Republican candidate

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John Thune Won't Run for President

South Dakota senator says he'll keep his day job

(Newser) - The 2012 crop of GOP presidential candidates got a little smaller today: South Dakota Sen. John Thune announced on Facebook that he's not running. After "lots of prayer," he decided that he'll stay put and "fight for America’s future here in the trenches of the United...

Meet the GOP's Gay Candidate for President
 Meet the GOP's 
 Gay Candidate 
 for President 


Meet the GOP's Gay Candidate for President

'Fred Who?' a longshot, but openly gay candidate breaking ground

(Newser) - The Republicans' best-formed candidate for 2012 isn't Romney or Huckabee: It's Fred Karger, a little-known conservative and longtime GOP operative—who happens to be openly gay. Karger is pounding the pavement in Iowa and New Hampshire, reports the Guardian , and he would be the country's first homosexual candidate for president....

Rick Santorum Could Be GOP's Savior
 Rick Santorum 
 Could Be GOP's Savior 
George Will

Rick Santorum Could Be GOP's Savior

George Will: Nobody can energize social conservatives better

(Newser) - Rick Santorum will probably run for president in 2012, and George Will sounds pretty happy about it. With his focus on social issues—he's "passionately right-to-life and dedicated to trying to reform today's abortion culture"—Santorum might be the perfect candidate to energize social conservatives (who are "...

GOP Dark Horses for 2012
 GOP Dark Horses for 2012 

GOP Dark Horses for 2012

Candidates who could challenge the frontrunners

(Newser) - The American electorate loves a dark horse—the candidate that comes out of nowhere and, against the odds, becomes a serious contender. Barack Obama can claim that distinction, as can Mike Huckabee, whose 2008 bid presaged Tea-Party enthusiasm. But who will it be in 2012? Chris Cillizza has some ideas...

Will Newt Be the Next Nixon?
 Will Newt Be 
 the Next Nixon? 

Will Newt Be the Next Nixon?

After late-'90s stumble, Gingrich poised for a similar comeback

(Newser) - A decade ago, it looked like Newt Gingrich was a political goner; now, he looks poised to run for president in 2012. The question is “whether or not it is practical, which I increasingly think it is,” he said. Gingrich is certainly playing the part of the candidate—...

1 in 3 Voters Still Undecided
 1 in 3 Voters Still Undecided 

1 in 3 Voters Still Undecided

Good news for Dems? Not likely, poll finds

(Newser) - A third of voters still haven’t settled on their choices for Election Day, an AP-GfK poll finds. Sounds like good news for the Dems—but in fact, 45% of “persuadable” undecideds are leaning Republican, while only 38% are leaning Democrat, giving the GOP the same 7-point margin it...

Bailed-Out Companies Throw Cash to GOP

Even though Dems led push for TARP

(Newser) - Despite being bailed out by the government—and, in some cases, still owing money to the government—many companies are donating heavily to candidates. And many of those candidates are Republicans, even though it was mostly Democrats who supported the TARP program, the Washington Post reports. The 23 companies that...

John Thune 'Likely' to Run for President in 2012

South Dakota senator defeated Tom Daschle

(Newser) - Add another name to the list of Republican contenders in 2012: John Thune, the South Dakota senator probably best known for defeating Tom Daschle in 2004. The 49-year-old gets anointed via the cover treatment in the Weekly Standard , telling Stephen Hayes for a lengthy profile that he's taking a "...

Murkowski Will Run as Write-In
 Murkowski Will Run as Write-In 

Murkowski Will Run as Write-In

Alaska Republican fell to Tea Partier in primary

(Newser) - Lisa Murkowski, upset in the Alaska Republican primary by a Tea Party rival, will run for re-election to the US Senate as a write-in candidate, sources tell CNN . Speculation has swirled since Joe Miller toppled Murkowski last month, but her staff has been coy about her plans. Until today, that...

NY Pol Lists Foe's 'Jewish Money' Donors

Rep. Mike McMahon scrambles to fire staffer, apologize

(Newser) - A Democratic congressman is practicing damage control after his campaign compiled a list of Jewish donors contributing to his GOP challenger. Rep. Mike McMahon's staff didn't exactly try to keep it a secret: They gave the report, subtly titled "Grimm Jewish Money Q2," to the New York Observer...

