health care reform

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Obama Speech Mixed Game of Chutes, Ladders

'Educator-in-chief's' address worked sometimes

(Newser) - President Obama delivered some highly effective moments and some fizzles in his uneven State of the Union address, writes Tom Schaller. His pledge to mend Washington works is fine if it's merely rhetoric to put Republicans on their heels, but he should know by now that "making nice" won't...

Nation Can't Afford Democrats' Policies
 Nation Can't Afford 
 Democrats' Policies 

Nation Can't Afford Democrats' Policies

Va. governor McDonnell rips federal debt, health reform

(Newser) - The nation cannot afford the spending Democrats have enacted or the tax increases they propose, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell said in the Republican response to tonight's State of the Union address. McDonnell criticized the huge run-up in federal debt, and said that while Americans want affordable health care, but they...

'Let's Seize the Moment, Start Anew': Obama
 'Let's Seize the Moment, 
 Start Anew': Obama 

'Let's Seize the Moment, Start Anew': Obama

President focuses on health, jobs, ugly politics

(Newser) - In his first State of the Union address, President Obama waded directly into the financial crisis and the partisan mire of Capitol Hill in tonight’s wide-ranging speech. Obama said the US economy is still struggling, but “the worst of the storm has passed.” And, he urged the...

Obama Will Target Health, Jobs, 'Corrosive' Washington
Obama Will Target Health, Jobs, 'Corrosive' Washington

Obama Will Target Health, Jobs, 'Corrosive' Washington

'Despite our hardships, our union is strong,' speech says

(Newser) - The White House has released excerpts of President Obama’s State of the Union address scheduled for 9 EST tonight. Some highlights, via the Wall Street Journal :
  • “Despite our hardships, our union is strong. We do not give up. We do not quit. We don’t allow fear or

Health Reform Could Proceed on Two Tracks

Pelosi: Congress can work on small tweaks, refine broad plan

(Newser) - Reiterating that there’s no House support for passing the Senate’s version of health-care reform, Nancy Pelosi has a two-pronged strategy for moving forward: Congress should go for small, likely-to-pass tweaks to the system now, while continuing work on an overhaul that can get the necessary votes down the...

Health Care Still Alive? Nate Counts the Votes

Silver adds up House Dems who would support Senate bill

(Newser) - The math is pretty bleak for passage of the Senate version of health-care reform in the House—the last-ditch effort being considered to save it—but it’s not impossible that 218 votes could be wrangled, Nate Silver writes. One big hurdle is the “Stupak block,” which Silver...

Bishops to Congress: Get Health Reform Done
 Bishops to Congress: 
 Get Health Reform Done 

Bishops to Congress: Get Health Reform Done

Church's role in health debate becomes even more paradoxical

(Newser) - The US Catholic bishops, whose primary role in the health care debate until recently was to voice concern about abortion funding, have changed tack in the wake of Scott Brown's election and are now urging Congress not to abandon the "moral imperative" of universal health coverage. The appeal the...

Dems Call a 'Timeout' on Health Care Reform

In wake of Massachusetts, Harry Reid says 'there's no rush'

(Newser) - And suddenly, "there's no rush" to get health care reform passed. So says Harry Reid in comments echoed up and down the party line today. Democrats essentially called a halt to President Obama's No. 1 priority now that Scott Brown's win in Massachusetts has gummed up the works. Coming...

Prez Must Get Tough, Not Just Talk Tough
 Prez Must Get  
 Tough, Not 
 Just Talk Tough 

Prez Must Get Tough, Not Just Talk Tough

Obama will never make a great populist, writes Eugene Robinson

(Newser) - President Obama is going to have to recapture the political initiative with substance instead of style, writes Eugene Robinson. Obama—despite his modest upbringing—is never going to have the guy-next-door touch George W. Bush had, so he should focus on making his actions match his words instead of trying...

