health care reform

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Poll: Obama Sinks Below 50% on Health Care

Numbers drop on health care, economy, deficit

(Newser) - President Obama’s approval rating on health care has dropped from 57% in April to below half for the first time, as resistance heats up, even among Democrats, to the reform bill working its way through Congress, a Washington Post-ABC News poll finds. Some 49% approve and 44% (up from...

Obama Steps Boldly Into Health Care Battle

(Newser) - As Congress waffles on health care reform and a chorus of naysayers turns up the volume, President Barack Obama is about to step aggressively into the fray, pushing the issue both publicly and privately, the Washington Post reports. With online videos, a visit to Cleveland, and a primetime press conference,...

Dems' Tax Plans Raise Fears of Rich Rebellion

(Newser) - Over the last few elections Democrats have captured House seats from the GOP in some of the wealthiest constituencies in the nation, from northern Virginia to suburban Denver. But as the White House and leaders in Congress look to tax hikes to fund the health care overhaul, recently elected congressmen...

Kennedy: Why I Fight for Health Reform
 Kennedy: Why I Fight 
 for Health Reform 

Kennedy: Why I Fight for Health Reform

(Newser) - From his near-death in a 1964 plane crash to his children’s health battles to the brain tumor threatening his life, Ted Kennedy’s medical struggles have taught him that “quality care shouldn't depend on your financial resources, or the type of job you have, or the medical condition...

McConnell: Health Plan 'Not Good' for US
 Health Plan 
 'Not Good' for US 

McConnell: Health Plan 'Not Good' for US

Republican leader says nation already has quality care

(Newser) - The fight over health care got even testier today when Mitch McConnell said Republicans wouldn’t support President Obama’s reform plan. “It’s not good for the country,” the Senate minority leader told Meet the Press. “We have quality health care now. We do not have...

Michelle Gets Wonky on Health Care

First lady moves from figurehead to policy advocate

(Newser) - There's been much ado about Michelle Obama’s biceps, garden, and taste in clothing in her first 6 months in the White House, but the first lady has shifted from domestic and inspirational to a more direct approach to policy, the New York Times reports. In recent months, she has...

Silver: Don't Forget Wyden's Health Plan

(Newser) - When a bipartisan group of six senators sent a letter to Harry Reid yesterday asking him to slow down on health care reform, one name stood out to Nate Silver of Democrat Ron Wyden of Oregon. At first glance, the liberal-ish senator doesn't seem to fit with the...

Obama Cracks Whip, Cites Progress on Health Reform

'Now we've got to get over the finish line,' President tells Congress

(Newser) - President Obama today praised “unprecedented progress” in Congress on health-care reform, the Boston Globe reports. In a hastily scheduled appearance meant to galvanize support amid some signs this week of Democratic dissent, Obama said he remained “absolutely convinced” a bill would be passed this year. “The last...

10 Who Can Make or Break Health Reform

Who to watch as debate rages on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - As health care talk heats up in Washington, Mark Halperin of Time lists the key players to watch:
  • Sen. Max Baucus is trying to wring out as much GOP support as possible on his finance panel.
  • White House health czar Nancy-Ann DeParle has been winning concessions from the health care

AMA Backs House Health Bill
 AMA Backs House Health Bill 

AMA Backs House Health Bill

(Newser) - The American Medical Association has given the all-clear to the health care reform bill making it way through the House, the Hill reports. The endorsement from the nation's biggest doctors' group, which helped sink President Clinton's efforts at reforming health care, gave the Democrats a boost following the Congressional Budget...

CBO: Dems' Health Plans Will Raise Costs

'Maybe what he should do is run for Congress,' snaps Reid

(Newser) - The health care reform bills being pushed by House Democrats and the Senate health panel would not cut costs as advertised, says the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. In fact, Douglas Elmendorf believes they would raise costs, the Washington Post reports. “We do not see the sort...

White House Gets Tough on Congress' Critics, Skeptics

Obama defends stimulus, pushes health reform

(Newser) - The White House is cracking down on its critics—and on laggards within the Democratic Party, too. Republican naysayers on the economic stimulus and health care are getting the roughest treatment, Politico reports. After Kentucky Sen. Jon Kyl railed against the efficacy of stimulus spending, four Cabinet secretaries wrote to...

Obama Steams as Baucus Holds Up Health Bill

(Newser) - The health care reform bill is now in the hands of the Senate Finance Committee and chairman Max Baucus won't be rushed, Politico reports. The Montana Democrat, under pressure from the White House to get a deal done, has been locked in talks to build bipartisan consensus for financing the...

Senate Committee OKs $600B Health Bill

Party-line vote moves closer to coverage for nearly all Americans

(Newser) - The Senate health committee has cast a milestone vote to approve legislation expanding insurance coverage to nearly all Americans, becoming the first congressional panel to act on President Obama's top domestic priority. The 13-10 party-line vote advanced a $600 billion measure that would require individuals to get health insurance and...

To Fix Health Care, Fix Malpractice Mess

But that requires ignoring special interests—an unlikely scenario

(Newser) - If we’re going to reform health care, we need to contain the vast costs of a malpractice system that chiefly benefits trial lawyers, writes Philip Howard in the Wall Street Journal. As it stands, “billions of dollars are wasted in ‘defensive medicine,’” and 60% of...

Aug. Health Reform Looks Impossible

Divisions among lawmakers may make reaching goal impossible

(Newser) - President Obama has called for the passage of a health care bill by August—but that would require an unusually smooth few weeks on Capitol Hill, Politico reports. The Senate Finance Committee hasn’t released a version of the bill planned for early June; disagreements among Democrats in both chambers...

Slow Down, Obama: Baby Steps to Fix Health Care

'Low-hanging fruit' can save us cash with little political fallout

(Newser) - President Obama has managed to achieve an impressive amount in his first few months in office—but “even liberals” are starting to get worried about cost, writes Michael Kinsley in the Washington Post. Health care reform, while needed, is vastly expensive. Maybe now’s the time to slow things...

Dems on Collision Course on How to Pay for Heath Care

(Newser) - Democrats in Congress are heading for an intra-party showdown over how to fund health care reform, reports the New York Times. The powerful House Ways and Means Committee is reportedly near agreement on an income tax surcharge of 2% or more on Americans earning above $250,000, which moderate Democrats...

Obama Must Show Congress Who's Boss
Obama Must Show Congress Who's Boss

Obama Must Show Congress Who's Boss

Lack of cooperation drags down domestic agenda: Klein

(Newser) - President Obama’s domestic agenda is in trouble, writes Joe Klein of Time, because of his “undue respect for the institution of Congress, a sclerotic body badly in need of creative leadership.” Obama is sitting on the sidelines while the Senate manhandles his health care and energy proposals....

Reid's Refusal Leaves $320B Health Care Hole

Dems may look to income tax hike to cover cost of public option

(Newser) - Harry Reid met with Republicans yesterday to diffuse some of his tough talk on health care reform, but as Politico reports, the Senate majority leader has forced a scramble for $320 billion over 10 years to pay for the plan. Reid said he would not support a bill that taxed...

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