health care reform

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Business-World Divisions May Ease Path to Plan
Business-World Divisions May Ease Path to Plan
health care reform

Business-World Divisions May Ease Path to Plan

(Newser) - The US Chamber of Commerce launched an ad campaign this week opposing health-care reform, but businesses are hardly united against the administration's proposals, the Washington Post reports. Wal-Mart was a high-profile defector, as was temp firm Kelly Services; both back an employer mandate. And many small and medium-sized businesses are...

Obama Presser Didn't Seal the Deal

 Didn't Seal 
 the Deal 

Obama Presser Didn't Seal the Deal

(Newser) - Barack Obama took over the network airways for an hour last night, but pundits doubt the dull press conference will move the needle on health care. Here’s what they’re saying:
  • Obama blew his chance to turn the conversation around, writes Mike Madden of Salon. “If you'd listened

Obama Met at Least 27 Health Industry Execs

Lawsuit prompts White House to finally release the list

(Newser) - Since February, President Obama has hosted at least 27 meetings with health industry bigwigs—representing hospitals, doctors, pharmaceuticals and insurance companies—the Huffington Post reports, in its campaign to head off resistance to health care reform. Names of the visitors were released last night, just before the president's press conference...

Press Let Obama Off Easy on Health Details

(Newser) - Barack Obama maintained his trademark cool at last night's press conference, but he seemed back in campaign mode as he offered "well-honed arguments and sound bites" in favor of health care reform, writes Jane Sasseen of BusinessWeek. The president did a good job selling his plan, but he steadfastly...

Pelosi: I've Got the Votes on Health Care

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi says she's got enough votes lined up in the House to pass health care reform by the end of the month, the Hill reports. Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats beg to differ, but Pelosi says there's "no question" she's right. On the chance she's wrong, however, she...

Obama Tailors Pitch to Middle Class

(Newser) - President Obama kept to his expected themes in his prime-time news conference tonight, emphasizing that his health care reform is not "about me" and tailoring part of his pitch to Americans already covered. “If you already have health insurance, the reform we’re proposing will provide you with...

Obama: 'We Will Do It This Year'

(Newser) - President Obama will take to the airwaves tonight in his fourth prime-time news conference with a familiar message: Health care reform is not only long overdue, it's a "central" part of the plan to keep the economy on track. In excerpts released in advance of tonight's 8pm EST address,...

Newt: Obama's Misguided Health Plan Will 'Kill Jobs'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich lashed out today against President Obama’s health care plan, saying the nation should deal with crushing unemployment first, Politico reports. “America does not work if Americans are not working,” he said. “Getting Americans working should be the number one priority.” Gingrich called for...

Time to Show America Why We Need Health Fix

Most Americans don't know 'what's in it for them'

(Newser) - With 90% of voters already insured, it’s time for President Obama to put his oratory skills to the test, clearly explaining to Americans how health reform can help us—and not just mean tax hikes, writes David Leonhardt in the New York Times. As it stands, many never see...

Health Care Debate Cements US as Can't-Do Nation
Health Care Debate Cements US as Can't-Do Nation

Health Care Debate Cements US as Can't-Do Nation

(Newser) - As centrist Democrats concoct yet more reasons the US can’t do what every other advanced economy has done—provide universal health care—Harold Meyerson had a disturbing thought: “Suppose our collective lack of response to Hurricane Katrina wasn’t exceptional, but rather the new normal in America,”...

Jindal Slams 'Dishonest' Health Plan
Jindal Slams 'Dishonest' Health Plan

Jindal Slams 'Dishonest' Health Plan

Dems' current version as bad as Hillarycare, Louisiana gov writes

(Newser) - President Obama is presenting health care reform as a bipartisan effort, but, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal writes in the Wall Street Journal, he and fellow Democrats have taken “a fundamentally dishonest approach to reform.” Obama is “repeating the mistakes” of Hillarycare, forcing Americans to join a public...

Anti-Abortion Groups Attack Health Reform

(Newser) - Anti-abortion groups are launching a full-scale assault on health reform plans, contending that current proposals include an “abortion mandate” and would spend taxpayer money on the procedure, Politico reports. The first claim is based on a plan to federally mandate a basic set of procedures insurers must offer. Abortion...

Inaction Costlier Than Health Reform
  Inaction Costlier 
 Than Health Reform 


Inaction Costlier Than Health Reform

(Newser) - If you want to see a health care plan that will hike your taxes, increase your medical expenses, and swell the deficit, Steven Pearlstein can name one: "Doing nothing as we continue to search in vain for the perfect plan." For the Washington Post columnist, a somewhat...

Halperin: 7 Reasons Not to Bet Against Health Reform

(Newser) - President Obama's push for health care reform is hitting heavy turbulence, but Mark Halperin of Time lays out 7 reasons not to bet against him:
  • Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and all the committee chairs "are still on board."
  • Get a bill to conference committee, and the press will

Beck: 'Be Afraid' of Obama's 'Socialist Wonderland'

Sees hybrid of 'France and Venezuela'

(Newser) - Glenn Beck outdid himself yesterday with a high-strung rant about health care reform. He told his viewers to “be afraid” because Obama is “remaking” America “into a place that’s a whole lot crappier. Kind of a hybrid between France and Venezuela.” He then cackled like...

Obama Asks Bloggers to Pressure Hill on Health Care

Leaves open reconciliation option

(Newser) - Barack Obama unleashed the hounds last night, asking progressive bloggers to pressure Congress on health care reform. “There is a default position of inertia here in Washington,” he said on an invitation-only conference call. Lawmakers need to feel the same urgency and desperation ordinary Americans feel, he said,...

Health Care Surtax on the Chopping Block

Dems waffle on high-income tax; timetable cloudy

(Newser) - Democrats are growing queasy about their plan to tax the wealthy to help pay for health care reform, the New York Times reports. Nancy Pelosi yesterday suggested revising the contentious provision so that fewer households would have to pay the surtax. Under the current House draft, individuals earning more than...

Congress Leads Dems on 'Liberal Suicide March'
Congress Leads Dems on 'Liberal Suicide March'

Congress Leads Dems on 'Liberal Suicide March'

They're as out of touch as Republicans were in Bush years: Brooks

(Newser) - The Republican Party turned away from America during its years in power, writes New York Times columnist David Brooks, by paying more attention to echo-chamber media outlets and yes-men pollsters than voters. Now the Democrats are doing the same—instead of Southern conservatives, now it's left-wingers from the coasts who...

Jindal: Dems' Health Care Reform 'Devastating'
Jindal: Dems' Health Care Reform 'Devastating' 

Jindal: Dems' Health Care Reform 'Devastating'

(Newser) - President Obama “is currently just flinging stuff against the wall, in trillion-dollar chunks, to see what sticks,” and his plans for health care are no different, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal writes on Politico. Thanks to failed bailouts and a “trillion-dollar stimulus that has not stimulated,” America...

Obama Health Care a 'Reckless Experiment': Steele

(Newser) - Drawing on the momentum the GOP has gained in the health care debate, RNC chair Michael Steele today called President Obama’s plans a “dangerous experiment,” the Washington Post reports. "This reckless approach is an ill-conceived attempt to push through an experiment and all of us should...

Stories 1121 - 1140 | << Prev   Next >>