political advertising

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Spanish- Language Ads Hammer Romney

SEIU, pro-Obama super PAC behind spots

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is facing a $4 million Spanish-language ad campaign targeting his biggest gaffes. Labor organization SEIU and Priorities USA, the super PAC backing President Obama, are showing the ads all summer in Florida, Colorado, and Nevada in a campaign kicking off this week. Highlighted Romney quotes include perennial faves...

MSNBC Aired Anti-Romney Video in February

Fox producer loses CNN job offer over anti-Obama video

(Newser) - Fox is taking flak for airing a video that resembled an anti-Obama campaign ad , but there was no similar outcry when MSNBC produced an equally partisan anti-Romney video in February, the Atlantic finds. "Mitt: Better Off Mute," an Artist spoof that portrayed the gaffe-prone Romney as a silent...

Fox Backtracks on Obama Attack Video

Fox & Friends video was unauthorized, Fox chiefs say

(Newser) - In a move that even Roger Ailes might have trouble describing as "fair and balanced' with a straight face, Fox & Friends morning show twice aired an anti-Obama video yesterday that strongly resembled a campaign ad. The 4-minute video, credited to a Fox producer and titled "Four Years...

Mexican Candidate Goes Topless in Ads

Congressional hopeful Natalia Juarez wants to 'wake up' voters

(Newser) - How do you wake up voters? If you're a female candidate you could whip off your top. That's the strategy of a philosophy professor who wants to be in Mexico's congress. Natalia Juarez, 34, gave her campaign a jolt by posing for a head-turning billboard ad with...

Romney Ad Shows 'Day 1' of Presidency

Pipeline, tax cuts, ObamaCare on agenda

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is launching his general-election ad blitz with a spot featuring his hypothetical first day in office—which he'd devote to cleaning up after President Obama, according to the ad. Looks like a busy first day: "President Romney" would start by approving the Keystone Pipeline, "creating...

Rich Donor Rejects Ads on Jeremiah Wright

Conservative Joe Ricketts dismisses them as divisive

(Newser) - Jeremiah Wright may not be making an appearance in the 2012 election after all. A New York Times story today created a buzz because it said billionaire conservative donor Joe Ricketts was considering an ad strategy to go after President Obama's old ties to the volatile minister. Today, Ricketts...

New Obama Ad: Bain a Vampire, Romney a Job Killer

Campaign officially goes after Romney's time at Bain Capital

(Newser) - Let the Democrats' Romney-Bain attacks begin. The Obama campaign comes out swinging against Mitt Romney this week with a new attack painting him as a job killer, Talking Points Memo reports. The new campaign, featuring a two-minute ad airing in five states, a longer six-minute video available online, and the...

Stewart Blasts GOP Outrage Over bin Laden Ad

Presents ad as Bush would have run it

(Newser) - Jon Stewart's explanation for Republicans' attacks on President Obama's Osama bin Laden ad: They must be on crack. "Republicans, you are annoyed by the arrogance and braggadocio of a wartime president’s political ad?" he asked on last night's Daily Show . "Were you alive lo...

In 2008, Obama Blasted Use of bin Laden in Political Ad

Which didn't stop his campaign from doing it today: ABC

(Newser) - The political ad generating all the buzz today is the one from the Obama campaign that invokes Osama bin Laden and suggests Mitt Romney is not prepared to make tough decisions as president. Something about it rang a bell for Michael Falcone at ABC's The Note blog: He points...

Obama Ad: Mitt Wouldn't Have Killed bin Laden

Romney calls new ad divisive

(Newser) - The Obama campaign turned heads today with a new video that strongly implies Mitt Romney wouldn't have ordered the raid killing Osama bin Laden. The video starts off innocuously enough, with Bill Clinton praising Obama's decision to go after bin Laden. "He took the harder and the...

Behold: Herman Cain's Weirdest Ad Yet

Apparently the government is like chickens pecking you to death

(Newser) - Herman Cain has released another stunningly weird ad, the latest in a message campaign characterized by bizarre metaphors and a girl creepily asking if we've got any questions. But this one might take the cake. In it, a mild-mannered farmer is attacked and viciously pecked to death by a...

Forget TV Ads: Romney Hunts Supporters Online

And they are largely quiz-taking, photo-sharing home repair fans

(Newser) - Likely voters are watching live TV less and less, and political campaigns are responding with aggressive online tactics in what could be "the first truly digital election," says an analyst. Mitt Romney is looking for the right Internet audience to target his ads—but rather than pursuing advertisements...

GOP Alters Court Audio for ObamaCare Attack Ad

Tampering with recording likely to irk justices

(Newser) - It's very rare for the Supreme Court to make same-day audio of its sessions available, and it may become even rarer thanks to some Republican shenanigans surrounding the soundtrack from the ObamaCare hearings. A new GOP web attack ad extends a brief pause in Solicitor General Donald Verrilli's...

Ron Paul: Give Etch a Sketch 'Games' a Rest

New ad mocks rivals' focus on the Romney camp's gaffe

(Newser) - Sick of the endless Etch a Sketch jokes and analogies after two days of near-constant presence in the news cycle? Ron Paul is, too, apparently. His new ad mocks Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and no end of cable talking heads for focusing on the gaffe instead of more substantive issues,...

Santorum's New Ad Is Very, Very Unfortunate

It appears to show him surrounded by, well, ' santorum '

(Newser) - When your last name has been turned into an unfortunate synonym for fecal matter , it's maybe not a great idea to air an ad that appears to show you surrounded by … fecal matter. In Rick Santorum's new anti-Romney ad , a Romney lookalike is shown shooting what is...

Santorum Ad Goes After Mud-Slinger 'Rombo'

Romney's negative attacks will backfire, it warns

(Newser) - The newest buzz-generating character on the campaign trail is "Rombo," courtesy of a Rick Santorum ad. In it, a Mitt Romeny lookalike tries to spray Santorum with a mud gun only to have it backfire on his white shirt. Romney's "negative attack machine is back, on...

Republicans Love Food Network, Weather Channel

Or at least, that's where GOP ad dollars are going

(Newser) - Apparently, Republicans love watching the weather. Campaigns are becoming much more sophisticated about where they spend their ad dollars, the New York Times reports, leading to buys in such unlikely places as the Food Network, Weather Channel, HGTV, and the History Channel. Studies suggest all of those networks have pretty...

Brown, Warren Make Pact to Boot Super PACs

But will it work?

(Newser) - Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren are rivals in a sure-to-be-bitterly-contested race for Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat, but they both want super PACs to stay out of it: The rivals yesterday entered into a pact discouraging outside groups from airing ads on their behalf; both Brown and Warren agreed...

Flush Romney Camp Rules Fla. Airwaves

Florida ads expensive, Mitt rivals low on funds

(Newser) - The race for the GOP nomination may suddenly be more competitive than experts predicted, but in the next big primary state, Florida, Mitt Romney has the airwaves pretty much all to himself, reports the Los Angeles Times . Florida is one of the more expensive ad markets in the nation, and...

Colbert Super PAC Ad Attacks... Colbert

And Samuel L. Jackson narrates

(Newser) - The Definitely Not Coordinating With Stephen Colbert Super PAC is certainly spending a lot of time and money urging people not to vote for Stephen Colbert . The latest ad released by the super PAC is an all-out attack on Colbert, an "East Coast Hollywood elite" who is "turning...

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