Reporter

No new info in supposedly unprecedented reconstruction

(Newser) - The New York Times ' sweeping account of the Deepwater Horizon's final hours may be compelling storytelling, but it is not news, claims AP oil spill reporter Harry Weber . Though the Times story claims to be an account built from new disclosures that "make it possible to finally piece...

AP Tells Reporters: Avoid 'Ground Zero Mosque'

News organization issues guidelines on project

(Newser) - The Associated Press has issued guidelines for its reporters and headline writers regarding a certain proposed development near ground zero. Full memo here , or for highlights:
  • "We should continue to avoid the phrase 'ground zero mosque' or 'mosque at ground zero' on all platforms." Instead, "say it’

AP Scores Helen Thomas Seat, Fox Gains Front Row

Musical chairs in the White House press briefing room

(Newser) - The coveted Helen Thomas seat in the White House press briefing room went to the AP yesterday, upsetting all three news organizations who'd been lobbying for it—Fox, Bloomberg, and NPR. But Fox moved up to the front row, into the old AP seat, and NPR moved into Fox's vacated... Tweaks AP, Wants $17.50 for Quotes

Internet auction site says wire service pilfered its blog post

(Newser) - "Deal-a-day" auction site is razzing the Associated Press for its coverage of Amazon's recent purchase of the site. In its story , the AP quoted from a Woot blog post. "Why, isn’t that the very thing you've previously told nu-media bloggers they're not supposed to do?"...

Who Gets Helen Thomas' Front-Row Seat?
 Who Gets 
 Helen Thomas' 
 Front-Row Seat? 
burning question

Who Gets Helen Thomas' Front-Row Seat?

Opening in White House press room ignites speculation

(Newser) - Fox News and Bloomberg have already called dibs on the front-row seat in the White House briefing room held for decades by Helen Thomas, but will either one get it? The White House Correspondents Association will make the call, and Thomas, who retired in disgrace today , isn't talking. Pretty much...

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