Clarence Thomas

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Supreme Court&#39;s Interesting New Math: 3-3-3
Supreme Court's Interesting
New Math: 3-3-3
the rundown

Supreme Court's Interesting New Math: 3-3-3

The 6-3 conservative majority isn't issuing decisions quite as expected, at least so far

(Newser) - When Amy Coney Barrett replaced Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court last year, it resulted in what is usually described as a 6-3 advantage for conservatives over liberals on the court. But two big decisions Thursday— one on ObamaCare and the other on a Catholic group that refuses to...

Court Decides Policy Change Didn't Make $1 Lawsuit Moot

Student stopped from handing out religious material on campus has graduated

(Newser) - The Supreme Court is reviving a lawsuit brought by a Georgia college student who sued school officials after being prevented from distributing Christian literature on campus. The high court sided 8-1 with the student, Chike Uzuegbunam, and against Georgia Gwinnett College. Uzuegbunam has since graduated, and the public school in...

One Word Used 10 Times in Thomas Dissent Raises Eyebrows

Supreme Court justice regurgitated baseless voter-fraud claims in election case out of Pennsylvania

(Newser) - While it may not have been a complete surprise that Clarence Thomas dissented from his more liberal colleagues in a Supreme Court election case on Monday, what is causing some head whips is his apparently firm support for former President Trump's debunked claims of election fraud. The case the...

Ginni Thomas Apologizes to Husband's SCOTUS Clerks

She raised tensions with post in support of 'Stop the Steal' rally

(Newser) - Conservative activist Virginia "Ginni" Thomas has apologized for inflaming tensions on the normally sedate email group for former law clerks of her husband, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, with pro-Trump posts. The Washington Post says a member of the private Thomas Clerk World listserv shared some posts from the...

Rob Lowe Is Pals With a Supreme Court Justice

Who knew?

(Newser) - They say Hollywood is all about connections. And then there's Rob Lowe—who's got a friend in an even higher place, the Albany Herald reports. "It could be Brat Pack people, it could be West Wing people, Parks and Rec people," Lowe said recently about guests...

He&#39;s Been Tried 6 Times for Same Crime. It May Soon Be 7
Supreme Court Weighs In on
Unprecedented Murder Case
the rundown

Supreme Court Weighs In on Unprecedented Murder Case

Justices toss latest conviction of Curtis Flowers, who's already had 6 murder trials for same crime

(Newser) - A white district attorney in Mississippi has tried black defendant Curtis Flowers no fewer than six times for the murder of four people in a furniture store in 1996. That amounts to a "prosecutorial pursuit that may be without parallel," per the Washington Post . Now, thanks to a...

Anita Hill's Biden Answer May Be Good News for Him

'Of course I could' vote for him, she says

(Newser) - If there was one person you'd bet won't be sporting a "Vote for Biden" T-shirt during election season, it might be Anita Hill. After all, Hill didn't seem completely won over earlier this year when the former VP called her to express regret (but not to...

SCOTUS Defers on Abortion, but 2 Justices are 'at War'

Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg have drawn their 'battle lines'

(Newser) - The Supreme Court may have put off for now some of the core questions tied to Roe vs. Wade, but the Cut and CNN note justices Clarence Thomas and Ruth Bader Ginsburg are now "officially at war" and "drawing their battle lines." All of the justices agreed...

Joe Biden Called Anita Hill Before Joining 2020 Race

But accuser of Clarence Thomas says Biden never apologized

(Newser) - Anita Hill says Joe Biden called her this month to express regret over "what she endured" during Senate hearings in 1991—an outreach Hill found inadequate. "I cannot be satisfied by simply saying, 'I'm sorry for what happened to you,'" she told the New ...

Biden Not Exactly Praised for His Latest Anita Hill Comments

Pundits say the topic could be a real 2020 problem for him

(Newser) - Joe Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee during the 1991 Senate hearing in which Anita Hill alleged sexual harassment at the hands of then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. On Tuesday, Biden expressed regrets—and not for the first time—for his handling of the hearing. In what the...

