Associated Press

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1M Minutes of History Now on YouTube

AP, Movietone upload enormous newsreel archive

(Newser) - If you're a history buff, you may be about to lose a huge chunk of your day. In what the AP says is "the largest upload of historical news content" to be placed on YouTube, the agency's newsreel archives and those of British Movietone are now online....

Amtrak Dead Were Returning Home to Family

CEO of ApprenNet Rachel Jacobs, AP reporter Jim Gaines among victims

(Newser) - Many of those aboard Amtrak's Northeast Regional Train No. 188 were headed to reunite with loved ones upon arrival in New York. Instead, Rachel Jacobs, the 39-year-old CEO of education start-up ApprenNet who dreamed of changing the world, never greeted her husband and 2-year-old after boarding the train following...

AP Clarifies: Murder Suspect Durst Isn't With Limp Bizkit

Item confused him with Fred Durst

(Newser) - Robert Durst has been in the news a lot lately as the real estate heir accused of murder. Fred Durst is famous as the lead singer of Limp Bizkit. And thus we arrive at why the AP wins today's "correction of the day" honors in the eyes...

AP Sues State Dept. for Clinton Emails

It seems previous FOIA requests have gone by wayside

(Newser) - The AP filed suit today against the State Department to force the release of emails and documents from Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary, after repeated Freedom of Information Act requests—including one from 2010 and others from 2013—have gone unfulfilled. The FOIA requests and lawsuit seek materials related...

Photo Editor Mistakenly Makes Job Plea Very Public

AP employee pasted note for cover letter into photo caption

(Newser) - Gawker has spotted a cringe-worthy gaffe by a photo editor at the Associated Press whose job search went inadvertently public. A photo caption that went out across the wires began in ordinary fashion, but had this tucked within it, in an apparent copy-and-paste debacle:
  • "Instead of starting this

AP Photographer Killed by Afghan Cop

And AP reporter wounded in shooting

(Newser) - A veteran Associated Press photographer was killed and an AP reporter was wounded today when an Afghan policeman opened fire while they were sitting in their car in eastern Afghanistan. Anja Niedringhaus, 48, an internationally acclaimed German photographer, was killed instantly, according to an AP Television News freelancer who witnessed...

AP Tells Zimmerman to Stop Sale of New Painting

News agency, photographer call it copyright violation

(Newser) - The Associated Press has sent a cease-and-desist letter to George Zimmerman over his latest painting because it's based on one of the agency's photos. The photographer who took the original image isn't too happy, either, reports the Orlando Sentinel . The painting is of Florida prosecutor Angela Corey,...

AP Bans Photog Who Doctored Syria Pic

He removed colleague's camera from shot

(Newser) - A career ruined with a few clicks: The AP has cut its ties with a Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer who doctored a photo from Syria to remove a colleague's video camera, Politico reports. Narciso Contreras "cloned" pieces of the background in the shot of a Syrian opposition fighter, violating...

Chance Photo Leads Family to Missing Son

AP used photo of man for cold-weather story

(Newser) - An upstate New York family was reunited with their missing son after a photo of him appeared in their local paper alongside a story about cold temperatures hundreds of miles away in Washington, DC. Nicholas Simmons, 20, disappeared from his parents' home on New Year's Day, but after an...

AP&#39;s Top 10 Photos of 2013
 AP's Top 10 Photos of 2013 

AP's Top 10 Photos of 2013

From Boston Marathon to Mandela

(Newser) - AP photo chief Santiago Lyon has picked his top 10 photos of the year, or, more precisely, "10 representative photos from some of the biggest stories of 2013." They range from the Boston Marathon bombings to Nelson Mandela's funeral to the selection of Pope Francis. "The...

Guardian Has Published Just 1% of Snowden Materials: Editor

Alan Rusbridger faces questions over national security

(Newser) - The Guardian has only published about 1% of some 58,000 files leaked by Edward Snowden—and it's unlikely to "publish a huge amount more," says editor Alan Rusbridger. He spoke to a British parliamentary committee as he faces scrutiny over whether the paper had weakened national...

Ex-FBI Agent Will Plead Guilty to AP Leak

Donald Sachtleben says he leaked intel that resulted in AP phone records seizure

(Newser) - A former FBI explosives expert will plead guilty to revealing secret information for an Associated Press story about a US intelligence operation in Yemen in 2012. Donald Sachtleben said in court papers today that he provided details of the operation to a reporter. Four months ago, Sachtleben also acknowledged he...

If Snowden Is in Russia, He's in This Weird Hotel Wing

AP's Ian Phillips gets to experience 'surreal' place firsthand

(Newser) - Where's Edward Snowden ? Well, the best bet still seems to be that he remains in international limbo in the transit zone at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport. With that in mind, AP reporter Ian Phillips decided to fly into the airport from his base in Prague, give himself a...

Want to Really Email Labor Department? That'll Be $1M

AP exposes secret email addresses,

(Newser) - If you want to actually email the bigwigs at the Department of Labor, it'll cost you. Many of Barack Obama's top political appointees are using secret email addresses to cut down on inbox clutter, the AP has discovered. When the AP asked the Labor Department for its share...

NYT, AP Boycott Holder's Off-Record Media Powwow

Meeting 'isn't appropriate' as outlets 'aggressively covering' scandal

(Newser) - Eric Holder just wants to talk to reporters, without worrying about any pesky reporting. The attorney general has called an off-the-record meeting with the Washington bureau chiefs of several major media outlets to discuss the Justice Department's handling of leak investigations , but two of the most major—the AP...

Obama: Acting IRS Chief Is Out
 Obama: IRS Chief Is Out 

Obama: IRS Chief Is Out

Acting commissioner Steven Miller resigns amid scandal

(Newser) - The IRS mess has its first high-profile casualty: President Obama today announced the resignation of the agency's acting commissioner. "I am angry about it," declared Obama, who has been criticized for appearing passive in his response to the matter. He said the American people had a right...

AP Scandal Fallout: Obama Asks for Press Shield Law

Chuck Schumer to introduce bill at White House's behest

(Newser) - Chuck Schumer re-introduced his media-protection bill today at the White House's request, as the administration reels from the AP phone record scandal . The bill, called the Free Flow of Information Act, would make it so that journalists couldn't be compelled to reveal their sources until all other options...

Media Finally Gets It: Obama Is a Joke on Civil Liberties

Glenn Greenwald: Sad that it took a direct attack on the media to wake it up

(Newser) - Look around today, and it's easy to find a news story or column criticizing President Obama and his Justice Department for going after reporters' phone records. (Like these in the Washington Post , Politico , and the New York Times .) To which Glenn Greenwald at the Guardian can only say,...

Holder: I'm Not Sure How Often We Spy on Journalists

Attorney general to face House grilling today

(Newser) - The Justice Department's secret subpoena of AP phone records might not have been a one-time occurrence. Eric Holder tells NPR that he has no idea how many times he'd allowed the department to snoop on journalists. "I'm not sure how many of those cases … I...

Holder: I Wasn&#39;t Part of AP Case
 Holder Orders IRS Investigation 

Holder Orders IRS Investigation

He also said he had no involvement in the AP phone records scandal

(Newser) - Eric Holder today said he has launched a criminal investigation into the IRS scandal , and he also disavowed involvement in the AP snooping scandal . On the latter, the attorney general said he'd recused himself from the related leak investigation. In a press conference at the Justice Department today, Holder...

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