Clarence Thomas

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HBO Movie Is a 'Hit-Job' on Clarence Thomas

Reporter who covered hearings says it sides with Anita Hill

(Newser) - Stuart Taylor of the Brookings Institution covered the Clarence Thomas hearings as a reporter 25 years ago, and he makes the case in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that the new HBO movie on the topic is a "Hollywood hit-job" on the Supreme Court justice, as the headline puts...

'Lady, You Better Get a Gun': How the Anita Hill Story Broke

Clarence Thomas' 1991 scandal proved frightening for NPR's Nina Totenberg

(Newser) - Conservatives are already critcizing HBO's upcoming Confirmation, a film debuting Saturday that documents the sexual harassment claims that rocked Clarence Thomas' 1991 Supreme Court confirmation hearings. Nina Totenberg, the NPR reporter who first broke the story of accuser Anita Hill , now reveals in a podcast that although she'...

Clarence Thomas Breaks a Decade of Silence

Supreme Court justice hadn't asked a question from the bench since 2006

(Newser) - Clarence Thomas jolted a courtroom awake Monday during Supreme Court proceedings when he did something he hasn't done in more than 10 years : He asked a question, the AP reports. The usually reserved justice—whose long silence has been dubbed a "curiosity" and raised accusations of neglecting his...

10 Years, 0 Questions From Clarence Thomas

Justice hasn't grilled a lawyer from the bench in a decade

(Newser) - Clarence Thomas marked a quiet milestone on Monday: He's gone a decade now without asking a question from the bench of the Supreme Court. The last time he did so was on Feb. 22, 2006, notes NBC News . It's not just a record—"no other justice in...

George Takei Apologizes Over 'Blackface' Insult

Says his criticism of Clarence Thomas went too far

(Newser) - George Takei is taking another crack at explaining his description of Clarence Thomas as a "clown in blackface," and this time, instead of defending the insult , he starts thusly: "I owe an apology." The Star Trek actor has posted a Facebook update to apologize for the...

George Takei Defends His 'Blackface' Slam on Justice Thomas

It's not racist, he says

(Newser) - George Takei is usually the one doling out criticism for those who step out of line on matters of race or equality. This time, he's the one catching flak from critics. It's over an interview the actor gave to Fox 10 Phoenix in which he called Justice Clarence...

Gay Marriage Ruling: What the 4 Dissenters Had to Say

Lines from John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today declared that gay couples have a right to marry anywhere in America in a 5-4 ruling. In what Politico calls a "rare occurrence," each of the four dissenters penned their own dissent. Here's what they wrote :
  • John Roberts: "If you are among

Supreme Court Strikes Cap on Political Donations

Decision, split 5-4, will allow individuals to donate as much as they want overall

(Newser) - The Supreme Court dealt yet another blow to campaign finance rules today, ruling that it is unconstitutional to cap the total amount a person could give to candidates, political parties, and PACs. Watergate-era laws have long constrained how much any one person could give; for the 2013-2014 cycle, for example,...

Chief Justice: Court Asks Too Many Questions

John Roberts says justices 'overdo it a bit'

(Newser) - Chief Justice John Roberts says he and his colleagues have become too aggressive in questioning lawyers who argue before the Supreme Court. Roberts says the justices "overdo it a bit" in posing questions to lawyers without giving the attorneys the chance to respond. The chief justice says one reason...

Thomas: Race Only a Concern in Preventing 'Anarchy'

Plus, reaction to affirmative action ruling

(Newser) - The Supreme Court didn't outlaw affirmative action with today's 7-1 ruling—but Clarence Thomas thinks it should have. "There is no principled distinction between the University's assertion that diversity yields educational benefits, and segregationists' assertion that segregation yielded those same benefits," Thomas wrote in his...

High Court Split in Gay Marriage Questioning

SCOTUSblog predicts a no-decision

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has finished hearing the arguments in the Proposition 8 case, and prognosticators are busy reading the tea leaves for what it might be thinking. Here's what went down:
  • Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and, perhaps surprisingly, John Roberts, peppered Charles Cooper, the lead attorney

Justice Thomas Speaks for 1st Time Since 2006

He appeared to have been making a joke

(Newser) - Justice Clarence Thomas did something at a Supreme Court argument today for the first time in nearly seven years—he spoke. But what Thomas said is not clear; he appears to have joked about Ivy League lawyers. The argument transcript only records four words. It quotes Thomas as saying, "...

2 in 3 Americans Can't Name One Supreme Court Justice

John Roberts is best-known at 20%

(Newser) - Nine people helped determine the fate of ObamaCare this year—and most Americans can't name a single one. Two-thirds of us are unable to name a Supreme Court justice, according to legal website's poll of 1,000 people. Chief Justice John Roberts was the most familiar...

Roberts Court Eschews Politics, Rules as One

NYT study shows court moving in unexpected directions

(Newser) - While the Supreme Court has appeared deeply divided along ideological lines in recent years, its latest term reveals a strikingly different court, often unanimous and aggressive in reviewing the other branches of government, reports the New York Times in an analysis of the last nine months of the Roberts Court....

Clarence Thomas: Justices Ask Too Many Questions

Lawyers deserve a chance to talk, he argues

(Newser) - Clarence Thomas thinks that his fellow Supreme Court justices asked too many questions during the recent oral arguments over health care—and that they ask too many questions, period, reports AP . "I don't see where that advances anything," Thomas told an audience at the University of Kentucky...

Judge Roberts: All Justices Can Rule on Obamacare

Chief justice says Supreme Court peers can't withdraw

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's chief justice yesterday defended the right of his fellow justices to rule on Obamacare, the New York Times reports. John G. Roberts didn't mention justices Clarence Thomas and Elena Kagan by name, but both are facing calls to withdraw from the ruling because of their...

Foes Want Kagan, Thomas to Skip Health Care Vote

But don't expect either to do so

(Newser) - Now that the Supreme Court has decided to rule on President Obama's health care law, expect to see pressure from activists on both sides to get Elena Kagan and Clarence Thomas to recuse themselves, notes the National Law Journal . Already, the decision has called new attention to a story...

Dems Seek Probe of Clarence Thomas

20 lawmakers say he failed to disclose wife's earnings

(Newser) - Clarence Thomas may not only have to recuse himself from a Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare—he might also face an investigation into his finances, Raw Story reports. Yesterday 20 House Democrats called for a probe into Thomas' failure to comply with the Ethics in Government Act of 1978. More...

Hey, Lefties: This Supreme Court Should Scare You
Hey, Lefties: This Supreme Court Should Scare You

Hey, Lefties: This Supreme Court Should Scare You

Obama too timid on federal nominees, with big issues coming

(Newser) - With big issues working their way toward the Supreme Court on such vital issues as health care reform, same-sex marriage, affirmative action, and police stops of undocumented immigrants, liberals need to be on guard, writes longtime court-watcher Emily Bazelon for the New York Times . Sure, there are solid progressives, such...

John Thompson, Wrongly Sent to Death Row for 14 Years, Doesn't Get His $14M in Damages
Guy Wrongly Sent to Death Row Loses $14M Award
supreme court

Guy Wrongly Sent to Death Row Loses $14M Award

DA not liable for mistakes of prosecutors, rules Supreme Court

(Newser) - John Thompson spent 14 years on death row after New Orleans prosecutors hid evidence that would have cleared him—but yesterday, a divided Supreme Court tossed out the $14 million in damages Thompson won in a civil suit against the DA. Clarence Thomas read the 5-4 decision, which found that...

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