Clarence Thomas Makes an Extremely Rare Move

He asks 2nd question in 13 years

(Newser) - Something highly unusual happened at the Supreme Court on Wednesday: Justice Clarence Thomas asked a question. The Hill reports that spectators were shocked when the notoriously silent justice asked a question—and a follow-up— during an argument on racial discrimination in jury selection. The court was hearing the case of...

Justice Thomas Joins Trump in Criticizing Libel Standards

He calls for reconsidering landmark case involving public figures

(Newser) - President Trump's calls to change libel laws that make it difficult to sue journalists—or comedians—may have found a sympathetic ear on the Supreme Court. Justice Clarence Thomas on Tuesday urged a new look at the landmark case, the New York Times v. Sullivan, that requires public figures...

Clarence Thomas Takes 'Spartacus' Jab at Booker

Supreme Court justice argues that theatrics hurt the political process

(Newser) - Cory Booker's "Spartacus" moment is getting mocked at the highest levels: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas mentioned it during a conversation last week with the Federalist Society that aired Wednesday on C-SPAN , reports Fox News . After being asked a question about "preserving the legitimacy" of the high...

Magazine Raises Idea of Impeaching Thomas

Raises Idea
of Impeaching

Magazine Raises Idea of Impeaching Thomas

Jill Abramson makes the case in 'New York' because of his 'lies' under oath

(Newser) - Former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson authors a controversial new cover story for New York magazine, and the headline pretty much explains all: "The Case for Impeaching Clarence Thomas." The lengthy piece revisits the Supreme Court justice's infamous confirmation hearings, along with the allegations of...

SCOTUS Sides With Inmate Over Juror's Use of N-Word

Supreme Court sends Keith Sharpe's case back to lower courts over juror's racist comments

(Newser) - The Supreme Court gave a death-row inmate a potentially life-saving reprieve on Monday because of racist comments made by one of his jurors. Keith Tharpe has been sentenced to death in Georgia for the rape and murder of his sister-in-law, but the court ordered a new look at his request...

Biden Offers Apology to One Woman, Comfort to Another

Former VP says he's sorry he didn't shield Anita Hill more from attacks, consoles Meghan McCain

(Newser) - When law professor Anita Hill faced the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1991 to testify about the sexual harassment she said she endured from then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, she also faced down attacks on her character and credibility—and many (including Hill herself ) still blame Joe Biden, the senator...

Lawyer: Clarence Thomas Groped Me at Party

Moira Smith says she felt 'powerless' after 1999 incident

(Newser) - Another accuser says she decided to come forward because of Donald Trump's remarks about woman—but she's accusing Clarence Thomas, not Trump, of groping her. Alaska lawyer Moira Smith says she was a 23-year-old Truman Foundation scholar in Washington when the Supreme Court justice touched her inappropriately at...

Ruling in Case That Broke Clarence Thomas' Silence

SCOTUS declines to open gun access for misdemeanor domestic violence

(Newser) - Clarence Thomas broke a decade of silence when the case was being heard, and now, a ruling: The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that even those convicted of reckless, rather than intentional, domestic abuse can be denied gun-ownership rights under a federal ban. The case involved two Maine men who...

Supreme Court: Illegally Obtained Evidence Is OK

5-3 ruling bolsters police power

(Newser) - A divided Supreme Court bolstered police powers on Monday, ruling that evidence of a crime in some cases may be used against a defendant even if the police did something wrong or illegal in obtaining it, the AP reports. The 5-3 decision drew heated dissents from liberal justices who warned...

Clarence Thomas' Wife: He's Not Retiring

Virginia Thomas shoots down 'bogus' rumors

(Newser) - Anonymous sources told the Washington Examiner that conservative Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas was considering stepping down from the bench after the presidential election—and the story circulated widely enough that Thomas' wife has now put the kibosh on it. "For all those who are contacting me about the...

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