political advertising

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Super PACs Outspend Candidates 2-1 in SC

Groups have shelled out $7M in TV ads

(Newser) - The super PACS are living up to their name in South Carolina: Heading into today, they had spent more than $7 million in the state, more than double the $3.2 million spent by the candidates themselves, reports ABC's The Note blog . The pro-Romney Restore Our Future group is...

Romney's Super PAC Is Destroying Gingrich

And he can thank the Citizens United ruling

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich might well be the first big-name casualty of the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling that rewrote the rules on campaign financing. The decision cleared the way for "super PACs" like the one backing Mitt Romney called Restore Our Future, which has poured $2.8 million so...

Obama's Israel Ad 'Incredibly Dishonest'

He claims GOP wants to 'zero out' Israel aid: Justin Elliott

(Newser) - It's become popular for GOP presidential candidates to advocate "zeroing out" all foreign aid, and Barack Obama's campaign is now trying to use that against them—in what Justin Elliott of Salon calls an "incredibly dishonest" attack. Obama's Facebook ad text reads, "No Aid...

VIDEO: Rick Perry's New Campaign Ad 'Must Be Seen to Be Believed,' Mitt Romney's New Ad Takes Swing at Newt Gingrich

 Perry's New Ad 
 'Must Be Seen 
 to Be Believed' 

Perry's New Ad 'Must Be Seen to Be Believed'

Plus: Mitt finally takes a swing at Newt

(Newser) - To say that Rick Perry's new campaign ad is eliciting some strong reactions may be a bit of an understatement. In the Washington Post , Alexandra Petri writes that the ad—which "must be seen to be believed"—fills her "with despair" and "scrapes the bottom...

Anti-Romney Ad Stars ... OJ Simpson

Mitt has been around a long time, American Bridge PAC points out

(Newser) - What is OJ Simpson doing in an ad about Mitt Romney? Pointing out just how long Romney’s been in the political game. A new ad from the American Bridge PAC takes aim at Romney’s recent assertion that he’s an outsider who has no political career by showing...

Is &#39;Lying&#39; Romney Ad OK?
 Is 'Lying' Romney Ad OK? 

Is 'Lying' Romney Ad OK?

Arianna Huffington, Michael Gerson disagree

(Newser) - The media has largely ignored Mitt Romney’s first TV ad , and Arianna Huffington is outraged. The ad includes a wildly out-of-context 2008 clip of President Obama saying, “If we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose.” It fails to mention that Obama was quoting...

Rick Perry Buys $1M in Ads on Fox News

Huge buy is part of aggressive post-flub strategy

(Newser) - He's not just trying to joke his way out of political trouble: Rick Perry's campaign has shelled out a whopping $1 million for ads on Fox News, reports the New York Times . That means regular viewers can expect to see him seven times a day for the coming...

GOP Ad War Begins
 GOP Ad War Begins 

GOP Ad War Begins

As first primaries near, TV ad blitz rolls out in key states

(Newser) - With less than 10 weeks to go until Republican primary voting, the campaign for the GOP nomination is stepping up to a whole new level—the level where you can't turn on your TV without hearing someone utter, "I approve this message." The first round of candidate...

Mitt Romney to Meet Donald Trump, Prompting DNC Video
 Romney Ducks Media 
 After Trump Meeting 

Romney Ducks Media After Trump Meeting

DNC jumps at opportunity with new ad

(Newser) - If you’re looking for the Republican presidential nomination, you’d better get the Donald’s blessing. Both Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann (as well as Sarah Palin, hmmm) have paid visits to Trump, and Mitt Romney met Trump this afternoon, the Los Angeles Times reports. But Romney ducked out...

Perry's 'Epic' New Ad Goes After 'President Zero'

It's like an 'action-movie trailer,' notes AdWeek

(Newser) - Subtle, it's not. Apocalyptic, maybe. Rick Perry's new campaign ad uses bleak images of America under "President Zero" to make the case that it's time for a new leader. "I believe in America,” Perry says as more hopeful images play. “I believe in...

