health care reform

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Greek Debt Crisis Is Warning for US
 Greek Debt Crisis 
 Is Warning for US 

Greek Debt Crisis Is Warning for US

Partisan deadlock allowed budget problems to fester

(Newser) - America's on course to become much more like Greece and not in a good way, warns Anne Applebaum. Greece is bankrupt because of financial weaknesses that were allowed to fester for years. Its budget deficit ballooned largely because the nation's deeply partisan political system was paralyzed and no cuts could...

US Medical Schools See First Expansion in 40 Years

Enough with American students forced offshore for training

(Newser) - Nearly two dozen new medical schools have recently opened or are poised to open in the first surge in the number of doctors this country educates in at least 40 years, the New York Times reports. The expansion is aimed at redressing the odd situation that American students who can't...

White House Details Health Summit
 White House Details 
 Health Summit 

White House Details Health Summit

Republicans still suspicious of Feb. 25 gathering

(Newser) - The White House today sent out invitations for its Feb. 25 health-reform summit, detailed the format for the televised proceedings, and said it would post its own proposal online ahead of time. The leaders of both parties in the House and Senate are on the list, and tasked with choosing...

10 GOP Ideas for Health Care Reform
 10 GOP Ideas for 
 Health Care Reform 

10 GOP Ideas for Health Care Reform

Newt Gingrich, John Goodman answer Obama's challenge

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich and economist John C. Goodman have responded to President Obama's challenge for Republicans to show him a better idea on health care reform with 10 ideas. Here's what they list in the Wall Street Journal.
  • Make insurance affordable. This could be done by reforming the "arbitrary and

House Scrutinizes Health Insurer's 39% Rate Hike

Anthem Blue Cross jacks some premiums in California

(Newser) - As Congress opened a probe into a health insurer's impending premium hikes of up to 39%, President Obama yesterday cited Anthem Blue Cross's rate increases as evidence of the need for health care reform. "If we don't act, this is just a preview of coming attractions," Obama said....

Democrats Fault Rahm Emanuel on Health Care

Many believe his inexperience in Senate maneuvering stalled bill

(Newser) - Democrats in Congress think Rahm Emanuel’s lack of Senate experience slowed health care reform legislation to a death crawl. Liberals and centrists have different complaints, but agree that the White House chief of staff’s time in the House did not prepare him for Senate maneuvering. “They're a...

GOP Threatens to Sit Out Obama Health Care Summit

Boehner, Cantor demand Democrats scrap old bill

(Newser) - The House’s Republican leaders are poo-pooing President Obama’s bipartisan health care summit next week, saying they won’t participate unless Democrats agree to scrap their current bill and start over. “If the starting point for this meeting is the job-killing bills the American people have already soundly...

GOP to Push Gradual, Market-Based Health Reform

Party will offer clear alternatives at summit with Obama

(Newser) - Congressional Republicans will likely bring a well-developed alternative road map to health care reform to their summit with President Obama, based on an examination of past actions. The GOP favors a far more market-oriented and less comprehensive approach to reform, according to a New York Times analysis of bills the...

Obama Calls GOP's Bluff With Health Care Summit

President thinks Republican ideas will look worse in the spotlight

(Newser) - President Obama threw Washington a curve yesterday when he invited the GOP to a televised bipartisan health care discussion, and even though he might wind up right back where he started, it’s a good move. “It is a call-the-bluff moment, with the president daring Republicans to put their...

Obama Will Host Bipartisan Health Care Talks—on TV

GOP, Dem leaders to hash out reform with president

(Newser) - President Obama will discuss the future of health care reform with both Republicans and Democrats in a televised meeting later this month. Obama is looking to make good on two campaign pledges that critics say he has neglected since taking office: engaging in meaningful bipartisan negotiations and doing so with...

Dodd, Shelby at 'Impasse' Over Financial Reform

Prospect of bipartisan deal fades

(Newser) - Attempts to craft a bipartisan financial regulatory overhaul have broken down, Chris Dodd announced today, raising the possibility of another partisan brawl like the health care debate. “Last night, Senator Shelby assured me that he is still committed to finding a consensus,” the Senate Banking Committee chairman said...

Al Franken Lashes White House Over Health Care Leadership

Takes David Axelrod to task in closed door meeting

(Newser) - Al Franken flipped out at David Axelrod Wednesday, taking him and the administration to task for failing to provide leadership on the health care bill. The outburst came after President Obama urged Senate Democrats to “finish the job,” but didn’t give them any idea how to do...

Health Care Costs Hit All-Time High

And the government will soon be paying 50% of them

(Newser) - Health care spending hit a record 17.3% of GDP last year, up from 16.2% in 2008, according to new figures from the government’s nonpartisan Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Today’s report also predicts that by next year, the government may be paying 50% or more...

Off-Message Biden Is Right: US Must Stay on Top

EJ Dionne: Vice president recasts the political debate perfectly

(Newser) - Straying off-message yet again during an interview on the stimulus plan, Joe Biden gave EJ Dionne a new perspective on the Obama agenda. The vice president passionately insisted America will remain the world's most influential country—because of its economy, which needs the stimulus. "So many people have bet...

Obama Invites GOP to Policy Sessions, Super Bowl

President moves to engage Republicans

(Newser) - In a move to show voters that President Obama works across partisan lines—and to draw attention to Republican policy proposals—the White House is testing the waters of GOP outreach. The president is not only inviting Republicans to bipartisan policy brainstorming sessions as promised in last week's State of...

The Best YouTube Questions Obama Didn't Answer

Which 'Rocky' movie is your favorite?

(Newser) - President Obama today answered questions Americans submitted on YouTube, tackling serious inquires on foreign policy, health care, and education. But some of the unanswered questions are too entertaining to be ignored, and New York has collected them. Check out the two little kids preoccupied with the destruction of the White...

Health Reform: It's 1994 All Over Again
 Health Reform: 
 It's 1994 All Over Again 

Health Reform: It's 1994 All Over Again

Parallels to last time comprehensive legislation died are stark

(Newser) - Even a cursory look at Democrats’ activity on health care reform brings back clear memories of their 1994 failure to pass comprehensive legislation. For instance, write Carrie Budoff Brown and Chris Frates, “the same people who spent months arguing that reform had to be jammed through quickly” are now...

Obama Spars With GOP

 Obama Spars 
 With GOP 

Obama Spars With GOP

President chides Republicans for telling constituents he'll 'destroy America'

(Newser) - President Obama went toe-to-toe with House Republicans today, accusing them of opposing legislation for political gain. Obama chastised the Republicans for labelling health care reform as a "Bolshevik plot" and said, "The fact of the matter is, many of you, if you voted with the administration on something,...

O'Keefe: The Media Are Picking on Me!

Was at Landrieu's office, 'could have used a different approach'

(Newser) - James O’Keefe says he did not try to bug Mary Landrieu’s phone, and reports saying he did are false. In a lengthy statement on Andrew Breitbart’s Big Journalism blog railing against the media, the conservative activist acknowledges a "visit" to the senator's office and says, "...

Obama Turns Into a 'Deficit Peacock'
Obama Turns Into a
'Deficit Peacock'
paul krugman

Obama Turns Into a 'Deficit Peacock'

His gimmicky idea to cut spending doesn't bode well for the nation

(Newser) - President Obama's gimmicky idea to keep the budget in check by freezing non-defense spending shows he's fallen into the "deficit peacock" camp, writes Paul Krugman. The camp abounds with politicians who support superficial—but politically popular—methods to present the illusion of fiscal discipline. It won't work, and "...

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