Jeb Bush for President

 Jeb Bush 
 for President 

Jeb Bush for President

Republicans are foolish to ignore him

(Newser) - Republicans keep lining up the usual suspects as presidential candidates and foolishly ignore "the candidate hiding in plain sight"—Jeb Bush. So says Joshua Green, who disputes the conventional wisdom that Bush can't possibly win because he shares the same last name as his brother. "For one...

Pelosi Plays Boogeywoman in Republican Ads

Beware her gigantic feet!

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi is going to beat your head in with a baseball bat. Or at least, that's what North Carolina Republican House candidate Harold Johnson says in one of his ads, adding, “If you're a small-business owner, you put your helmet on.” But hey, it could be worse....

Minn. Gov. Candidate Wants to Nullify Federal Laws

Emmer embodies GOP's rightward shift

(Newser) - Meet Tom Emmer, the Republican candidate for Minnesota governor. Emmer, a state legislator, enjoys the backing of incumbent Tim Pawlenty but is philosophically far right of the current governor: Emmer is an avowed "Tenther" who believes the Tenth Amendment gives states the right to nullify federal laws, TPM reports....

GOP Hopefuls No Challenge to Obama

 GOP Hopefuls 
 No Challenge 
 to Obama 

GOP Hopefuls No Challenge to Obama

Current Republican field riddled with weak spots

(Newser) - Republicans talk a good game about challenging President Obama in 2012, but the GOP would look scarier if it had even one legitimate challenger , says Dick Polman. "Obama's job-approval numbers are tepid these days—but he looks robust when matched against actual Republican challengers," warns the Philadelphia Inquirer...

Newt Could Be GOP's 2012 Sleeper Candidate
Newt Could Be GOP's 2012 Sleeper Candidate
poll numbers

Newt Could Be GOP's 2012 Sleeper Candidate

Former speaker does well in SRLC straw poll

(Newser) - A straw poll at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference shows Mike Huckabee's chances for the 2012 presidential nomination to be slim at best. Gingrich came in fourth to Huckabee's fifth among first-choice picks, but came in first in second-choice preferences—a result that illustrates his broad appeal among conservatives. The...

Suddenly, Conservatives Are the Judicial Activists

Health reform challenge a political maneuver to rally base

(Newser) - For a group that has long derided liberals’ use of “activist judges,” conservatives seem to have no problem calling for a little bit of judicial activism when it comes to health care reform legislation, writes Gabriel Winant. Except now, instead of your “chardonnay-swilling Manhattanites” calling up “...

Tea Partiers Attempt GOP Takeover From the Inside
 Tea Partiers 
 Attempt GOP 
 Takeover From 
 the Inside 


Tea Partiers Attempt GOP Takeover From the Inside

Activists fill local posts that set policy, choose candidates

(Newser) - If you thought tea partiers weren’t joiners, think again, as conservative activists across the country fill vacant local Republican Party positions in an effort to change the GOP from the inside. Precinct representatives have a hand in electing county leaders, who determine the platform and even which candidates to...

'Violent' Fellow Passenger Threatens Romney
 'Violent' Fellow Passenger 
 Threatens Romney 

'Violent' Fellow Passenger Threatens Romney

Confrontation happens as ex-governor departs Vancouver

(Newser) - On a flight leaving Vancouver this morning, Mitt Romney’s request that a passenger in front of his wife raise his seat for takeoff apparently rubbed the man the wrong way, and he threatened the former (and perhaps future) Republican presidential hopeful. The man became “physically violent,” a...

GOP Challengers Target Democrats' 'War on Coal'
GOP Challengers Target
Democrats' 'War on Coal'

GOP Challengers Target Democrats' 'War on Coal'

In coal-country, Republicans turn election into vote on Obama policies

(Newser) - Republicans are latching on to the idea of a Democrat-led “war on coal,” hoping to woo anxious residents of coal-country states like West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio by presenting their rivals as hostile to the industry—and it's working, and could lead to the Election Day demise of...

Republican Rakes In $1.3M in Race for Kennedy Seat
Republican Rakes In $1.3M in Race for Kennedy Seat

Republican Rakes In $1.3M in Race for Kennedy Seat

16,000 online donors respond to request

(Newser) - Scott Brown says he raised more than $1.3 million in just 24 hours as part of his bid to wrest Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat from Democrats' hands in next week’s special election. Brown enticed 16,000 donors to toss money to him online during the so-called "...

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