Texas GOP Candidate Tries to Reason With Donkeys

Finally, a fun political ad: Kirsten Boyd Johnson

(Newser) - Even if you’re not a member of the Grand Ol’ Party, you will probably enjoy this political ad from Republican Texas congressional candidate Roger Williams, in which he attempts to talk sense with donkeys. “Get it?” asks Kirsten Boyd Johnson on Wonkette . Sure, the “horde of dim,...

'Have You Ever Had Sex With Rick Perry?' Asks Ad

One of his political haters in Texas wants to publicize it

(Newser) - Welcome to the presidential campaign trail of 2011, Governor Perry. An Austin political activist and Ron Paul supporter has placed a full-page ad in a local alternative weekly asking, "Have you ever had sex with Rick Perry?," reports Salon . The ad asks for stories from strippers, escorts, "...

DNC Ad Hits Romney on 'Corporations Are People'

While he stands by the comments

(Newser) - Democrats are trying to make political hay of Mitt Romney's "corporations are people" line in Iowa earlier this week, reports Politico . The DNC is out with a new ad that replays the candidate's exchange at the state fair, in which he argues that everything corporations earn goes...

Election's Real Winners: Country Clubs, Caterers, Etc.

Campaign pumped about $4B into economy

(Newser) - Republicans may be crowing about their victory last Tuesday, but the election's real winners weren't so much partisan as all-business: As the Washington Post reports, the bank-busting 2010 campaign pumped an estimated $4 billion into the whimpering US economy it revolved around (for a little context, Cash for Clunkers came...

Stewart: Negative Campaigning Has Gone Too Far

Unless, of course, you think your opponent really might be the Antichrist...

(Newser) - When we go to the polls on Tuesday, we won't just be "selecting the candidate who may or may not best represent your political values." Based on the proliferation of negative campaign ads, we'll be "choosing between hard-line Marxist state tyranny and autocratic Taliban religious crazies,"...

Attack Ad Rips Wrong Lawmaker

Denver TV station drops 'blatantly wrong' spot

(Newser) - A Denver TV station has dropped a GOP congressional candidate’s ad, saying it got its facts “blatantly wrong." Cory Gardner’s ad attacks Democratic Congresswoman Betsy Markey for voting for the 2010 budget, when in fact she didn’t—Ed Markey of Massachusetts did. The Gardner campaign...

Nonprofits' Political Ads May Bend Rules

Watchdogs question content backed by secret donors

(Newser) - Since the Supreme Court’s January ruling on campaign finance, nonprofit groups have been allowed to run ads openly attacking specific candidates, so long as less than 50% of all spending is dedicated to these political activities. But several organizations have lately pushed that limit, the New York Times reports,...

Stewart Blasts Rove's 'Foreign Donor' Hypocrisy

Conservatives are not above fear-mongering, he says

(Newser) - Karl Rove and Fox News are outraged— outraged! —that the Democrats are running ads suggesting that GOP-backed groups take "secret foreign money." "Have these people no shame?" Rove asks. Right, jokes Jon Stewart on the Daily Show , because conservatives would never spread rumors about shadowy...

Dems Swamped By GOP Ad Buys

Party blames Supreme Court ruling for free-spending GOP groups

(Newser) - Republican-leaning interest groups are grossly outspending their Democratic-leaning counterparts on TV ads in election races around the nation, and the gap is widening as races heat up. Democratic officials say the trend is a direct result of a Supreme Court decision lifting a ban on direct corporate spending on political...

Dems Keep Distance From Own Party in Ads

Vulnerable incumbents shy away from party line

(Newser) - President Obama and Nancy Pelosi are showing up in lots of political ads these days—and they're almost always Republican ads, notes the New York Times . In general, vulnerable Democratic incumbents are distancing themselves from their party and legislative victories like health care—and instead portraying themselves as anti-government outsiders...

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