GOP to Dems: Start Over on Health Care
 GOP to Dems: 
 Start Over on Health Care 

GOP to Dems: Start Over on Health Care

Not so fast, say top senators as White House pushes ahead

(Newser) - President Obama's elite advisers poured onto the Sunday shows to beat the health reform drum today—and ran right into a wall of Republicans, euphoric from Tuesday's victory in Massachusetts. Even as David Axelrod emphasized that Americans "want Brown to work with us and not be obstructionist," GOP...

Health Reform Hit Partisan 'Buzz Saw': Obama

President says he won't quit trying 'just because it's hard'

(Newser) - President Obama says his health care overhaul has "run into a bit of a buzz saw" and acknowledges the process is looking ugly. Nonetheless he says he'll keep working to finish sweeping legislation. In comments prepared for a town hall meeting in Ohio today, Obama said, "I am...

Obama Can't Ignore This Public Anger
Obama Can't Ignore
This Public Anger

Obama Can't Ignore This Public Anger

If he gets aggressive on health care reform, it's at his own peril

(Newser) - Post-Massachusetts, the Democrats should be more worried about "health-reform fundamentalists" than the GOP, writes Michael Gerson. The legislation has been gathering "criticism and opposition like dirty slush on a snowball" and any Democrat with a smidgen of political smarts should now be backing away from it instead of...

Most Americans Want a Do-Over on Health Bill: Poll

Massachusetts election seen as referendum

(Newser) - A majority of Americans think Democrats should start over on health care reform in the wake of Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts. In a USA Today poll with Gallup, 55% said Democrats should consider alternatives to draw more Republican support, while 39% think Congress should move forward with the current...

Big Mistakes of Obama's First Year
 Big Mistakes 
 of Obama's 
 First Year 

Big Mistakes of Obama's First Year

President's miscalculations include scale, momentum

(Newser) - Scott Brown’s Senate victory in Massachusetts is the final nail in the coffin of the Obama administration’s first-year political strategy, John F. Harris and Carol E. Lee write for Politico . The miscalculations cover “three major counts":
  • Believing 2008 was a game-changer: The Obama team thought the "

Pelosi: Senate Health Bill Won't Pass in House

It needs major revisions, she says

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi says she doesn’t have the votes to jam the Senate heath care bill through the House in a last-minute bid to pass reform before Scott Brown takes office. “There are certain things the members simply cannot support,” Pelosi said, following a closed-door meeting with House...

Romneycare Did In Obamacare
 Romneycare Did In Obamacare 

Romneycare Did In Obamacare

Mass. already has even-more-liberal health plan—why aid others?

(Newser) - Mitt Romney didn’t help Scott Brown win by campaigning for him, Timothy Noah writes, but by giving Massachusetts universal health care four years ago. Sure, the senator-elect and the former governor railed against Obamacare as a “one size fits all” health reform plan, but they were being disingenuous....

In Retreat, Obama Weighs Scaled-Back Health Options

Modest coverage, cost reforms now on horizon

(Newser) - President Obama, chastened by the voter revolt that cost the Democrats their 60th vote in the Senate, is ready to seriously pare down health care reform in an effort to salvage at least some of it. "I would advise that we try to move quickly to coalesce around those...

Obama: Health Bill Must Wait for Scott Brown

He tells Senate not to 'jam' it through before he's in place

(Newser) - President Obama said today the Senate should wait for Scott Brown before moving ahead on health care reform. "Here's one thing I want to make sure that this is off the table: The Senate certainly shouldn't try to jam anything through until Scott Brown is seated," the president...

Obama Has 48 Hours to Save Health Care Reform

He needs to make a 'clear statement,' quickly

(Newser) - The fate of health care reform is going to be decided in the next 48 hours, and with it the fate of the Democratic party. The only hope now of getting the bill through is for the House to bite the bullet and quickly pass the Senate bill, revising it...

Obama's Lost the Middle Class
 Obama's Lost the 
 Middle Class  

Obama's Lost the Middle Class

President has appeared to aloof, business-friendly

(Newser) - Barack Obama knows now, if he didn’t already, that he has a genuine political crisis on his hands. Blame Martha Coakley if you like, but even she could have won if Obama and his policies had been more popular in Massachusetts, contends John Judis of the New Republic. Bloggers...

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